-Caveat Lector-

Big Brother knocked in 2000


For privacy experts, 2000 looked more like 1984.

By Stefanie Olsen
Staff Writer, CNET News.com
December 28, 2000

Workplace surveillance was the leading privacy concern in 2000, according
to an analysis released Thursday by the Privacy Foundation, a Denver-based
nonprofit that performs research and educates the public on privacy issues.

This year, millions of Americans were watched at work, as employers became
increasingly concerned about employee productivity and their use of the
Internet. Two-thirds of major U.S. companies now perform some type of
in-house electronic surveillance, according to the American Management
Association, and 27 percent of all companies surveyed now monitor email.

The Big Brother tactic has led to some people losing their jobs. Dow
Chemical fired 24 employees and disciplined 235 others in September for
allegedly storing and sending sexual or violent images on the company's
computers. Xerox, The New York Times Co. and the CIA were others that fired
or disciplined employees because of alleged bad behavior.

"Employers may be rightly concerned about security and productivity issues,
or legal liability arising from emailed sexual banter," Stephen Keating,
executive director of the Privacy Foundation, said in a statement.
"But pervasive or spot-check surveillance conducted through keystroke
monitoring software, reviewing voice-mail messages, and using mini-video
cameras will undoubtedly affect morale and labor law, as well as employee
recruitment and retention practices," he added.
In the future, the foundation predicts that employers, especially so-called
New Economy companies, may offer "spy free" workplaces as a fringe benefit.

Information falling into the wrong hands

Keeping medical records private was the second most important privacy
concern in 2000, according
to the report. Fears that personal medical data, disclosed to medical
practitioners, could reach the
wrong hands propelled new federal rules in December. The new policy, which
could be delayed in Congress in the coming year, will require doctors to
get patient consent to use medical records in
routine matters, as well as give patients more access to their own records.

Privacy issues surrounding Carnivore, the online surveillance technology
developed by the FBI for
investigations, fell into the survey's top three. Civil libertarians fear
that the FBI could use Carnivore to watch people through entry points to
the Web or randomly read email communications. Privacy advocates criticized
the FBI for releasing too little information about the surveillance
technology in October.

Online advertising network DoubleClick also received top billing this year
for its widely noted but unrealized plans to merge anonymous online
customer data with personally identifiable offline data from subsidiary
Abacus Direct.
After public outcry and a federal investigation, DoubleClick postponed its
plans. But the issue highlighted the online profiling practices of online
ad networks and marketers, causing a number of legal cases to be filed
against online companies.

Because of such heightened privacy concerns in 2000, companies including
Microsoft, IBM and American Express hired for a new position: chief privacy
officer. In the future, the foundation predicts that universities will
offer degree programs in privacy and business.

These were some other top privacy concerns in 2000:

    • Online customer data became a hot commodity, prompting online
retailers to change their privacy policies and inciting privacy advocates
and legislators to tighten their watch over them.

For example, federal regulators blocked Toysmart.com from selling customer
data after the company went out of business. And Amazon.com came under fire
after changing its privacy policy to allow for transferring customer data
in certain instances.

    • Privacy fears cropped up regarding new legislation that allows
financial institutions to combine customer information housed under
different divisions and potentially share it with third parties, as long as
they notify customers and provide them the option to opt out.

Advocates are concerned that the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act doesn't go far
enough to protect consumers with the transfer of online information. In
2001, many more consumers may complain about the mishandling of their
personal data by financial institutions.

    • Wireless tracking technologies raised privacy hackles.
Location-sensing technology for cell phones, under a new federal program
called E911, and new ad-delivery plans fueled questions about privacy and
receiving unsolicited email, or spam, via handheld devices.

The Privacy Foundation predicts that tech companies and federal regulators
will keep spam at bay by setting industry standards on consumer choice to
receive text messages.

    • Microsoft issued a software patch for Internet Explorer that lets Web
surfers automatically block third-party "cookies," or electronic
surveillance tags often set by online advertisers to track surfing habits.

Bowing to pressure from some in the online advertising industry whose
businesses rely on placing third-party cookies, the company has retreated
from incorporating such controls into the upcoming version of IE and
instead will support the Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) standard
for IE 6.0. P3P allows Web surfers to control their privacy preferences
when they visit Web sites.
In the coming year, the foundation predicts that "Web bugs," or barely
visible tracking tags, and other online surveillance methods will upstage

    • Email and computer server logs played a larger role in court cases in
2000. The federal antitrust trial against Microsoft tapped archived emails,
and during the 2000 presidential election, the media sought the email
communications of Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

In 2001, the Privacy Foundation predicts much more of this kind of activity
as people tap public open-record laws.

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