-Caveat Lector-

     "[Its relationship with Russia] has brought Cyprus under pressure from
Washington and the EU, who fear a heightening of tensions between Greece and
Turkey, both members of NATO -- and both at loggerheads territorial rights in
the Aegean Sea."

Russian missiles arrive on Greek island

ATHENS (Reuters) - Russian anti-aircraft missiles have arrived on the Greek
island of Crete after Turkey strongly objected to plans to install them in
Cyprus, the Greek government said Thursday.

The S-300 surface-to-air missiles were ordered from Russia by the Cypriot
government in a bid to counter Turkish air superiority over the divided

Turkey reacted angrily to news of the order, threatening to use force to
prevent the missiles from arriving on Cyprus.

Cypriot President Glafcos Clerides reached an agreement with the Greek
government earlier this year to install the missiles in Crete.

Clerides had come under pressure from Washington and the European Union to
cancel the order for fear that it might heighten tension between Greece and
Turkey, which are both members of NATO.

The two countries have long been at loggerheads over Cyprus and territorial
rights in the Aegean Sea.

The S-300s, with a range of 90 miles, would have been a significant boost to
Cyprus' virtually non-existent air defenses.

Cyprus is now mulling the acquisition of a shorter range alternative.
Representatives of Alenia, an Italian arms firm, are currently in Nicosia
discussing the prospects of selling the Cypriots the ground-to-air Aspide
missile, an Italian diplomat said.

The rocket has a range of eight miles.

``They are here to see what possibilities there are for an agreement,'' a
spokesman of the Italian embassy in Nicosia said.

Cypriot defense officials refused to comment.

Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkey invaded the northern third
after a coup in Nicosia engineered by the military junta then ruling Greece.

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