please consider signing and passing on..

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Forwarded from Aitken Roshi in Hawaii...

Subject: Amnesty International and TSG Urgent Action

Please take a few moments to read this e-mail, and if you agree, add your

Ngawang Sangdrol is a Buddhist nun who believes that Tibet should be
independent from China. At the age of 10 she was arrested for the first
time by Chinese authorities. Her only crime was to participate in a
peaceful demonstration for the independence of Tibet from China. When she
was 13 she again took part in a peaceful demonstration. She was too young
to be brought to trial under Chinese law. Nevertheless, Chinese
authorities held her for 9 months.

In June 1992, at the age of 15, she was once more arrested by Chinese
authorities for trying to stage a peaceful demonstration with fellow
nuns. Subsequently she was accused for "subversive and separatistic
activities" and sentenced to 3 years imprisonment in the notorious Drapchi

Her sentence was extended for another 6 years in October 1993. The reason
for this was the fact that she had sung and recorded independence songs
in the prison together with 13 other nuns. The tape with those songs was
smuggled out of jail and distributed throughout Tibet.

In 1996 Ngawang Sangdrol's sentence was again prolonged for another 8
years as she shouted "free Tibet" while standing in the rain in the
prison's yard. The third extension of Ngawang's sentence was announced in
October 1998 when she refused to acknowledge the Panchen Lama, whom the
Chinese authorities had chosen (The Panchen Lama is the second most
important political and religious dignitary of Tibet. He died in 1998 and
ever since there has been a dispute between Chinese authorities and the
Dalai Lama about who was the reincarnation of the Panchan Lama).

Including this last extension of 4 years her total sentence amounts to 21
years. Together with other prison inmates in the Drapchi Prison, Ngawang
Sangdrol suffers under inhuman treatment including beating and solitary
confinement with reduced food rations. Today she has problems with her
kidneys as result of torture. This inhuman treatment of Ngawang Sangdrol
and prisoners throughout China is a clear violation of Article 5 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights which prohibits torture at all times
and under any circumstance.

"Alas this sad song in my mind
I send to those who help prisoners
These feelings in this dark season
[line indistinct]
I'll never forget the horrible tortures.
May this present misery in prison
Never be inflicted on any sentient being"

I ask you to help Ngawang Sangdrol by signing this petition and sending a
copy to all your friends.

The list will be printed out and sent to:

Premier of the People's Republic of China
ZHU Rongji Zongli
9 Xihuangchenggenbeijie
Beijingsh1 100032
People's Rebuplic of China

By signing this, we demand that Ngawang Sangdrol is to be released
unconditionally and immediately. Furthermore we demand that the Chinese
authorities respect Article 5 of the UDHR by treating Ngawang Sangdrol and
other prisoners in China with dignity, and by bringing to an end any form
of torture and inhuman treatment. We demand the Chinese authorities to
disclose all information about the health of prisoners throughout China by
allowing an independent organization to inspect prisons in China.


1) Matthias Noester, Vienna, Austria
2) Angelika Gerstacker, Vienna, Austria
3) Ilse Heinecke, Vienna, Austria
4) Zeynep Guven, Vienna, Austria
5) Seniz Oezhan, Vienna, Austria
6) Philippe Natural, Vienna, Austria
7) Anette Lillestrand, Halden, Norway
8) Maya Ghrewati, London, England
9) Joanna Huddart, Oxford, England
10) Helena Earnshaw, Machynlleth, Wales
11)Aaron Griffiths, Brighton, UK
12) Zaza Curran, Brighton, UK
13) Suzy Sumner, Brussels, Belgium
14) Rachel Boyd, Norwich, UK
15) Michelle Gentle, Norwich, UK
16) Paul Golding, London, UK
17) David Lindsey, Aberdeen, Scotland
18) Elizabeth Lindsey, Aberdeen, Scotland
19) Daphna Williams, Torphins, Scotland
20) John Williams, Torphins, Scotland
21) Alison Buchanan, Barcelona, Spain
22) Odile Bancod, Macae, Brazil
23) Laurence Reynolds, Macae, Brazil
24) Daryl Brydun, Fyvie,Scotland
25) Stuart Watts, Fyvie, Scotland
26) Duncan Buck, Fyvie, Scotland
27) Bryony Buck, Fyvie, Scotland
28) Alex Alongi, Edinburgh, Scotland
29) Stephen Johnston, Edinburgh, Scotland
30) Tristan Bayne, Cambridge, England
31) Crystal Zevon, Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.A.
32) Michael O'Keefe, LA, CA, USA
33) Kate Crisp, Boulder, CO, USA
34) Fleet Maull, Boulder, CO, USA
35) Jack A. Van Allen, Santa Rosa Calif
36) zoketsu norman fischer, muir beach, ca
37) Robert Aitken, Pahoa, HI. USA
38) Wendie Dyson, Honolulu, HI, USA
39) Ann Sturley, Los Angeles, CA, USA
40) Katherine Greenman, Old Town, ME, USA
41) John Greenman, Old Town, ME, USA
42) Michael Greenman, Columbus, OH, USA
43) Mary D. Cole, Madison, NJ,USA

44) Rory Winter, Forres, Scotland.

PLEASE COPY this email on to a new message, sign the bottom and forward it
(It is better to copy rather than forward the petition) to everyone on
your address lists. If you receive this list with more than 50 names on
it, please e-mail a copy of it to : [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> .

Even if you decide not to sign, please pass it over!

Thank you.

David Reith, member of group 10 amnesty international Austria.

For further information about amnesty international and Tibet visit the
following sites: <> <> <>

For a transcript of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights visit the
following site. <>

Please note: Amnesty international takes no position on the question of
Tibetan independence, self determination or any other territorial

1 Rosoman Place, London EC1R 0JY, U.K.
Telephone: +44 (0)207 833 9958 Fax: +44 (0)207 833 3838

- an independent membership organization campaigning in support of the
rights of the Tibetan people to freedom and independence.
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Free Tibet Campaign.

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