-Caveat Lector-

>For example, an arsonist torching a small grocery store at 2AM (and the janitor
>thereby being killed) would not be guilty of murder, "merely" manslaughter. A
>just-fired and extremely upset former employee who grabs his AK-47 and stands
>outside firing at the building (a goofy example, but let's suppose he's just trying to
>put a lot of bulletholes in the walls and not kill employees) and thereby killing
>some occupants would not be guilty of murder, "merely" manslaughter.

Hi Steve:

Sorry  but your examples are just plain wrong.

In every state of the Union if one committed the above acts,
one could be charged with capital murder; either under the
Felony - Murder Rule (one is held liable for any death that
results from an underlying felony) or First Degree Intent would
be legally implied because the death resulting from such conduct
should be foreseen by the person committing such egregious acts.

Fred W.

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