-Caveat Lector-

Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 13:55:29 -0500
From: Roger Launius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Ames Research Center History Available On-Line


We are pleased to note that the recent illustrated history of
the Ame Research Center, Atmosphere of Freedom: Sixty Years at NASA Ames
Research Center (NASA SP-2000-4314). is now available on-line. It is
available in a .PDF format for downloading at

http://history.arc.nasa.gov:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

on the World Wide Web.

Written by Glenn E. Bugos, This detailed and fully-illustrated history
of the NASA Ames Research Center describes its organizational structure,
research culture, institutional leadership, major facilities and
research programs from its founding in 1939 through 1999.

The first chapter discusses Ames' origins as the NACA's second
laboratory, and wind tunnel construction and the development of
aerodynamic theory from subsonic to supersonic to hypersonic flight.

Chapter two discusses Ames' transition into NASA, its contributions to
the Apollo program, exobiology, simulators construction, and the Pioneer
series of planetary explorers.

The third chapter describes Ames' positioning in NASA's Shuttle era,
roughly 1970 to 1990. Specifically, it covers the growth of research
expertise in gravitational biology and planetary sciences, Earth
observation and infrared astronomy, tilt rotor aircraft and helicopter
design, air safety and flight research, thermal protection systems and
planetary probes, computational fluid dynamics and intelligent systems.

The fourth chapter describes Ames' renaîssance since 1990 in the era of
"faster, better, cheaper," and specifically its work in information
technology and astrobiology and its relationships with larger
communities. An appendix summarizes the life and work of Joseph Sweetman
Ames, for whom the Center is named.

Atmosphere of Freedom is also available for public purchase as a book
book. It is for sale for $39.00 (domestic postpaid), $48.75 (non-U.S.)
from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents. By Mail: Superintendent of
Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. FAX: (202)
512-2250. Phone: (202) 512-1800 (7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Eastern time). You
may also order this book on-line at http://bookstore.gpo.gov/index.html
on the Web, stock number 033-000-01225-0.


Roger D. Launius
NASA Chief Historian


Roger D. Launius, Ph.D
NASA Chief Historian
NASA History Office
NASA Headquarters
Code ZH
Washington, DC, 20546
Voice 202-358-0383
Fax 202-358-2866
Cellular 202-329-5515
Pager 1-800-759-8888 pin 123-5656
Home Page: http://history.nasa.gov

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