-Caveat Lector-

see this url for the whole document:

HIV has not been shown to cause disease when injected experimentally
into chimpanzees, nor when accidentally injected into human health care
workers, even though the virus successfully infects those hosts. If for
ethical or other reasons this third postulate cannot be tested from some
particular germ, strong alternative evidence has to be provided by
specific therapies that neutralize the microbe and thereby prevent the
disease; such therapies would include antibiotics or vaccines. However,
no therapies or antibodies against HIV have been able to prevent AIDS
diseases, although new drugs and vaccines
are continually being proposed.
The burden of such proof is therefore on those who claim that HIV causes
AIDS, as noted by Beverly Griffin, director of the Department of
Virology at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School in London. This burden
is especially high for HIV hypothesis supporters in view of the special
characteristics that had to be attributed to HIV in order to connect it
with AIDS. First, the virus had to be credited with a latent period of
several years between infection and AIDS. But when diseases are said to
occur only years after infection by a virus, it can be difficult to be
sure that other risk factors have not instead
caused the disease. Second, because HIV is conspicuously absent form
lesions, scientists had to hypothesize that the virus caused disease by
indirect means in the body, in spite of a troubling lack of evidence for
such notions. Inventions such as these can be used to blame virtually
any microbe for any disease.
A second set of criticisms of the HIV hypothesis concerns the clinical
definition of AIDS. This definition involves a list created by the CDC
in 1987 of about 25 conventional diseases; if any one of these is
diagnosed, and antibodies against HIV can be found in the same patient,
a diagnosis of AIDS is made. The list includes not only Kaposi's sarcoma
and P. carinii pneumonia, but also tuberculosis, cytomegalovirus,
herpes, diarrhea, candidiasis, lymphoma, dementia, and many other
diseases. If any of these very different diseases is found alone, it is
likely to be diagnosed under its classical
name. If the same conditions is found alongside antibodies against HIV,
it is called AIDS. The correlation between AIDS and HIV is thus an
artifact of the definition itself.
It is very difficult to understand how HIV would be able to devastate
the immune system while never infecting more than a tiny fraction of its
cells. Even if every infected cell were killed, the number of T cells
lost at any time would be roughly equivalent to the number lost through
bleeding from shaving. Such losses could be sustained indefinitely
without affecting the immune system, because the body constantly
produces new T cells at far higher rates. Virtually no reactivation of
the virus occurs when AIDS patients develop sickness, leaving
unexplained how the virus could possibly case immune
suppression, and then only after years of latency. After the body
produces antibodies against HIV, the virus remains at low levels for the
rest of that person's life, precisely the same as for all viruses of its
class. This would help to explain why transmitting HIV is typically so
difficult; antibody-positive people have almost no virus to spread.
fourth paradox of the HIV hypothesis has been noted by several
virologists. HIV belongs to a class of viruses known as the
retroviruses, which are very simple in structure and contain much less
genetic information than most other viruses. Most types of
viruses are lytic, meaning that they kill the cells they infect and
thereby cause disease. Retroviruses, on the other hand, do not generally
kill cells. Upon infecting cells, they copy their genetic information
into the DNA of their new host cells. From that point forward,
retroviruses depend on allowing their host cells to continue living,
while they slowly produce new virus particles that are ejected from the
cell. Retroviruses are therefore poor candidates to blame serious
diseases on, particularly fatal conditions involving the deaths of huge
numbers of cells, such as AIDS. Indeed, some 50
to 100 latent retroviruses have been found to reside in the DNA of all
humans, passed along to each successive generation for as long as human
beings have existed.
also points out the misinterpretations made of animal models. Simian
(monkey) AIDS, for example, does not actually resemble human AIDS. The
animals do not develop a wide spectrum of diseases, not do they suffer
any conditions even remotely similar to Kaposi's sarcoma or dementia.
There is no long latent period between infection by Simian
Immunodeficiency Virus and the development of sickness.
The animals become sick within days or weeks after infection, or not
all. The sickness sometimes developed in these animals by such viruses
resembles more the flu-like conditions occasionally observed in humans
shortly after infection by HIV. Such viruses cause fatal animal only
when they are present in large amounts, and only in highly susceptible
inbred animals kept in laboratory conditions.
situation in Africa is even more puzzling and casts further doubt on the
HIV hypothesis. Most of the media publicity in America on AIDS in Africa
is based on the large extent of HIV infection, not on the extent of AIDS
cases themselves. Nonetheless, although HIV infection appears to be
extremely widespread, present in many areas in 10
to 15 percent of the population, the total number of AIDS cases so far
reported in the entire continent of Africa amounts to merely 41,000.
Proponents of the HIV hypothesis often try to argue that this low figure
is the result of under reporting of AIDS cases. Even in Uganda, however,
which has a reputation for conscientious reporting, 800,000 people are
HIV positive, but only 10,000 are reported to have died of AIDS. A paper
and accompanying editorial in the July 25, 1987, issue of the British
medical journal "The Lancet" argued that AIDS in Africa is actually not
a major epidemic; the paper was written by a doctor from Cromwell
Hospital in London, Felix Konotey-Ahulu, who had just returned from an
extensive investigative tour of the areas of Africa with the most AIDS
critical question about the role of HIV is how it is associated with the
various AIDS diseases. One widespread impression holds that many of the
AIDS diseases were extremely rare before 1980, and only began
reappearing with the presumed introduction of HIV. In reality, not only
have all 25 of these AIDS conditions existed for decades
at a low level in the population, but HIV-free instances of the same
diseases are still being diagnosed today. These diseases are actually
increasing in parallel with their HIV-associated counterparts. A letter
by CDC researchers in the January 20 issue of "The Lancet" reports the
existence of male homosexuals with Kaposi's sarcoma but without HIV.
Robert Root-Bernstein, MacArthur fellow and associate professor of
physiology at Michigan State University, also published a paper in "The
Lancet", of April 25, in which he reviewed the existing literature on
the incidence of Kaposi's prior to AIDS.
Since the first recognition of this condition in 1872, a number of cases
have been reported each year in the United States and Europe. Many of
these were in people under 50 years of age, or even in children-not just
in older men, as originally thought. A number of these cases were fatal.
Some cases were associated with blood transfusions or with pneumonia,
although many were apparently not connected with any other conditions.
Root-Bernstein concluded
that during the 1970's approximately 100 U. S. cases of Kaposi's per
year could have been diagnosed as AIDS. However, Kaposi's sarcoma was
not a disease reportable to medical officials before AIDS, and these
cases were therefore not recognized. Kaposi's was only noticed once it
was found clustered in young homosexual men in 1980-81.
If a number of scientists and medical physicians do not believe HIV is
likely to play any significant role in AIDS, what do they consider the
true cause to be? For the most part, the alternative views of AIDS can
be grouped together as the "risk hypothesis" of AIDS-that the AIDS
diseases are entirely separate conditions caused by a variety of
factors, most of which have in common only that they involve risk
behavior. This view does not see AIDS as being a
transmissible condition at all.

Nevertheless, a risk hypothesis must explain the recent increases in the
various AIDS diseases, and why these have all been concentrated in
particular risk groups. During at least the past decade, the incidence
of these 25 conventional diseases has increased dramatically among
groups in which they were previously rare.

Kaposi's sarcoma may actually be the most clearly understandable of the
AIDS conditions. As noted above, it has existed at low levels in the
population for as long as it has been recognized. Undoubtedly, various
unidentified factors play roles in bringing on this condition. But the
relatively recent clustering of Kaposi's in homosexuals may be due to
their group-specific use of nitrite
inhalants, or "poppers." These aphrodisiac drugs became popular in the
active homosexual community during the 1970's. Use of these inhalants
began declining after they were suggested as a possible cause of AIDS,
and that behavior change has been followed by a corresponding decline in
the incidence of Kaposi's. Early tests on animals also implicated these
inhalants in Kaposi's. In fact, this evidence of the dangers of nitrite
inhalants prompted Congress
to ban the nonprescription use of these drugs in 1988. While these
nitrites were officially dropped from consideration as a cause of AIDS
because they were not associated with all the AIDS diseases, they should
be strongly reconsidered as agents specific to Kaposi's sarcoma.
If the virus-AIDS hypothesis is wrong and the risk hypothesis correct,
several important conclusions follow. The most urgent of these concerns
the current therapy officially approved for AIDS, the drug zidovudine
(AZT). The hope is that AZT, by preventing the copying of DNA within
cells, will prevent the multiplication of HIV in the host. However, by
doing this the drug also kills all actively growing cells in the
patient; chief among these are the cells of
the immune system. This becomes deadly in light of the risk-AIDS
hypothesis; inhibiting HIV would accomplish nothing, while AZT actually
produces the very immune suppression it is supposed to prevent. The
effectiveness of AZT at this task is demonstrated by the fact that it
was first designed in the 1960s for the purpose of fighting immune
system cancers, by killing the rapidly multiplying, cancerous immune
cells; AZT was finally shelved because treated
leukemic mice in laboratory studies died as quickly as those not given
AZT. . Some symptoms of AZT toxicity, such as muscle disease and anemia,
resemble those of full-blown AIDS cases.
see also:

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