-Caveat Lector-

>From ArabicNews.CoM

Wide condemnation for the annexation of village of Arnoun
Regional, Politics, 2/25/99

The Arab Parliamentary Union, which has Damascus as its headquarters, has
condemned Israel's new aggression against Lebanon in annexing the town of

In a statement issued in Damascus on Wednesday, the APU said that Israel's
annexation of Arnoun unmasked its expansionist ambitions, and its flagrant
disregard for the United Nations charter and international legitimacy

The statement added: "The only road to security and stability is the
establishment of a just and comprehensive Middle East peace based on
legitimacy resolutions and the land-for-peace principle."

The statement voiced all-out support for Lebanon and called upon Arab
governments to condemn the Israeli aggression and assist Lebanon on all

In Cairo, the General Secretariat of the Arab Bar Association on Wednesday
condemned Israel's new acts of aggression manifested and fully expressed in
the annexation of Arnoun. The Secretary of the Arab Bar Association, Farouk
Abu Issa, said in a press conference on Wednesday that the new Israeli
practices are an expression of Israel's insistence on violating
international legitimacy resolutions and on pursuing a policy of aggression
and expansion.

Abu Issa voiced the Arab lawyers' full support for Lebanon and for the
Lebanese resistance movement.

In Amman, the Arab Human Rights Organization in Jordan called in a
statement issued on Wednesday upon the UN Security Council to work for the
implementation of UN Security Council resolution 425 concerning Lebanon.

Qatar on Wednesday strongly condemned Israel's annexation of the Lebanese
town of Arnoun to the occupied part of south Lebanon and described this act
as a flagrant violation of all international norms and charters. The Qatar
News Agency said the Qatari Cabinet called upon the international community
to shoulder its responsibilities and pressure Israel to force it to
withdraw from the Lebanese town and other Lebanese territories through
immediate implementation of UN resolution 425, which provides for Israel's
unconditional withdrawal from south Lebanon.

The Arab group at the United Nations Organization on wednesday condemned
Israel's expansion in Southern Lebanon and urged the International
community to exert pressure on the Israel to withdraw its forces from the

At a meeting of Arab delegates, the ambassador of Lebanon, Samir Mubarak,
presented a detailed account of latest expansionist actions by Israel and
its proxy, the south Lebanese army (SLA).

"This new Israeli aggression comes at a time when the Israeli leaders,
within the context of their election campaign, are constantly talking about
a withdrawal from Lebanon and an end of the occupation of the Lebanese
territories in order to win votes," Mubarak said in a letter addressed to
Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

During the Arab group meeting on Wednesday, the Israeli action was
described as a "blatant violation" of the U.N. charter, international law
and UN resolutions," according to a statement of the mission of the United
Arab Emirates, which currently chairs the Arab group.

+ + + +

Syrian-Turkish security committee concludes meeting in positive atmospheres
Syria, Politics, 2/25/99

The talks of the Syrian-Turkish security committee were concluded in
"positive atmospheres," according to well-informed sources.

On the Syrian side, the two day meeting was attended by chairman of the
political security department Lt. Gen. Adnan Bader Hassan and by the
commander of the Turkish second army Gen. Etach Yalman, on the Turkish

Diplomatic sources in Damascus said that "diplomatic relations may witness
in the middle of next month a great push forward" and that the two sides:
"evaluated the mechanism progress" of the Adanah agreement signed on
October 20, 1998 in "preventing any activity aimed at the security of each
of the two countries and their stability from the territories of the

The diplomatic sources said the two sides "expressed satisfaction with the
security agreement's progress" for better relations between the two
countries and "strengthening them to also cover the economic level."

+ + + +

Iranian president ready to cooperate with Morocco to defend Jerusalem
Morocco, Politics, 2/25/99

President Mohamed Khatami of Iran who is holding the rotating chairmanship
of the Organization of Islamic Conference "OIC" is ready to cooperate with
King Hassan II to defend the holy city of Jerusalem.

The statement was made by Kadhem el-Khansari, adviser to the Iranian
foreign minister, during the opening session of the international colloquy
on "the Future of Arab Jerusalem," currently held in Casablanca.

The Iranian official underlined President Khatami's will to enhance
consultation with King Hassan II, chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, and
with all the member countries of the Organization of Islamic conference, in
order to uphold the Palestinian cause and defend Holy Al-Quds.

He also hailed the tireless action conducted by King Hassan II to thwart
the attempts aimed at obliterating the Islamic identity of the city and
pointed out that no fair and lasting peace can be established in the Middle
East without the settlement of the problem of occupied Al-Quds.

The Judaization of the city, the displacing of its inhabitants and the
construction of settlements are threatening security and peace in the
region, the Iranian official said calling the international community to
oppose such practices that are blatant evidence, he said, to the Zionist
regime's determination to obliterate the city's historical authenticity.

The three-day international colloquy on "the Future of Arab Jerusalem" is
sponsored by the Paris-based center for Euro-Arab studies, in cooperation
with the Jeddah-based OIC, the European Commission, the Arab League and the
World Islamic League. It is bringing together researchers from Arab,
Islamic and European countries.

+ + + +

Jordan seeks improvement in relations with Iran and Iraq
Jordan, Politics, 2/24/99

Jordanian Foreign Minister Abd al-Ilah al-Khatib said yesterday that his
country adheres to establishing good relations with all Muslims and Arab

Al-Khatib referred to Jordan's intention to establish distinguished
relations with Iran and emphasized the importance of Iraq's territorial
integrity and unity.

He denounced attempts to deform the image of Jordan's ties with Iran and
stated that the diplomatic crisis with Iran which took place following
reports of declarations made by King Abdullah in which he criticized Iran
has been overcome.

Meanwhile, Iraq and Jordan will sign tomorrow a protocol for commercial
cooperation, calling for exchanging goods and mineral materials between the
two countries. According to the agreement, Baghdad will supply Jordan with
4.8 million barrels of petroleum during the current year, half of which are
for free.


>From nando times

Irate Gadhafi orders probe into polygamy law

Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Agence France-Press

TRIPOLI (February 24, 1999 6:02 p.m. EST http://www.nandotimes.com) -
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi on Wednesday ordered an inquiry into an
amendment of the law on polygamy that reduces some of the rights women are
supposed to enjoy.

"The Supreme Court must open an inquiry because this is a serious social
matter. It is a question of fraud and a violation of the law," he said, in
a address to a gathering of women that was shown on Libyan television.

The original law on polygamy allowed a husband to take a second wife only
if the first wife agreed, but the amendment, passed by parliament last
year, removed the obligation to get the wife's permission.

"We had to fight against this backward society to arrive at that formula,"
he told the women, "but every time a law was proposed to benefit women,
they (the men) found a pretext to block it."

He attacked Libyan women for accepting the amendment, and then, in a fury
tore up a copy of the amended text and threw it on the floor.

"You do not deserve to live. Your education is a waste of time," he told
his audience. "You are like furniture. You belong to men. It would be
better for you to be dead."

"From now on, any law or measure connected with half of society, which is
decided in the absence of women, is null and void," he said, before
storming out of the meeting hall.


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved
the absolute rejection of authority. -Thomas Huxley
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