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Click Here: <A HREF="http://csrc.nist.gov/encryption/aes/">Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) Development …</A>

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Development Effort

AES Home Page
Modes of Operation Workshop
Recent News
AES Finalists:
NIST's Round 1 Report
Finalist Algorithm Information
Round 2 Analysis
Round 2 Comments
Discussion Forum
3rd AES Conference
R1 Algorithms
R1 Announcement
R1 Comments
2nd AES Conference
1st AES Conference
Call for Candidates
AES Beginnings *** RIJNDAEL ***
Selected by NIST
for the Proposed AES
October 2, 2000
[Note: Apparently, one of our NIST servers was down for a while today, making
the webcast inaccessible. It also has led to a delay in these AES pages being
updated. We will try to make the "archived" webcast available as soon as

*   Press Release
*   AES Fact Sheet (please review before contacting NIST with questions!)
*   NIST's Report on the Development of the Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES), which summarizes NIST's selection and the public comments, is now
*   Rijndael information (specifications, code, test values, etc.)

Recent Announcements

October 2, 2000 - NIST announces that Rijndael has been selected as the
proposed AES.
September 29, 2000 - Information on the October 20, 2000 Modes of Operation
Workshop is still available, and comments are invited.
August 7, 2000 - VHDL models developed by NSA to evaluate the hardware
performance of the five finalists is available.
Additional AES "News" from Round 2.


SPECIAL NOTE - Intellectual Property
NIST reminds all interested parties that the adoption of AES is being
conducted as an open standards-setting activity. Specifically, NIST has
requested that all interested parties identify to NIST any patents or
inventions that may be required for the use of AES. NIST hereby gives public
notice that it may seek redress under the antitrust laws of the United States
against any party in the future who might seek to exercise patent rights
against any user of AES that have not been disclosed to NIST in response to
this request for information.


Overview of the AES Development Effort

August, 1999
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has been working
with industry and the cryptographic community to develop an Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES). The overall goal is to develop a Federal
Information Processing Standard (FIPS) that specifies an encryption
algorithm(s) capable of protecting sensitive government information well into
the next century. The algorithm(s) is expected to be used by the U.S.
Government and, on a voluntary basis, by the private sector.
On January 2, 1997, NIST announced the initiation of the AES development
effort and made a formal call for algorithms on September 12, 1997. The call
stipulated that the AES would specify an unclassified, publicly disclosed
encryption algorithm(s), available royalty-free, worldwide. In addition, the
algorithm(s) must implement symmetric key cryptography as a block cipher and
(at a minimum) support block sizes of 128-bits and key sizes of 128-, 192-,
and 256-bits.
On August 20, 1998, NIST announced a group of fifteen AES candidate
algorithms at the First AES Candidate Conference (AES1). These algorithms had
been submitted by members of the cryptographic community from around the
world. At that conference and in a simultaneously published Federal Register
notice, NIST solicited public comments on the candidates. A Second AES
Candidate Conference (AES2) was held in March 1999 to discuss the results of
the analysis conducted by the global cryptographic community on the candidate
algorithms. The public comment period on the initial review of the algorithms
closed on April 15, 1999. Using the analyses and comments received, NIST
selected five algorithms from the fifteen.
The AES finalist candidate algorithms are MARS, RC6, Rijndael, Serpent, and
Twofish. NIST has developed a Round 1 Report describing the selection of the
These finalist algorithms received further analysis during a second, more
in-depth review period prior to the selection of the final algorithm(s) for
the AES FIPS. Until May 15, 2000, NIST solicited public comments on the
remaining algorithms. Comments and analysis were actively sought by NIST on
any aspect of the candidate algorithms, including, - but not limited to, -
the following topics: cryptanalysis, intellectual property, crosscutting
analyses of all of the AES finalists, overall recommendations and
implementation issues. An informal AES discussion forum is also provided by
NIST for interested parties to discuss the AES finalists and relevant AES
Near the end of Round 2, NIST sponsored the Third AES Candidate Conference
(AES3) - an open, public forum for discussion of the analyses of the AES
finalists. AES3 was held April 13-14, 2000 in New York, NY, USA. Submitters
of the AES finalists were invited to attend and engage in discussions
regarding comments on their algorithms. NIST is providing a final agenda
which includes links to the papers that were accepted for AES3, their
presentations (if available), the submitter statements, and the submitter
presentations. All papers proposed for this conference are considered as
official Round 2 public comments.
Since the close of the Round 2 public analysis period on May 15, 2000, NIST
has been studying all available information in order to make a selection for
the AES. Currently, NIST anticipates that it will announce the AES selection
by late summer or early fall of 2000. No firm date has been set for this
announcement, which will be made using a press release and information on
this AES home page, at a minimum. Concurrent with the announcement, NIST will
publish a "Round 2 Report" that will summarize information from Round 2 and
explain NIST's selection.
Shortly after the announcement, a draft Federal Information Processing
Standard (FIPS) for the AES will be published for public review and comment.
Following the comment period (of at least three months), the standard will be
revised by NIST, as appropriate, in response to those comments. A review,
approval, and promulgation process will then follow. If all steps of the AES
development process proceed as planned, it is anticipated that the standard
will be completed by the summer of 2001. At the time that NIST publishes the
AES standard, it is intended that validation testing (i.e., conformance
testing) for AES implementations will be available through NIST's
Cryptographic Module Validation Program.


Last Modified: October 2, 2000
Press Contacts
Computer Security Division
National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIST is an agency of the U.S. Commerce Department's Technology Administration
NIST Disclaimer and Privacy Notice
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Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
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