-Caveat Lector-

Institute of the World Jewish Congress Policy

Antisemitism Egyptian-Style The true face of the
"honest broker"

At issue:

Egypt has attempted to present itself as an honest
broker in negotiations
between Israel and the Palestinians and has sought
legitimacy for its
diplomatic efforts in Washington and European
capitals. Egypt, of course, is
manifestly unsuited to play the role of mediator
in the conflict. While
Egypt and Israel maintain diplomatic relations,
one can at best speak of a
cold peace between the two countries. The
state-controlled Egyptian media
and Egyptian institutions of higher learning are
hotbeds of antisemitic
invective that transcend more than mere opposition
to Israel's current
policies. In both tone and substance they are
reminiscent of Nazi-era
antisemitic publications. The Jewish world cannot
remain silent in the face
of this vicious and unremitting agitation.

An antisemitic "honest broker"?

The unprecedented wave of antisemitism that swept
Western Europe in the wake
of the outbreak of the latest Intifada some two
years ago has diverted
attention away from Egypt - which for decades has
been one of the world's
leading centers of antisemitic propaganda. But
despite the fact that Jews
have turned their eyes from happenings in Cairo
and Alexandria, the
situation in that country - the largest and most
powerful member of the Arab
League - remains unchanged. Egypt's government
controlled press continues to
feed millions of Egyptian readers a steady diet of
antisemitic vitriol.

Those who believed that the peace accords between
Egypt and Israel would
bring an end to the antisemitic invective in the
Egyptian press were sadly
mistaken. Any visitor to Egypt cannot help but
notice that the newsstands
openly display items, including leading daily
newspapers, that are as vile
as Der Stuermer. The fact is that some Egyptian
publications even draw upon
that sinister German paper for inspiration.

In recent years, Egypt has offered itself as a
potential mediator between
Israel and the Palestinian Arabs, claiming that it
can could act as an
honest broker. Clearly, given its unabashed
support for the Palestinian
side, which extends to expressions of
understanding and sympathy for the
deeds of suicide bombers, Egypt is manifestly
unsuited for that role. Even
if this were that not the case, how could Egypt's
leaders expect that an
outstanding purveyor of state-sponsored
antisemitism would be accepted by
anyone other than antisemites, as an impartial

Unfortunately, the Jewish world has not devoted
the attention to this
phenomenon that it warrants. Those who did take up
the issue were often seen
as raising questions about the solidity and
sincerity of the peace treaty
signed between Egypt and Israel. Some claimed that
once the "inevitable"
comprehensive peace was reached with the Arab
world, the anti-Jewish
invective would surely cease. The fact that Egypt
agreed to sign a peace
agreement with Israel, one in which it recouped
the oil-rich Sinai
Peninsula, does not mean that the Jewish world
should turn a blind eye to
the evil practices in that country. Furthermore,
Egypt's status as the
second largest recipient of US aid (upwards of $2
billion a year), which
continues despite its overtly antisemitic press,
should certainly be
addressed. One can hardly expect Israelis, or
decent people anywhere, to
have confidence in Egypt's long-term intentions
toward the Jewish State,
given this barrage of anti-Jewish vitriol. The
daily attacks on Jews and
Israel do not build confidence. Certainly they do
nothing to endear
Egyptians to the idea that peace with Israel is
possible and desirable. The
unremitting campaign of demonization of Jews and
Israel produces just the
opposite effect.

The blood libel, Egyptian-style

A close examination of the anti-Jewish
publications on the Egyptian street
reveals very little original thought. On the
contrary, many of the motifs
have their roots in traditional European
antisemitism. A recurring theme is
that of the blood libel. The Egyptian daily
Al-Akhbar recently ran an
article which claimed that Jews practice ritual
murder. Bad as that was, it
was hardly an isolated incident.

This phenomenon has not gone entirely unnoticed.
French legal authorities in
Paris recently charged Ibrahim Nafi, the chief
editor of Egypt's most
important daily Al-Ahram and the chairman of the
Association of Arab
Journalists, with incitement to antisemitism and
racist violence. On October
10, 2000, Al- Ahram carried an article entitled:
"Jewish Matzoth Are Made of
Arab Blood", based on the infamous Damascus blood
libel of 1840. A broad
array of Egyptian public figures rallied round
Nafi, who, it was claimed,
was the target of "intellectual terrorism" and
"extortion by the Zionist
lobby in France". Among those who have been
counted among Nafi's most
vigorous defenders are Amr Moussa, Secretary
General of the Arab League and
Sayid Tantawi, Sheikh of the Al Azar University.
Sheikh Achmed Yasin, the
Hamas "spiritual leader," in Gaza is also a
champion of Mr. Nafi.

Conspiracy Theories: How the Jews Caused 9/11

Another running theme in the Egyptian press is the
suggestion of a Jewish
conspiracy aimed at achieving world domination.
The Protocols of the Elders
of Zion are widely circulated in Arab translation,
and often serve as a
primary source for many of the most scurrilous
attacks on Jews.

The conspiracy theme became especially evident
after the terrible September
11th attacks on New York and Washington. In Egypt,
and elsewhere in the
Muslim world, the notion that Jews were
responsible for that tragedy spread
like wildfire. It was claimed, for example, that
Jews who worked in the Twin
Towers had received a special message that
cautioned them not to go to work
that day, so that Jews stayed home en bloc - thus
sparing their lives. One,
Gamal Ali Zahran, who teaches political science at
Suez Canal University,
writing in Al-Ahram on October 7, 2001, declared,
"The Jews and the Israeli
intelligence agency Mossad are behind this vicious
attack on the United
States." This charge appeared in numerous other
Egyptian newspapers and is
still widely believed on the Egyptian street, just
as it has gained credence
throughout the Islamic world.

It comes as no surprise, too, that Holocaust
denial is rife in the Egyptian
media. On the one hand, there is the constantly
repeated view that the
Holocaust, at least as the Jews portray it, never
happened and that the
story of the Final Solution was invented in order
to extort money from the
Germans. Thus, according to the article "The
Holocaust, Netanyahu and Me"
that appeared in 1998 in Al-Akhbar, "[t]he Jews
invented the myth of mass
extermination and the fabrication that 6 million
Jews were put to death in
Nazi ovensS the Holocaust is an Israeli myth which
was invented to blackmail
the world." Sometimes those peddling this theory
draw upon the writings of
the more notorious Holocaust deniers in the United
States and Europe. At the
same time, there is the repeated lamentation that
Hitler did not succeed in
wiping out world Jewry. Nevertheless, admiration
for Hitler is often
expressed, despite this failure. On April 29,
2002, a writer in Al-Akhbar
discussed the Holocaust. After claiming that the
Jews have been "accursed
from the day the human race was created and from
the day their mothers bore
them" and calling them a "virus", he declared that
that the destruction of
European Jewry was actually "a huge Israeli plot".
He went on to address
Hitler himself, writing: "If only you had done it,
brother, if only it had
really happened, so that the world could sigh in
relief [without] their evil
and sinS They always try to warp and destroy
everything fair and beautiful!!
Basically, they are a model of moral ugliness,
debasement, and degradation.
If only Allah would curse them more and more, to
the end of all generations.

It is hardly surprising, therefore, that the
Egyptian press has also elected
to draw on a notorious American antisemitic
forgery that enjoys wide
currency in neo-Nazi and Holocaust denial circles.
That document,
purportedly penned by Benjamin Franklin and
reprinted in the Egyptian weekly
Akher Sa'ah, warns against the perils of allowing
Jewish immigration to the
United States: "For more than 1,700 years we have
lamented their sorrowful
state, namely that they have been driven out of
their motherland, but,
gentlemen, if the civilized world today should
give them back Palestine, and
their property, they would immediately find
pressing reasons why they could
not return there. Why? Because they are vampires,
and vampires cannot live
on other vampiresS They must live among Christians
and others who do not
belong to their raceS. If they are not excluded
from the United States by
the Constitution, within at least 100 years, they
shall stream into this
country in such numbers that they shall rule and
destroy us and change our
form of government for which we Americans shed our
blood and sacrifices our
lives, property, and personal freedomS. If the
Jews are not excluded within
200 years, our children will be working in the
fields to feed the Jews while
they remain in the counting houses, gleefully
rubbing their hands." This
forged document originally appeared in a Nazi
German publication in the

Clearly, a significant number of Egyptians have
not made their peace with
Israel nor abandoned the dream of its ultimate
disappearance. In June of
this year, a conference entitled "After the Demise
of Israel" was organized
by the "Egypt for Culture and Dialogue" group and
held at the offices of the
Egyptian Press Syndicate. Speaker after speaker
called for the destruction
of Israel. Mohammed Hesham, a professor at Helwan
University, declared that
Israel will soon disappear "like the racist regime
in South Africa." That is
by no means an isolated view among Egyptian
academics. The moderator of the
seminar noted that Egyptians "should probe ways on
how to bring that date
[the demise of Israel] sooner rather than later."

Time and again, when the issue of antisemitism has
been brought up with the
Egyptian government, including President Hosni
Mubarak, it has been
explained that the government cannot control what
is written in Egyptian
newspapers. This argument, however, is ridiculous,
given the fact that the
Egyptian press is tightly muzzled and the
government appoints the editor of
each of the three leading dailies, Al-Ahram,
Al-Akhbar and Al-Gomhuriya. The
Egyptian government also owns the printing houses
in which these newspapers
are printed, and all are heavily censored. The
fact is that despite the
quarter of a century that has elapsed since the
Camp David Accords, rampant
antisemitism is still strong in Egypt.
Normalization between the two
countries is far from becoming a reality in the
face of the anti-Jewish
propaganda, which is everywhere to be found, and
one can only speak of a
cold peace between Egypt and Israel.

World Jewry cannot remain indifferent to the fact
that Egypt remains a
leading center of antisemitic invective - the
poisonous fruits of which are
spread both in the Arab world and beyond.

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