-Caveat Lector-

08/13/2001 - Updated 11:46 PM ET

Contractor pleads guilty to paying bribe to Traficant

CLEVELAND (AP) A contractor pleaded guilty Monday to bribing U.S. Rep.
James A. Traficant in 1998.

Traficant, who has represented the Youngstown area in Congress for 18
years, was indicted in May on charges of accepting cash and thousands of
dollars worth of free work at his farm in exchange for helping businessmen
gain contracts. Traficant is representing himself in court, though he is
not an attorney.

James Sabatine, 49, of Canfield, pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court to
paying Traficant a $2,400 bribe. Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Blake said
Sabatine "has agreed to cooperate" with prosecutors, which may include
having him testify against Traficant.

In the plea agreement filed Monday, prosecutors said Sabatine paid the
bribe three years ago for help in getting access to a rail line near
Sabatine's asphalt plant.

Traficant has not been charged with accepting a bribe from Sabatine, but
prosecutors could ask to add additional charges to his indictment.

Traficant, a Democrat, did not return telephone messages left at his
district office in Youngstown and his Washington office.

A 3.50-year federal investigation of corruption in the Youngstown area has
led to more than 70 convictions, including a judge, a prosecutor, a sheriff
and a Traficant aide who has since died.

Sabatine is the third businessman convicted in the investigation of
Traficant, 60. He is also pleading guilty to failing to pay $239,000 in

Traficant has denied any wrongdoing, and has hinted that he will build his
defense around allegations of prosecutorial misconduct.

John J. Cafaro, a multimillionaire member of a Youngstown mall-development
family, and A. David Sugar, a construction company owner, have pleaded
guilty in the investigation.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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