-Caveat Lector-


Any Ole God Will Do
by Lee Salisbury

"You don't believe in God?" Christians often respond in amazement that anyone
could possibly not believe in their One True God, viewing nonbelievers
condescendingly as deservedly Hell-bound, immoral rebels. But for the objective
observer the question has become: is the monotheistic Christian claim of knowing
the One True God rational--let alone moral?

The self-evident fact is that for practically every Christian denomination there is a
different, even contradictory description of God. Christians seem nevertheless
unfazed by the implications of their multiple descriptions of God. Somehow
Christians, especially Bible-believing fundamentalists, are so engaged in affirming
the correctness of what they believe that it never occurs to them that their own
multiple descriptions of God preclude belief in a singular God who is the one and
only God. Thus, when asked if one believes in the Christian God, it is logical to ask:
"Which God are you asking about?" The Christian response, "Our God is the One
True God," reveals--to say the least--a disturbing lack of integrity, let alone candor.

For example, there is the one-headed God of the Oneness Pentecostal
denominations. This segment of Pentecostal Christianity consists of over 100
denominations worldwide. They believe that the bible clearly teaches that the Father
is Jesus, The Holy Spirit is Jesus, and the Son is Jesus. All are manifestations of the
One indivisible God, not three separate persons. Oneness theology teaches that
dividing God into separate persons misrepresents the monotheistic God of the Bible
and dilutes the deity of Jesus. The Oneness doctrine was considered so serious a
heresy just 500 years ago that Servetus, an eminent physician from Spain, was
burned at the stake in 1552 C.E. for his Oneness beliefs. His executioner was John
Calvin, hero and namesake of many Protestant believers.

There is the two-headed God of Arius, early 4th century presbyter of Alexandria.
Arians believe the true Greek translation of John 1:1 states that "the Word was a
God" and that Jesus, the Word who became flesh in John 1:14, was a lessor god
because he was "begotten" of the eternal God Jehovah. This Jesus could not be of
one substance or coeternal with the Father. The ensuing controversy over the divinity
of Jesus was settled when the Roman Emperor Constantine called the Council of
Nicea in 325 C.E.; the outcome was to declare the Arian doctrine a heresy, exile
Arius as a heretic, and declare Jesus as "very God of very God, of the same
substance and coeternal with the Father." [It is important to note that at this point 
time the Christian God was still a Binitarian or two-headed God.] Arianism did not
die, however. The 18th century scientist and mathematician Isaac Newton was an
Arian advocate. Today's best known followers of Arian theology are the Jehovah
Witnesses, started by Pennsylvanian Charles Taze Russell in the late 19th century.
Russell caricatured the Trinitarian God as "three gods in one person."

It wasn't until the late 4th century that the three-headed God of the Trinity was
sanctioned. The Trinitarian doctrine is the predominant belief in Protestant
denominations today. The Trinity teaches that God is divisible, consisting of three
separate persons who are of the same substance, eternally begotten with one
another: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The Trinity doctrine
is assumed by most Christians to be the belief of the early apostles, yet this doctrine
was in fact undocumented until the Second Ecumenical Council of Constantinople in
381 C.E. The Trinity doctrine has virtually no biblical support. I John 5:7-8 attempts 
explain the Trinity, but bible scholars acknowledge these verses to be fraudulent
insertions of a later period. So the Trinity's incomprehensible three-equals- one-God
was established as the orthodox, must-believe, mystical doctrine of the Christian
Church. Its orthodoxy in Catholic/Protestant theology is the offspring of the Roman
Empire's determination to side step accusations of polytheism and establish unity--
even if concomitant with torture and imprisonment for nonbelieving heretics.

Then there is the four-headed God of Roman Catholicism. Roman Catholic
theologians will vehemently deny that Roman Catholic Mary-ology makes Mary into a
member of their Godhead. Nevertheless Catholic doctrine has made Mary the focus
of Catholic religious practice by alleging Mary's immaculate conception, perpetual
virginity, assumption into heaven, intercessory role, apparitions, rosary beads,
shrines, and medals. In reality Mary is treated with an awe and reverence equal to
the other members of the Roman Catholic Godhead. Consequently, Roman
Catholics pray to and worship God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, and
Mary, the Mother of God.

Other Christian denominations know no limits in creating their own various
descriptions of God. There are the Latter Day Saints, or Mormons, founded by
Joseph Smith following a visit from God's messenger angel Moroni. The Mormon
God who, progressing from a mere man to becoming God, established the pattern
for his followers who, in the same fashion, desire to become Gods dwelling together
on the planet Kolub. There are Mary Baker Eddy's Christian Scientists who believe
that God is an eternal principle and that Jesus is the highest corporeal concept of the
divine idea. There is Herbert Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God, famous for its
Plain Truth magazine, which teaches that the Holy Spirit is an "it," an impersonal
aspect of God's life and power. These many Christian denominations, each with their
unique, contradictory, descriptions of God, are worshiping different Gods.

To further compound this cognitive dissonance, all these Christian theologies claim
the monotheistic Jewish God, Yahweh, in some mystical sense as being father of
Jesus. Yet the Jewish Bible does not contain one hint of the Jewish Messiah being
God’s son--let alone God incarnate. Is it any wonder that orthodox Jews not only
reject Jesus as their Messiah but also reject the entire Christian God concept as
blasphemy? To the Orthodox Jew, Christianity is a parasitical religion which has
attached itself to the historicity of their Yahweh in order to gain legitimacy for its
pagan, gentile religion.

The irony of ironies is the fact that each Christian denomination claims to have: "The
revealed, infallible truth of the One True God." God-believers with differing God
descriptions are seen by one another as being deceived by some strange, even
heretical doctrine. Nevertheless, Christians overlook each other's heretical God
beliefs, tentatively accepting them as the less fortunate who "at least" have some
kind of God belief--which is seen as certainly preferable to nonbelief or, heaven
forbid, atheism.

Perhaps Christians will someday consider the alleged words of their Lord and Savior
Jesus who said to take the log out of your own eye before you take the splinter out of
someone else's eye. In order to keep pace with civilization’s progress, Christianity is
grudgingly, at best, acknowledging the import of rational inquiry and critical 
However, for any faith- based religious thought process, a conflict arises because
serious rational inquiry or critical thinking violates the spiritually esteemed 
faith." Faith rejects a questioning attitude. Faith does not base its actions or 
on evidence [Heb 11:1]. Faith and critical thinking are at opposite poles. The revered
apostle Paul stated, "whatever is not of faith is sin" [Rom 14:23]. To "lean not on thy
own understanding" [Pr 3:5] is the ultimate in spirituality. To think or question for
yourself is the essence of sin. Every religious heretic is labeled as such because he
has thought for himself. Christianity’s multiple denominations are simply multiple
heretical groups each claiming to be the only one with the [I]real[/I] truth. Ask any 
them and they'll tell you!

Objective thinkers cannot help but question the rationale and/or morals of God-
believers who condemn nonbelief when these same believers are so comfortable in
their self- ordained orthodoxy regarding so basic an issue as which of their multiple
Gods is the one true God.

In the U.S. this issue becomes tragically humorous when it is legislated that citizens
pledge they are "one nation under God." Which God? Whose God? Further, why?
Where was this God on 9/11/01?

As comedian Robin Williams suggested, "Wouldn't one Nation Under Canada be
more accurate?" At least we’d then have some tangible evidence for the truthfulness
of such a statement.

It appears that Christianity's multiple denominations with multiple Gods, each
doctrinally condemning as heretics the nonconforming within its own religion, is so
psychologically addictive that for the unyieldingly religious in need of a mythical
heaven--Any Ole God Will Do!

Copyright 2002, Lee Salisbury. This electronic version copyright 2002, Internet
Infidels, Inc. Note: This article was originally published as the Guest Essay in the
Sept/Oct 2002 issue of The American Rationalist.

Date published: 12/26/2002~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Forwarded as information only; everything sent has to stand on
its own merits, not on my recommendation.  Dissenting ideas are
the health of the American system.  A<:>E<:>R
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new
landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe simply because it has been handed down for
many generations. Do not believe in anything simply because
it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything
simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not believe
in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise
men. Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when
you find that it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good
and benefit of one and all.  Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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"War is the health of the state.  It automatically sets in motion
throughout society these irresistible forces for uniformity, for
passionate cooperation with the government in coercing into
obedience the minority groups and individuals which lack the
larger herd sense."
RANDOLPH BOURNE (1886-1918) in War and the Intellectuals
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you to keep your mouth shut."  --- Ernest Hemingway

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