-Caveat Lector-

Institute for Public Accuracy
(202) 347-0020  *  http://www.accuracy.org
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045

Friday, December 4, 1998


     A new report by the World Bank is sparking controversy
because of its criticism of the IMF's policies related to the
Asian economic crisis. Among those available for comment are:

ROBERT NAIMAN, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.preamble.org
     A research associate at the Preamble Center who specializes
in assessing the impacts of economic globalization, Naiman said:
"The good news is that the World Bank admits that punishingly
high interest rates have destroyed these economies and that
nations need controls on capital flows. The bad news is that it
still funds IMF bailout packages that impose impossibly harsh
austerity conditions on developing countries."

     The author of "Masters of Illusion: The World Bank and the
Poverty of Nations," Caufield said: "It's outrageous that the
World Bank should criticize the IMF and the U.S. without
acknowledging that it pursued the same policy of deregulating
financial markets that led to the present instability. The Bank
has been trying to distance itself from the IMF, but the fact is
that it has pursued the same flawed policies since the 1980s."

     Winters is a professor of political economy at Northwestern
University who has written widely on Southeast Asia. "The World
Bank's years of tolerating corruption contributed as much to the
current Asian crisis as the more proximate policies of the IMF,"
said Winters, who is author of "Power in Motion: Capital Mobility
and the Indonesian State."  "Over the course of the Suharto
regime, for example, the Bank loaned roughly $30 billion to
Indonesia, knowing that roughly a third -- by the Bank's own
admission -- was being systematically stolen."

NJOKI NHOROGE NJEHU, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.50years.org
     Director of the 50 Years Is Enough Network, Njehu said:
"People have been suffering from the IMF/World Bank policies for
over 20 years, not just the last year in Asia. What is different
is that some bankers and investors lost money this time -- though
they benefitted from the bailouts, while poor and working people
were excluded."

CAROL WELCH, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.foe.org
     The international policy analyst for Friends of the Earth,
Welch recently authored a paper titled "IMF and Good Governance."
Welch comments: "It's refreshing to have the World Bank finally
criticizing the austerity programs of the IMF.... The report
demonstrates the need to rein in rampant speculative capital.
They should have `speed bumps' for capital outflows."

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public
Accuracy: Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020, or David Zupan, (541)


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