On Monday, August 21, 2000 2:00 AM, P Rehn [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> I guess I dont really understand why anyone
> would want to lie about be raped and shocked
> and beaten.  I dont understand why anyone
> would want to fake dissociation so they could
> obtain the meager funds from disability.

This is a good point.

As someone close to an abusive situation, after years of study, reading and
consideration of what is almost always anecdotal and hearsay evidence, I
have concluded:

The victims and victimizers in many child sexual abuse cases, and I don't
claim to speak on religious ritual or military technology abuses of children
or adults, are often in total denial. That denial can last for years or even
a lifetime.

The power of denial in these situations is grossly underestimated and

My experience is that even with 95 percent certainty abuse has occurred,
with all the relevant facts staring one in the face, the 5 percent
uncertainty can turn into total denial. Total means total and that denial is
necessary at times to get on with life. That does not change the facts, it
just makes moving on possible for the time being.

One more point: every good man I have known has done evil things, and every
evil man I have known has done good things. This is a world of polarity and
duality and we are here to play in that game. No one is totally evil or
totally good in a world of polarity. Now it may be fun to label others in
ways that make us feel better about ourselves temporarily; that does not
make our feelings into facts.

Denial is a part of life which enables survival, like ducking a tree branch
or holding one's breath underwater; let's be thankful it is there for us but
strive to understand its existence and power in our lives.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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