-Caveat Lector-


Thursday, March 20, 2003
Baghdad welcomes 'moment of liberation'

Reporter in capital says newly emboldened people eager for war

Posted: March 20, 2003 1:00 a.m.  Eastern

WorldNetDaily.com  - Newly emboldened Iraqis are revealing to
the few reporters left in Baghdad that they see America's military
action as their moment of liberation.

"Many, many Iraqis are telling us now -  not always in the whispers
we only heard in the past, but now in quite candid conversations -
that they are waiting for America to come and bring them liberty,"
said New York Times reporter John Burns in an interview from
Baghdad on the PBS News Hour last night.

"Along with all of this apprehension," said Burns, "Americans
should know that there also is a good deal of anticipation.  Iraqis
have suffered beyond, I think, the common understanding in the
United States from the repression of the past 30 years."

PBS's Gwen Ifill asked Burns to clarify: "They are actually eagerly
anticipating war?"

"It's very hard for anybody to understand this," he said.  "It can
only be understood in terms of the depth of repression here." Burns
said that, of course, there are people who don't want war out of
loyalty to the regime, or out of fear or out of "suspicion of
America's motives." Because of the closed nature of Iraqi society,
we cannot know how numerous either side is, he said.  "All I can
tell you - and every reporter who is here will attest this -  is that the
most extraordinary experience of the last few days has been a
sudden breaking of the ice here," said Burns, "with people from
every corner of life coming forward to tell us that they understand
what America is about in this."

Burns said the people naturally are fearful of errant bombing,
damage to Iraq's infrastructure and what kind of government might
come after Saddam is gone.

"Can I just say," Burns stated, after Ifill tried to interrupt, "there is absolutely
no doubt, no doubt, that there are many, many Iraqis who see what is about to
happen here as their moment of liberation."

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