-Caveat Lector-

Afghan Angst
Bay Area community watches Taliban depredations from afar
Jonathan Curiel, Chronicle Staff Writer
Sunday, March 18, 2001
©2001 San Francisco Chronicle
URL: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-

In Kabul, Herat, Kandahar and other cities in Afghanistan, Now-ruz --
the  traditional Afghan New Year -- will pass on Tuesday without
fanfare. In the  Bay Area, scores of Afghan men, women and children
will dress up, make special  food and play music, just as their
Persian-speaking ancestors have done for  thousands of years.
"We will celebrate our tradition over here," said Suraya Ahmadzai,
40, who  arrived in Fremont last year with her two daughters and
three sons. "We're not  going to forget about it."
Although the Taliban's recent destruction of Afghanistan's biggest
Buddhist  statues has captured world attention, for many of the Bay
Area's estimated 60, 000 Afghans it is just the latest evidence of
horrors that have befallen their  homeland since the fundamentalist
religious group gained control. Less widely  reported, for example,
are the Taliban's strict rules against celebrating Now- ruz.
Five years ago, Mohammed Najibullah, Afghanistan's widely hated
Communist- backed president, was hung from a noose in Kabul, his
flesh poked and prodded  by angry Afghan men.
When the Taliban killed and castrated Najibullah in 1996, they began
a  reign that still has repercussions in the Bay Area, which is home
to the  largest Afghan community in North America.
Many with relatives in Afghanistan fear the Taliban and refuse to
speak out  publicly against them -- but for Sediqullah Rahi, one of
Najibullah's two  surviving brothers, hatred outweighs any other
"They're very primitive, close-minded people," Rahi said during an
interview in his Fremont home. "They are not allowing anything
progressive in  Afghanistan. Our economy is destroyed, our social
life is destroyed, our  people's lives are nothing. And, now, they're
destroying our cultural life,  too."
Rahi's three-bedroom apartment has turned into a refuge for 13
people,  including his cousin Ahmadzai and her family.
In Afghanistan, she taught history, geography and other high school
subjects. One daughter, Illai, 26, was studying to be an engineer. A
son,  Faheem, 22, was preparing to be a doctor. Uprooted but happy to
be away from  the daily threat of death, they are taking English
classes and hoping to  resume a normal life, 7,300 miles from the
land that nourished them since  childhood.
Waves of Afghan refugees have come to the Bay Area for 20 years.
Concentrated in Fremont, Hayward and other East Bay cities -- and
lacking  highly visible political organizations that lobby city halls
-- Afghans here  have been hidden to most of the wider Bay Area
That's beginning to change. With the building of new Afghan mosques,
the  opening of more Afghan businesses and the emergence of a
generation of Afghan  children reared and educated in the United
States, the Bay Area's Afghan  community might soon metamorphose into
a more prominent ethnic body.
When the first large wave of refugees arrived in the United States
shortly  after Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan in 1979, they
thought they would  return to their country within months or a few
years. Today, Afghans in the  Bay Area realize that peace may never
completely prevail, and that "home" is  now here.
"As they say, Fremont is happening," said Feraidoon Mojadidi, a Herat-
born  man who owns the Rumi Bookstore in Fremont.
In the past 10 years, so many Afghan businesses have opened near the
intersection of Fremont and Peralta boulevards that Afghans jokingly
call the  area "Little Kabul."
Within walking distance of Mojadidi's bookstore are shops that
specialize  in all things Afghan -- jewelry, pottery, newspapers,
music, rice and bread.
Lining the stores are posters that show smiling Afghan men in native
hats  called pakol, posters that show the armed mujahideen who
terrorized Soviet  troops until they left Afghanistan in 1989, and
posters that show one of  Afghanistan's most famous faces: the girl
from a refugee camp who graced the  cover of National Geographic in
1985. If there is a sad symbol of the Afghan  diaspora, it is the
girl with traumatized eyes who has not been seen since the  photo was
Prompted by the Soviet occupation and the subsequent internecine
warfare  among rival Afghan groups, more than 5 million people have
fled the country in  the past 20 years, most going to Iran and
Pakistan. About 50,000 Afghans live  in Russia, 40,000 in Germany and
a lesser number in other European countries,  Afghans say. Most who
came to the United States settled in New York,  Washington, Los
Angeles and the Bay Area.
How did Fremont become the de facto capital of Bay Area Afghan life?
Afghans attribute the influx to three factors: comfortable weather,
hilly  surroundings that remind refugees of Afghanistan and a word-of-
mouth effect  that started two decades ago and hasn't stopped. As
more refugees arrive here,  more social services and organizations
for them are started, drawing even more  Afghans to the Bay Area.
Along with their arrival come ethnic, language and religious
differences  that have badly divided the Afghan community. The
Taliban are mainly Sunni  Muslims and Pashtuns -- Afghanistan's
majority ethnic group -- who speak  Pashto. The language is different
from Dari, the Persian language that was the  lingua franca of pre-
Taliban Afghanistan and is spoken widely today among Bay  Area
Afghanistan's non-Pashtun minority groups -- Hazaras, who follow
Shiite  Islam, Uzbeks, Tajiks and others -- form the opposition to
the Taliban. In  Afghanistan, Ahmad Shah Masood, a Dari-speaking
Tajik general, heads the  military units fighting the Taliban, who
control 95 percent of the country.
In the United States, some people of Pashtun descent virulently
oppose the Taliban, but some like Najia Hamid, a prominent Afghan
American leader who  lives in Union City, herald the Taliban's rule.
Hamid said the Taliban have  eliminated the crime, sexual attacks,
opium cultivation and other lawlessness  previously widespread in
"The Taliban government has established rehabilitation of the
country," she  said. "Unfortunately, U.N. sanctions (against
Afghanistan) have stopped all  activities and progress. . . . They
should have more sympathy for them. It's  not fair. You have to help
them, not just hurt them."
Hamid is visiting Afghanistan next month and plans to meet with the
Taliban's minister of foreign affairs, minister of education and
minister of  health "to ask what I can do for them. (Perhaps) I can
help collect money.  Because there are (U.N.) sanctions, other
countries will not help them. I can  collect some money to help
schools, remodel them and start students to go  there."
Two weeks ago, Hamid and other Taliban supporters met in the Bay Area
with Rahmatullah Hashemi, a visiting Taliban representative who
briefed them on  events in Afghanistan, including the recent
destruction of the Buddha statues  at Bamiyan.
"Afghans are important for us wherever they may be," Hashemi said.
"We have many Afghans here who need to know about their country. They
have a right to  be informed."
Because of the Taliban's regressive policies and their reported
atrocities  (last month, Human Rights Watch said the Taliban
slaughtered about 300 unarmed Hazaras), many Afghan women refuse to
meet a Taliban leader.
The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, a
prominent Pakistan-based organization with supporters in the Bay
Area, has publicly  protested the Taliban's policies. In Afghanistan,
women are required to wear  net-faced burkas, cannot freely attend
most schools and are usually prohibited  from working outside the
home. Men are forced to grow long beards.
"There are some groups here that are pro-Taliban, but it's not
representative," said Rona Popal, chairwoman of the Fremont-based
Afghan  Women's Association International.
Popal, who left Afghanistan in 1977, said she is not opposed to the
burka  as a clothing option for women who wish to cover themselves
from head to toe.  "People have no problem with the burka, but when
it comes to forcing people to  wear it -- that's what we're opposed
to," Popal said. "Or you have to speak a  certain language or you're
out -- that's what we're opposed to."
It would be rare to see an Afghan woman in the Bay Area wearing a
burka.  More common are women in head scarves and clothing that
covers arms and legs,  and women in Western dress and makeup.
At the new $2 million mosque on Mission Boulevard in Hayward, some
Afghan  men who go there sport long beards and wear traditional
turbans and hats, but  most have no facial hair. The younger men
attend in fashionable jeans and  jackets. Some wear baseball caps and
sweat pants.
"Most of the young (Afghan) people have assimilated into the culture,
into  the American dream," said the 30-year-old Mojadidi, who attends
prayer  services at the new Hayward mosque. "The adults -- that's not
their dream.  Their dream is family values -- that you have to
respect your parents."
If there is anything that unites Afghan people in the Bay Area, it's
the  feeling the United States abandoned their country after the
Soviets were  finally driven out 12 years ago.
The U.S. government used Afghan fighters as a bulwark against Soviet
expansion in Central Asia and the Middle East, and when the Soviet
Union  subsequently collapsed and the Berlin Wall came down, U.S.
officials  celebrated while millions of Afghan refugees remained in
squalid camps in  Pakistan and Iran. Afghanistan has never recovered,
Afghan's say.
The presence there of terrorist Osama bin Laden and the fact that
Pakistan  backs the Taliban are signs, they say, that outside forces
still run the  country.
Returning to Afghanistan brings sadness to those who remember the
1970s,  when there were few military problems, little begging on the
streets and no  such thing as an Afghan diaspora. During those days,
tourists from the United  States, England, France and elsewhere would
stop in Afghanistan and visit  Kabul, Kandahar and Bamiyan, where the
1,500-year-old Buddha statues were  carved into a cliff face.
"Tourists used to come to (Bamiyan) and spend money -- money that
went to Afghanistan and the poor," said Amin Mehdavi, a 31-year-old
mechanic from  Union City who grew up in Kabul. "Even when the
Russians were there, people  would come to Bamiyan."
When Mojadidi returned to Afghanistan in 1998 to visit his family, he
found  few of the townspeople from his childhood. "I visited a lot of
graves," he  said. "Most of my friends got killed during the war"
against the Soviets.
To recapture a more stable sense of identity and culture, Bay Area
Afghans  flock to the Afghan storefronts along Fremont Boulevard,
attend Afghan music  concerts at Fremont's Flamingo Palace and other
venues, and read Afghan books,  papers and poetry. (Rumi, who is the
best-selling poet in the United States,  was born in Balkh,
Afghanistan, in 1207.)
For news, Afghans here scroll the growing number of Afghan Web sites
such  as www.afgha.com and www.afghan-web.com, and listen to radio
shows broadcast here in Dari and Pashto. Said Faizi, an Alameda man
who produces a two-hour Saturday program called Radio Voice of
Afghanistan, said his show is  particularly important for older
Afghan refugees who don't speak much English.
"They need something in their own language," said Faizi, 61. "And
(the  program) is good for me because I am busy with it. Otherwise,
what should I  do? Sit home and get depressed?"
Many Bay Area Afghans tell wrenching stories of fleeing Afghanistan
in the  middle of the night and having to walk for miles on dirt
roads to avoid  detection. Despite all the pain they associate with
their country, older  Afghans talk about returning some day, even if
it's just to be buried there in  peace.
Sher Ahmad, 54, who grew up in Kandahar and is now director of a
Fremont organization that helps refugees, went to his hometown in
October and made arrangements for his final resting place.
"I went to the graveyard of my parents," Ahmad said, "and I chose a
graveyard for me. I said, 'Here is where I should be buried, right
next to my  mother.' "
E-mail Jonathan Curiel at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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