From: "Reed Irvine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 17:01:17 -0400

May 15, 2000

Supreme Court Subverts Freedom of Information Act

The Supreme Courtšs refusal to grant certiorari in the case of
Accuracy in Mediašs suit to force the U. S. Park Service to
release photos taken at the scene where former White House
Counsel Vincent W. Fosteršs body was found is a serious blow to
the purposes for which the Freedom of Information Act was

Reed Irvine, chairman of the media watchdog group, says that the
Park Service has refused to release any photos of the crime scene
that show Fosteršs body, claiming that doing so would be an
invasion of the privacy of members of Fosteršs family. This
argument was accepted by both the United States District Court
for the District of Columbia and the U. S. Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit, ignoring the long-established
principle that onešs privacy interests vanish at death. The
judges even refused to examine the photos in camera.

Under the law, any privacy interest is supposed to be balanced
against the publicšs interest in obtaining the information being
withheld by the government. In the Foster case, the National Park
Service contends that the graphic nature of the photographs would
render their release offensive to the Foster family.

Irvine said this is absurd, since the accounts of everyone who
saw Fosteršs body at the crime scene agree that there was no
visible evidence of a serious wound on Fosteršs body. The person
who found Fosteršs body at first thought that he was simply
sleeping. He was lying on his back with his arms at his side,
feet outstretched, and there was almost no visible blood either
on his body or the surrounding vegetation even though he had
allegedly fired a .38 caliber high velocity bullet into his mouth
that allegedly exited from the back of his skull.

The reason these photos are not being released, Irvine said, is
not because they are "graphic" but because they are not "graphic"
enough. They disprove the U.S. Park Police claim that it was so
obvious that Foster committed suicide where the body was found
that there was no need to investigate his death as a possible

The one photo that has been leaked to the press, a photo of
Fosteršs hand with the tip of his thumb between the trigger and
the trigger guard of the .38 revolver that he allegedly used to
shoot himself, proves that the U.S. Park Police lied about the
reason the gun remained in Fosteršs hand. They said it was
because his thumb was wedged between the trigger and the trigger
guard above the knuckle. The photo clearly shows the trigger
guard encircling the thumb above the thumbnail, where it could
not possibly have been "wedged." Another photo is said to
substantiate the claim of paramedic Richard Arthur that there was
what appeared to be a small caliber bullet wound on the right
side of Fosteršs neck under the jaw that none of the Park Police
officers noticed. Irvine says this was probably the entrance
wound made by the bullet that killed Foster.

In addition, Irvine says, the disappearance of many of the photos
taken by the Park Police, including some that showed the back of
Fosteršs head and body, is probably explained by the fact that
they show what Park Police officer John Rolla reported ‹ the
absence of any sign of an exit wound in the back of Fosteršs
skull even though the report of the autopsy performed the next
day said there was an exit wound the size of a half dollar.

Irvine said that if frivolous claims that relatives of deceased
individuals might be pained by revelations about their loved
ones, the FBI may use this as an excuse for changing its present
policy of making its files on individuals public after their
death. He said, "Using the excuse of possibly injuring feelings
of relatives to withhold information of wrongdoing or errors by
government officials or by the deceased should be a matter of
great concern to journalists and historians."

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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