-Caveat Lector-

I am a friend of Dr. Boylan's, and altho I *RARELY* AGREE WITH HIS TAKE OF
STUFF, he *IS* "HOOKED UP," i.e., has MORE THAN A FEW rather impressive
sources for the stuff he writes.  --MS


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dr. Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D., LLC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "DrRichBoylanReports" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 11:10 AM
Subject: Emendation: Crop Circle Repeats 1974 Space Signal to ETs

In my excited haste to pass on the "Arecibo" crop circle story, I misstated
one point which I now wish to correct.

The 1974 pictorial message code signal was sent out by Arecibo radio
telescope complex. That pictorial message consisted of, among other things,
the Arecibo telescope, our solar system, DNA, a stick figure of a human,
and some of the biochemicals of lifeforms on Earth.

Dr. Wolf of the National Security Council's secret "UFO" (SSG) subcommittee
told me that Arecibo also received signals from space which the SETI
government astronomers have never made public. But I cannot state for
certain that the ET signals that Arecibo received were directly connected
to the pictogram code message signals sent out by the Arecibo SETI team.
However, it appears that now, 27 years later, Space Visitors have replied
by replicating the SETI Arecibo signal pictogram in a crop circle copy of
the SETI message-pictogram, discovered August 19 at Chilbolton, near
Wherwell, Hampshire, England.

Those who assert that the Star Nations are not doing their share to advance
the government's Public Acclimation Program [of UFO/ET reality] have been
neither watching the skies nor studying the ground.

It appears that the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence has now become
a two-way dialogue. Will President Bush authorize our continuing the
dialogue by having the Arecibo radio telescope complex respond to this
latest reply from space?

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

--Original Message--

"Dr. Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D., LLC" wrote:

Mike and everyone,

The best explanation I have heard is that the unusual rectangular digital
"crop circle" is a representation of a signal received from Deep Space by
the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligenge (SETI) team of astronomers at
the giant radio antennae complex at Arecibo, Puerto Rico.

The SETI Team determined that the space signals were a kind of digitized
code that could be reconstructed into an image. You can compare the August
19 "Arecibo image" crop circle with the original digitized signal received
from deep space in 1974.

In case a lightbulb goes off in anyone's head that this Arecibo Space
Message sounds a lot like the plot in the Jody Foster-Carl Sagan movie,
"Contact", I'm sure that that is no coincidence. Art imitates life, too.

Thanks to Paul Vigay of the Australian UFO Network for passing on the SETI
connection. And to Tom Buyea for forwarding Paul's observation to me.

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

"Magic Carpet" Formation is Arecibo Radio Transmis...


Hi Everyone: In a post from Paul Vigay (thank you Paul), he mentions that
the new crop formation being called the "Magic Carpet" is actually a
representation of the 1974 Arecibo radio transmission sent by SETI. He has
uploaded a scan of the original Arecibo message so that people can see the
similarity to the crop circle formation. Had two other people mention the
same info (Gary and Karen). The comparison can be accessed below. Click
here: The International Crop Circle Database: Search Results To view the
rest of Paul's site, go to:


Click onto "Latest Crop Circles") and scale down to the ones you're
interested in. Once again, the August crop formations can also be viewed at
the following website (including the fantastic "Face on Mars" formation).


A short article about the "Face on Mars" and "Arecibo" formations can be
seen on the Swirled News Site at:


BTW, I AM a sharer of information and appreciate very much receiving
information from the crop circle community actually on site. It is my
intent to be as accurate as possible when sharing info, so I'm grateful to
all who share information, especially knowing how busy you all are at this
time of year. Crop Circle Discussion Group is at:


             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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