-Caveat Lector-


God created Adam and Eve!
Nowhere is it written that
He created Adam and Steve.
        -- Anonymous

Warning: Parental discretion advised!

                                             An Open Letter to
Pornographer Larry Flynt

                                             November 23, 1999
                                             Mr. Flynt,
                                             Growing up, I hurt a few
young women. You helped. We never met
                                             until our debate today on
ABC’s Politically Incorrect. I believe that
                                             you would rather mock these
women than apologize to them. So I’ll
                                             not cast pearls before
swine by offering you the opportunity to
                                             express regret to them.

                                             I played Pee Wee and Little
League baseball in Prospect Park, New
                                             Jersey. Two young liberals,
Arty and Herbie, coached our team, called
                                             the Pirates. I never knew
their last names. They would take some of
                                             us on camping trips. They
provided the beer, the pornographic
                                             magazines, and the 8-track
recordings of lesbian orgies. I soon found
                                             out that, like crack
cocaine, pornography could consume a young
                                             man’s life. I am
responsible for everything I did to hurt others. And
                                             the adults who produced and
provided the pornography are
                                             responsible also.

                                        You liberals lie. You say that no one has the 
right to interfere
                                             consenting adults. However,
liberals will not even let consenting
                                             adults work for less than
minimum wage. That consenting lie covers
                                             for your real agenda. You
despise people. You don’t love women; you
                                             love their genitals.
Liberals pass laws about everything from
                                             politeness to toilets, but
say we can’t legislate morality.

                                             While preparing for this
debate, I noticed that even liberals registered
                                             disgust upon hearing your
name. What they do not realize is that you
                                             personify liberalism; and
their children are becoming like you. In one
                                             man, you embody the gross
national product. Your autobiography
                                             explains you well. Your
vulgar, alcoholic father became divorced from
                                             your mother. As a boy, you
feigned sex with a 13 year-old girl, and
                                             now you have written an
erotic description of that act. You want to
                                             legalize sex with animals,
even though that behavior spoils the blood
                                             supply, brings disease and
death. You plainly recount the time when
                                             you had intercourse with a
chicken, and afterward, seeing the
                                             chicken bleed, you wrung
it’s neck and threw it in the river. That
                                             homosexual man who
performed oral sex molested you, whether you
                                             realize that or not. (You
somehow forgot to point out the criminal
                                             nature of his action in
your memoir.) You lost virginity as a young
                                             teenager to a prostitute.
Congratulations. In a brief time, you’ve done
                                             everything liberals aspire
to, you chicken molester.

                                        Liberals claim to protect workers. Yet OSHA 
permits contracts
                                             wherein porn stars only get
their paychecks if they submit to having
                                             coworkers foreign bodily
fluids injected into them. Her conditions of
                                             employment include taking a
real chance of acquiring a fatal disease.
                                             Many of our worst
contagions are sexually transmitted, producing
                                             terrible ailments like
bareness and uterine cancer. Porn actresses
                                             conspire in their own
exploitation. A network executive who only
                                             auditioned women who first
had sex with him would be exploiting
                                             women, even if in their
desperation, they submitted. Japan’s Emperor
                                             exploited eighteen-year-old
kamikaze pilots, even though they
                                             agreed. Adult or not, no
one has the right to consent to commit a

                                             You sound like a tobacco
lawyer when you claim that pornography
                                             does not promote sex
crimes. Not surprisingly though, liberals will
                                             believe anything or anyone,
even a chicken molester. So your lie
                                             destroys lives yet today.
You claim the sex you sell actually helps
                                             men. Well, as you know,
strippers do not simply walk to their cars
                                             after work. Bodyguards
escort them, to protect them from their
                                             clientele. Lucrative
businesses have now sprung up to protect women
                                             from your customers. Also,
perhaps you can explain why so many of
                                             those well-adjusted
strippers are alcoholics and drug-addicts? And
                                             you know, but you deny,
that crime rates increase and property
                                             values decrease around
"adult" businesses. One day in church my
                                             young son wanted to brag
about his dad and told the congregation
                                             that I loved him so much,
that I helped him to read adult books. He
                                             was referring to Einstein.
He made no slip of the tongue, and I was
                                             proud of him. The snicker
by someone that day will reverberate in my
                                             mind until I stand as a
witness against you on Judgment Day.

                                        As long ago as 1986, the Attorney General’s 
Commission on
                                             Pornography found that 90
percent of high school kids had been
                                             exposed to hardcore
pornography, and two-thirds of the males
                                             wanted to try out their
newfound knowledge on their young
                                             classmates. A third of the
males said they put their education into
                                             use within a few days. The
Los Angeles Vice Division reported that in
                                             a 10-year period, 60
percent of their child molestation cases were
                                             known to involve
pornography. Years ago on television I interviewed a
                                             vice detective who stated
that in his whole career, every child
                                             molester he ever hunted
used pornography. I spent hours interviewing
                                             a child molester in the
Jefferson County Jail. He, like Dahmer, like
                                             Bundy, admitted what most
all of them admit, that porn plays a
                                             central role in the
development of his obsession.

                                             Child molesters sometimes
desensitize their victims with pornography.
                                             I recently spoke with your
daughter Tonya. Remember her? Tonya
                                             Flynt-Vega. She says that
you used pornography to break down her
                                             natural barriers and that
you molested her. Citizens for Community
                                             Values, in Cincinnati,
reports that they have recordings of two of
                                             your other daughters. One
reports that while destitute, she asked
                                             you for money and you
agreed to pay her $500 to strip and stand on
                                             your desk while you
performed oral sex on her. They quote another
                                             daughter saying she is
afraid for her life and so does not speak out.
                                             Just yesterday, how
uncanny, I ran into your daughter Teresa while
                                             walking a half-block from
my hotel on Sunset Blvd. She runs your porn
                                             shop there. You couldn’t
let Hefner upstage you, could you? What do
                                             you pay her? Do you realize
there are no chickens in hell?

                                        What men read and see effects what they do. 
Your Santa’s Coming
                                             cartoon depicted Chester
the Molester as St. Nick with his pants
                                             around his ankles and a
little girl on his lap. You mock child
                                             molestation because you
hate people. Liberals say even toy guns
                                             generate violence, then
they defend your filth. In Joseph Sobran’s
                                             case against naked women,
he points out that TV violence is fake,
                                             whereas sex and nudity is
real, and far more destructive. Flynt, you
                                             assault the innocent minds
of young children. Liberals promote
                                             privacy rights only as a
lie to further their hatred for people. They
                                             chant privacy and then
expose themselves. If they cared for privacy,
                                             they wouldn’t put sexuality
on billboards, magazine covers,
                                             newspaper ads, commercials,
and in children’s programming. Every
                                             time one of my children
sees a seductive image, my hatred for you
                                             increases, you filthy
chicken molester.

                                             Someone wrote a book, I
think it’s called It Takes a Village, to Raise
                                             an Idiot. Liberals say they
care about children. They lie. All
                                             pornography gets to kids
eventually. Your material in skateboard
                                             magazines gets to them
directly. For that you will pay. Thanks partly
                                             to porn, today there are so
many kids without a mom or a dad to
                                             supervise them, they have
easy access to pornography. And if they
                                             can’t find it on their own,
their local librarian, who fights for the right
                                             of children to have full
access to the Internet and any and all
                                             sexually explicit library
materials, might help them out. With all this,
                                             our new epidemic is young
boys raping girls. Such an epidemic is new.
                                             We have 11-year-olds
assaulting and raping younger and older girls.
                                             We’ve just seen a brother
lead a gang-rape of his own sister. Stories
                                             of group sex, public sex
and rape are flowing out of our high, middle
                                             and even elementary
schools. Thus, I despise you and your filth.

                                        Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains 
wrote in their
                                             "Our goal as educators is
to help students achieve sexual satisfaction
                                             before marriage." And they
give a pamphlet to kids, I Think I Might Be
                                             A Lesbian, Now What Do I
Do? That publication tells girls not to be
                                             afraid if it’s their first
time, but to try lesbianism, and it literally tells
                                             them where to stick their
fingers and their tongues on their young
                                             girlfriends. Larry, you
liberals are child sex advocates. That will not
                                             bode well for you, long
term that is. You liberals tell kids that
                                             homosexuals are born that
way, and that the differences between
                                             men and women are learned.
Playboy, Penthouse, and I all grew up at
                                             the same time. I hope to
bury them someday. Eventually, when the
                                             government upholds
morality, the government will destroy such
                                             operations, and their
operators. If you want to know how people will
                                             respond on the day that you
are judged and destroyed, watch a Mel
                                             Gibson movie. The vengeance
unleashed on the bad guys as the end
                                             is a preview of Judgment
Day. Hence, "the righteous will rejoice when
                                             they see the vengeance,"
sings a Psalm.

                                             Yes, sometimes men who
fight for righteousness sin with
                                             pornography. Its ubiquitous
availability makes it hard for them to
                                             avoid temptation. Some good
men might even buy your grimy
                                             magazine. La Rochefoucauld
said that hypocrisy is the tribute that
                                             vice pays to virtue.
Sometimes a minister hurts his daughter, and
                                             then repents, asks
forgiveness, and loves her again. Wicked men hurt
                                             their children, and then
mock them for feeling pain. A righteous man
                                             falls seven times, Solomon
said. A wicked man falls once.

                                        Unless someone beats us to it, one day 
America’s Shadow
                                             Government will issue a
proclamation re-criminalizing adultery,
                                             fornication, homosexuality,
bestiality, public nudity, public sexuality,
                                             and pornography. You had
better repent by then or preferably
                                             sooner. I will not say "God
have pity on your soul if you do not
                                             repent," because He will
not have pity on your soul. You would have
                                             fared better had you lived
and died in Old Testament times. Because
                                             God did not speak much
about eternal torment in the Old Testament.
                                             That’s all New Testament
material. The weeping and gnashing of
                                             teeth, the worm that never
dies, the lake of fire, It’s sad. All that
                                             frying and not a chicken to
spare. God can’t let an unrepentant Flynt
                                             into heaven, because that
would turn heaven in hell. One hell
                                             suffices. It’s big enough,
for you, for your conspiring family members,
                                             and for whomever you get a
controlling influence over.

                                             Meanwhile, we declare that
you should cease and desist in the
                                             publication and
distribution of Hustler Magazine. If you do not, we will
                                             hold a trial on the
Internet at ShadowGov.com. We will charge you
                                             with fornication,
bestiality, contributing to the delinquency of
                                             children, accessory to
child molestation, adultery, and incest. You
                                             can escape punishment for
as long as it takes for ShadowGov to
                                             come into actual
governmental authority, or until you meet God face
                                             to face, whichever comes

                                        ou teach men to act like animals. Then, when 
men maul and kill like
                                             animals, liberals ask why?
Liberals say that a patriarchal system
                                             devised the old puritanical
rules. Larry, you fool, ask yourself, "If men
                                             made up the rules, would
they devise sex with only one woman for
                                             life?" Of course not! If
men made the rules, as pornographers now do,
                                             they would have permitted
as many women as someone could
                                             squeeze into a day. Men
would never make up traditional morality.
                                             God imposed that on us. He
created sex. He knows about sex, Larry,
                                             good sex. He knows about
the kind of sex for which the memories of
                                             a moment can fill a
lifetime and beyond. God doesn’t market the
                                             unfulfilling lies that you
sell, the misery that drains the cup of lust to
                                             its dregs while leaving the
addict unsatisfied. Married people have
                                             great sex, especially those
who love God. You sell imitation sex. Try
                                             real lobster, then that
imitation garbage. But at least that imitation
                                             lobster is tangible, at
least it tastes, and smells, and feels. You sell a
                                             mirage, an empty lie, to
losers and creeps.

                                             I’ve wanted to take Jesus’
advice and not cast any pearls before
                                             swine. How have I done,

                                             Waiting for God’s

                                             Bob Enyart
                                             Spokesman, ShadowGov.com


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