-Caveat Lector-


13. (ALIEN) UNDERGROUND FACILITIES (USA)..., and info on (mostly dry) lakes:

(For more info see Matrix, Dulce papers e.i. dealing with this subject.)

Federation: Mostly California
Draconian Empire: Mostly New Mexico

 Nellis Bombing and Gunnery Range, Nevada
Area 51 Groom Lake:
LAT: N37 14.66        =     North 37 14' 66''
LON: W115 47.61    =     West 115 47' 61''
ELEV.: 4383'             =     Elevation  43 83'
S4 Papoose Dry Lake
Northern Nevada
Blue Diamond

near Dulce, west slope of Mt. Archuleta near 'the Diamond' New Mexico (Dulce
is known for 'Ultra 6' and 'Ultra 7' Nightmare Hall papers. Place of huge
genetic experiments. See 'Dulce Papers') In 1979: Dulce wars.
For more info see Dr. Paul Bennewitz (founder of Thunder Scientific
Corporation ) report on 'Project Beta' Probably three or more
Draco Reptiles (Reptoids)
Datil, New Mexico
Taos Pueblo North, New Mexico
Four Corners Area, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado DREAMLAND cavern
systems beneath this area. (Highway '666' is very near. See the map. Connect
four area states.)
Sunspot, New Mexico
Pie Town, New Mexico
Roswell, New Mexico
Ice Caves, YY-II near Los Alamos, New Mexico
Sandia Laboratories, New Mexico
Angel Peak, New Mexico
Carlsbad, New Mexico

'Tehachapi Ranch' or 'The Tejon Ranch', Little Oak Canyon, Western Antelope
Valley, 25 miles Northwest of Lancaster, California Northrop Facility
Hellendale (Lockheed RCS Facility), California
Llano, (McDonnell-Douglas facility at former Gray Buttle air field),
Fort Irvin, California
Deep Springs, California
Telos, Mt. Shasta, California
29 Palms, California

Fort Hood, Texas: 'Gray AFB'

Fort Wayne, (near the Ute mountains), Colorado
Quartzite Mountain, Colorado
Grand Mesa, Colorado
Fort Carson: NRO is based, Colorado

North of Tucson, Arizona
Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona
Page, Arizona

caverns under Salt Lake City (Mormon Ch. connection), Utah
Little Cottonwood Canyon, Granite Mountain, Utah
Draper, Utah
Twin Peaks, Utah
Wasatch Mountain Range, Utah
Salem, Utah
Spanish Fork, Utah
Payson, Utah
Mt. Nebo, Utah
Monroe Mountains, Utah

Fort Riley, Kansas

Ada, Oklahoma
Facilities on the near celestial bodies:

Info on (Dry) Lakes at the Restricted Areas:
(according to: AAA Road Atlas, Library of Congress 85-117512, ISBN
1-56251-080-0 #6393)


Argus Range (Naval Weapons Center): China Lake
Goldstone Deep Space Tracking Station: Goldstone Dry Lake
Irwin National Training Center: Bicycle Lake
Edwards Air Force Base: Rosamond Dry Lake Rogers Dry Lake
Bullion Mountains (Marine Corps Training Center): Lavic Dry Lake

Nellis Air Force Range:
1 near Castus Flat
Mud Lake
Groom Lake
Papoose Lake
Yucca Lake
Frenchman Lake
2 lakes near Indiana Springs
1 near desert range (dry)
Cabin Springs Dry Lake


Orion Empire
Galactic Confederation (Andromedan Council)
Draconian Empire
Ashtar 'Astarte' collective

between Rigellian 'ORION' and the Sirius system: ORION WARS
between Blonds and Serpent Race (Greys, Draco Reptiles): Ancient LYRAN WARS


Equilateral Triangle, Snake: Greys
Serpent Climbing a Wine: Pleiadians
Dragon: Reptilian (Serpent Race)
Eye of Horus (Ra), Cult of All Seeing Eye: Sirians
Trilateral Insignia: Large Nosed Greys
Triangular arrangement of Three Spheres: Pleiades, Orion, Sirius
Other Signs:

Black Triangle on the Red background: Delta Group (Force)
Triangle with the Greek letter Tau within it: Dulce Base
Triangle and 3 Lateral Lines: Seen on some Flying Saucers
Some Co. and Signs Used by them (during last years)...:

SONY: Trilogic (Triangle)
SIEMENS: Nile Technology, Pyramid, TriMark (Triangle)


(Just few, sorry for mistakes...)
Mostly is mentioned about three distinct colony zones, and three main types:

Andromedan Council (Andromeda system: refugees from ancient Lyran Wars)
Sirius: Red (Orange) type
Pleiades: Blonde type
Orion: Black type

ORION, Betelguese: Large Nosed (Tall) Greys 'Council of Light' (DNA from
insect and Reptilians)
(Star is: M type, 652 LY (distance in Light Years))
ORION, Rigel: Greys (original habited by Blonds) 'Evil Power'
(Star is: 815 LY)
RETICULUM, Zeta Reticuli: Greys (they original outpost - Now slaves in
service of reptilian species of Orion and Draco system)
(Star is: G2 type, 38 LY)
DRACO, Thuban (Alfa Draconis): Original outpost of Draco Reptilians species
(Oldest reptilian race in the near universe)
(Star is: A0 type, 215 LY)
DRACO, Wolf424 A&B: ...Ummo, French Connection
(Star is: M6e, 14.2 LY)
AURIGA, Alfa Aurigae - Capella: Draconians
(Stars are: A, B, 45 LY)
CANIS MINOR, Procyon: Blonds
(Star: F5 type, 11.4 LY)
PLEIADES (Seven Sisters): Blonds (Nordic (human appearance) type)
Group of Stars (Alcyone, Celaeano, Electra, Atlas, Merope, Sterope I,
Sterope II, Taygeta (planet ERRA 'Semjase & co.'), Maia, Pleione...etc):
Original were Lyrans that came to Earth (Terra) and then went to Pleiades.
(aprox. 410 LY)
CANIS MAIOR, Sirius system: Orange type - very scientific. Original outpost
of MIB
(Star is: A1 type, 8.6 LY)
LYRA: Original outpost of white Aryan (Nordic) Race. What is left of Aryans
(Lyrans) is the Pleiadians and Andromedans and some Arcturian, Cignus Alpha,
Alpha Centauri, Sagitarius A&B, Cassiopeia...
LYRA, Vega: Nordic type
(Star is: A0 type, 26.5 LY)
TAURUS, Hyades: Nordic type
(130 LY)
CETUS, Tau Ceti: Nordic type
(Star is: G8, 11.8 LY)

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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