Adjunct to Enron

(Conspiracy Nation, 12/03/01) -- In a report issued yesterday, independent journalist Sherman Skolnick delved into the collapse of the energy giant called Enron. Other information on the debacle casts further light on the situation.

Enron, writes Skolnick, a veteran investigator of secret corruption, was the seventh largest of the so-called Fortune 500. The massive nature of the Enron collapse is corroborated by a Bloomberg wire service story issued coincident to Skolnick's report. In the Bloomberg report, Peter Chapman, president of Bankruptcy Creditors Service Inc., is quoted as saying, "If Enron were a sovereign nation, it would be the 30th-largest in the world between Egypt and Malaysia." ("Enron Files Largest-Ever Chapter 11 Case, Sues Dynegy," by Jeff St. Onge. Bloomberg, 12/02/01)

Also coincident with the Enron meltdown is the imminent collapse of the Argentine economy. On December 2nd, the nation of Argentina edged closer to bankruptcy. After financial analysts had warned of a collapse, the Argentine government stepped in and limited bank customers' cash withdrawals to $250 per week. This led to runs on banks and an explosive atmosphere in that South American country.

The temptation is to jokingly suggest, "Perhaps Osama bin Laden is to blame." Yet the latest issue of Time magazine eerily foresees, "as the U.S. looks beyond Afghanistan for its next target in the war on terror, one part of the world that has received relatively scant attention is South America." It seems, according to Time magazine, that Osama's Gang is lurking in a "tri-border area, where Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay meet." ("A Terror Threat From The South," Time magazine, 12/10/01)

Also eerie is how Osama's Gang has been paired with the ongoing financial earthquake which began coincident with the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Among the latest rumblings has been Enron, leader among the energy industry in campaign contributions to Bush the Second and the G.O.P. ("Power Failure," by Daniel Kadlec. Time magazine, 12/10/01)

(Skolnick promises that in an upcoming Enron expose he "will explore the role of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush.")

Obliterated has been Enron's 401(k) plan, causing consequent suffering amongst Enron employees who unwisely invested -- "unwisely invested", or were suckered into the plan by management salesmanship. Imagine Enron employees summoned to meetings where they watch a corporate video extolling the Enron 401(k) plan. Money from employee investors coincidentally boosts stock values of mighty Enron, for awhile. But now, Enron employee investors such as Bobbie and Jerry Dotson have "lost most of their life savings" following the nosedive of Enron stock. (Kadlec. Op. cit.)

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