-Caveat Lector-

The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 18, 1999
Army uses Chester sites for training

Troops came in with explosives. The public-housing units are vacant.
Neighbors, officials were shocked.

By Dan Hardy


CHESTER -- Acting under the cloak of darkness, 100 Army Special Operations
troops descended on two vacant public-housing complexes in three training
exercises that terrified nearby residents and surprised even the housing

"It was just a special-operations training in an urban environment,
practicing how they would look at a target building and how they would
attack it," Army Special Operations spokesman Walter Sokalski said. He said
the troops, based at Fort Bragg, N.C., used special-training ammunition that
disintegrates on contact and small
explosives designed to blow in doors.

He said Chester residents "were at no time at risk" during the operations,
which were carried out on Wednesday night at McCaffery Village in the West
End and on Saturday and Sunday nights in Lamokin Village near the Commodore
Barry Bridge. Both complexes are slated to be demolished and rebuilt.

Residents of the areas around the two projects, some of whom were notified
hours beforehand of a "law-enforcement training exercise," said they found
the experience startling and intimidating.

"There was a whole lot of noise, like bombs exploding and people shooting
off automatic weapons," said Manuel Cooper, who lives across Highland Avenue
from the McCaffery training site. "I saw people running in and out of
buildings with pistols in their hands like they were really after somebody.
It really had the kids scared; I would have thought they could have picked a
better place."

Michael Lundy, executive director of the Chester Housing Authority, said he
was told a month ago that the military was considering a training operation.
He said he could not agree with it "right on the spot" because he was
concerned about the negative image of Army troops with weapons in a
public-housing area. He said the Army never called back, and "the first time
I heard about it after that was after it had already happened." Sokalski
said there was little advance notification because "we have to protect what
we call our tactics, techniques and procedures. If any future foreign enemy
knows what we do, how we do it and the way we go about doing it, the things
we have learned and trained upon are of no value. We have wasted our time."

The more than 20 other urban counterterrorism exercises by the Army across
the country since 1994 have provoked similar reactions. In March 1997, the
City of Charlotte, N.C., evicted the Army after the first night of a
would-be three-night stand after public outcry. Likewise, the Army cut short
its stays in Houston and Pittsburgh when its activities, which typically
involve fatigue-clad soldiers bearing arms and setting off minor charges,
prompted fears.

Most Special Operations training is conducted at military facilities,
Sokalski said. Exercises like the one in Chester are "a means for a
commander to test his [troops'] training in other environments. . . . If you
want the best soldiers on your side, then they have to be well-trained by
repetition and by doing it in different environments."

Residents a few blocks away from the McCaffery Village training site were
not told about the exercise.

"I heard a loud noise like an explosion," said Elmira Green, who lives about
two blocks from the staging area. "About three minutes later, there was
another one and the sound of shooting. I was terrified." Chester was picked
for the operation, Sokalski said, partly because there was a high degree of
cooperation from local officials.

"We contacted the mayor, the police, the fire department and the [ Chester
Housing Authority ] director of technical services," he said. "They said,
'We have the authority to sign the paper' [authorizing the training]. We
don't contradict these folks by going and checking with other people. We had
what we thought were all the correct blocks checked." But Lundy, who
oversees the Housing Authority, said he did not know about it. His
public-safety director, Joseph Anthony, had been called at the last minute
and told to help out. "He was given the impression that I knew about the
operation and had sanctioned it," Lundy said. "That was not the case."

Mayor Dominic F. Pileggi did not return repeated calls for comment

Police Commissioner Wendell N. Butler Jr. said: " [ Army Special Operations
Command officials] gave me their credentials and said they wanted to use a
federal housing site. I didn't get the impression that if I said no, they
couldn't do it."

Butler said he urged the Army representatives to get in touch with Lundy. "I
certainly gave them his name," he said. "I thought they were on the same

Yesterday, State Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland (D., Delaware), who represents
Chester, decried the operation: "I think it's totally wrong. You don't hold
Army covert operations in a residential setting. . . . I don't see them
doing this in any other neighborhoods or communities. It seems like if it's
Chester, they just do what they want to do. . . . What did we get out of
this, except for a bunch of frightened people and a lot of confusion?"

© 1998 Philadelphia Newspapers Inc.
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