-Caveat Lector-
This is going to take thousands of gallons of whitewash to cover up. These aren't even wrist slaps. - JR
The New York Times

May 4, 2004

Army Punishes 7 With Reprimands for Prison Abuse


WASHINGTON, May 3 — The senior American commander in Iraq has ordered the first punishments in the abuse of prisoners by American soldiers there, issuing severe reprimands to six who served in supervisory positions at Abu Ghraib prison and a milder "letter of admonishment" to a seventh.

The officers and noncommissioned officers received penalties that most likely will end their military careers, although they were not demoted or discharged. They have not been charged with crimes; six subordinates accused of carrying out the abuse already face criminal charges.

"They did not know or participate in any crimes," a senior American officer in Baghdad said of the officers who received the reprimands, issued by Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez, the senior American commander in Iraq. "Their responsibility is to set the standards in the organization. They should have known, but they did not."

As more details emerged of widespread problems in the detention system in Iraq, President Bush on Monday telephoned Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld "to make sure that appropriate action was being taken against those responsible for these shameful, appalling acts," said Scott McClellan, the White House spokesman.

Officials with contractors whose employees at Abu Ghraib have been implicated in the abuses said that they had heard nothing from the Pentagon and that their employees remained in Iraq. [Page A6.]

The military's investigative report into abuses of detainees in Iraq, by Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba, described broader problems in the prison system and pervasive flaws in the leadership, training and morale of the military police at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere. It suggested that these problems had contributed to abuse even after earlier instances were reported and punished.

The report found, for example, that after several detainees were beaten in May 2003 at Camp Bucca, another detention site in Iraq, nothing was done to make clear to the military police elsewhere that such actions were not to be tolerated. Soldiers responsible for those earlier abuses were charged and punished late last year. The report found at least 27 cases of escapes by prisoners and said the number was probably higher but could not be verified because the rolls of prisoners had been so poorly maintained.

It cited "riots, escapes and shootings" of prisoners over many months, adding that "the same types of deficiencies" were found repeatedly but "little to nothing was done."

A key recommendation of the Taguba report was to immediately send to Iraq a team of specialists to train soldiers who are assigned to run prisons. The report said the team should include experts on internment operations, international law, interrogation, intelligence gathering and Arab cultural issues.

Among the problems at Abu Ghraib, the report said, was "a potentially dangerous contingent" of Iraqi guards who had given inmates contraband, weapons and information and had helped at least one inmate to escape.

Edward Diamantis, a captain with the 800th Military Police Brigade, which has its headquarters in Uniondale, N.Y., has returned to the United States. He said the reservists' monthly weekend training sessions had often been spent learning military policy on things like sexual harassment and homosexuality. Other times, drug tests took up the training day, or instructors were absent from training sessions.

"Some relevant mission readiness training gets pushed aside by things that don't seem all that relevant," he said. "The last comprehensive, top-to-bottom training was in 1998. I'd call that a problem."

But military officers have said there was no excuse for the behavior documented in photographs now circling the globe. All Army personnel in their basic training and their advanced individual training receive courses on the laws of armed combat that include clear instructions against such abuse and torture, and these officers say that common decency should have prevented the soldiers from such actions.

Captain Diamantis served directly under Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski at the brigade's headquarters just east of the runways of the Baghdad International Airport. He spent most of his days there, but made several journeys to the Abu Ghraib prison and other detention facilities.

Captain Diamantis said he had first heard rumors of the mistreatment at Abu Ghraib in January, and during a conversation with General Karpinski later that winter she told him that something "very, very bad" had been happening in the prison, he said. "There's some very, very stupid people, and they're going to bring some stuff down on our heads," Captain Diamantis recalled the general saying.

The Maryland unit whose soldiers are charged with abusing prisoners at Abu Ghraib was not trained in Uniondale, Captain Diamantis said.

The Central Intelligence Agency is also investigating reports of detainees dying during incarceration, and even in interrogation, while in American custody in Iraq, a C.I.A. official said Monday. The official said the agency's inspector general was investigating the possible involvement of C.I.A. personnel in the deaths of two prisoners in Iraq, one at Abu Ghraib in November and another elsewhere at an unspecified time.

The prisoner at Abu Ghraib died hours after being taken into custody, the official said. The official said he did not know the cause of the death in that case or the other one being looked into by the inspector general.

But the C.I.A. official said abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib was "not something to the best of our knowledge my agency has any involvement in." Altogether, the official said, the agency was involved in the interrogation of no more than two dozen individuals at Abu Ghraib between September and December.

The commander of the military police battalion at Abu Ghraib, who confirmed that he had received a serious rebuke, known as a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand, wrote in an e-mail message that the abuse had been carried out by a handful of soldiers who sought to hide their behavior from commanders by demeaning and humiliating detainees late at night.

"If they thought these acts were condoned, then why were they only done a few nights between 0200 and 0400 instead of during any time between 0600 and 2400 when there were many others around?" wrote the officer, Lt. Col. Jerry L. Phillabaum, a reservist and 1976 graduate of West Point.

Colonel Phillabaum, who has been relieved of command of the 320th Military Police Battalion and whose performance was severely criticized in General Taguba's report, said he was aware that military intelligence had asked M.P.'s to "deprive some prisoners of clothing to humiliate them" and to "limit their sleep to 4 hours in a 24-hour period. But "taking these prisoners out of their cells and staging bizarre acts were the thoughts of a couple of demented M.P.'s," he wrote, "who well know such acts are prohibited."

Military officers would not say publicly whether General Karpinski, commander of the 800th Military Police Brigade and the senior officer at Abu Ghraib, was among the seven who received reprimands. But General Taguba's 53-page report on the military's inquiry into abuse at Abu Ghraib said she had received a General Officer Memorandum of Admonishment from General Sanchez.

In the criminal portion of the investigation, six enlisted personnel or noncommissioned officers of the 372nd Military Police Company — who were assigned to the sprawling prison west of Baghdad that was notorious under Saddam Hussein for overcrowding and torture — face charges of assault, cruelty, indecent acts and maltreatment of detainees.

The Taguba report indicates that the military police may have been used to "soften up" detainees in Afghanistan before interrogations there as well. Without providing details, the report includes a reference stating that recent intelligence collection in support of the Afghan operation used the military police to "actively set favorable conditions for subsequent interviews. Such actions generally run counter to the smooth operation of a detention facility, attempting to maintain its population in a compliant and docile state."

Arabic language television networks showed interviews on Monday with two of the Iraqis said to be depicted in the photographs taken with the American guards.

In a brief interview on Al Jazeera, Haishem Mohsen, a man who said he was depicted in the photos, described his abuse at the hands of Americans. Mr. Mohsen said that when he was detained in January, he was interrogated by American intelligence officers and Iraqi and Egyptian interpreters. "They covered our heads with bags, they beat us with the butts of their guns without any fear that we would die of the blows," he said. "They made us take our clothes off and they pushed us against the wall. They did things to us that I am unable to talk about."

The other Iraqi, Haider Sabar, said an American intelligence officer, along with an Iraqi and an Egyptian translator, showed him "immoral photos of the acts that took place," apparently to frighten him.

The names of both the men in the report by Al Jazeera roughly matched those on a list of abused Iraqi detainees named in an investigation by the American military.

In addition to General Karpinski and Col. Thomas M. Pappas, commander of the 205th Military Intelligence Brigade, the Taguba report identifies a number of other officers and enlisted personnel who have either already been disciplined or who now face disciplinary action. Among them is Colonel Phillabaum, who was criticized for failing to properly supervise his soldiers in a section at Abu Ghraib, for failing to ensure his soldiers knew and understood the protections afforded to detainees in the Geneva Convention, and for other reasons, according to the report.

The report also recommended that several more junior officers in the 320th Military Police battalion as well as officers and senior enlisted personnel in the 372nd Military Police Company face disciplinary actions. The report recommended that Maj. David W. DiNenna Sr., the operations officer of the 320th, be relieved of his position, while Capt. Donald J. Reese, commander of the 372nd, should be relieved of command along with First Lt. Lewis C. Raeder, a platoon leader in the 372nd.

The report also cites Lt. Col. Steven L. Jordan, former director of the Joint Interrogation and Debriefing Center and liaison officer to the 205th Military Intelligence Brigade, and says he should be relieved from duty and reprimanded for making misrepresentations to investigators, among other reasons.

The Taguba report concludes that several soldiers committed egregious acts and grave breaches of international law at Abu Ghraib and Camp Bucca, and that senior leaders failed to comply with policies and commands to prevent abuses at the two prisons between August 2003 and February 2004.

James Risen and Douglas Jehl contributed reporting from Washington for this article, and Patrick Healy contributed from Uniondale, N.Y.

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