The Rise of Fascism in the American Energy Business
(Pre-publication online preview excerpt)

-- by Marshall Douglas Smith

     About the same time as the beginning of the Viet Nam war there arose
another large threat to Standard Oil control of the world's energy supply.
And that was the development of nuclear energy. The ability and knowledge to
extract uranium ore from the ground and turn it into a cheap, clean
non-polluting energy source had been developed during WWII. Unlike all
carbon- based petroleum products, which when burned or oxidized emit carbon
dioxide, along with other contaminates into the atmosphere, nuclear fuel in a
properly sealed reactor has no emissions.

     For reasons of national security, all supplies of uranium ore were
placed under strict national control of primarily the governments of the US
and the USSR. Private ownership or control of uranium and plutonium as an
energy source was not allowed. The new concept of taking another natural
resource and turning it into energy with enough supply already currently
mined and available to supply the world's energy needs for the next 500
years, would have put all oil companies, including Standard, quickly out of
business. Something needed to be done to counter that and fast.

     Using the same technique as setting up and organizing the anti- war
demonstrators to cover for the Vietnamese offshore oil surveys and blaming
the "war" on the "military-industrial- complex" -- Standard organized the
"environmentalist" movements to shut down the development of nuclear power
plants. But there was a slight difference. In the case where countries owned
the oil fields, the countries could be branded as "communists" since they
held the oil as community property and then "fascists" could be "hired" to go
fight the "communists" to allow the private companies to come in and take
over the fields.

     In many countries of the world, this process of allowing private
corporations to take over the natural resources in a country is often called
capitalism, free-enterprise, or even just democracy, though none of those has
anything to do with the outright theft of natural resources. It is more
properly defined as fascism.

     Ever since, Rachael Carson's book "Silent Spring," written in the
mid-1960's, people have become aware of how we can unintentionally pollute
large areas. A new word was coined in the 60's called "ecology." Everybody is
against pollution and everybody wants a clean environment. In that sense, we
are all "environmentalists." But the words have become twisted and morphed
into grotesque new meanings.

     The purpose of the organized environmentalist movements was to be a
cover for the oil company stoppage of the building of nuclear power plants.
Thus, instead of branding the country which owned the nuclear fuel as
"communist," since it was the US which owned most of the fuel, the uranium
and plutonium fuel itself needed to be "branded" as the worst mass killer
since Stalin, Hitler and Foo Manchu.

     The new "phoney" environmentalists would point out Hiroshima, Nagasaki
and even Chernobyl as proof of the dangers of nuclear energy. But if you
explain that Chernobyl was never built to be a safe nuclear power plant, but
was an old Soviet bomb factory for quickly converting raw uranium into
plutonium for making nuclear bombs. And, if you further explain that it did
produce electricity as a byproduct but it was not designed to be a safe power
plant, the average environmentalist only stares blankly. And no nuclear
reactors like Chernobyl, without any safety-sealed containment vessel, have
been built for over 50 years. But that wasn't in any "environmentalist
movement" handout literature they read.

     Are nuclear reactors safe, clean and reliable? Go ask the US Navy. They
have been running hundreds of nuclear reactors for over 40 years in their
ships, submarines and aircraft carriers. Not one accident or radiation leak.
When it comes time to change the used nuclear fuel, after the old fuel is
removed and they wait two days for the short-term radiation components in the
core container to fade away, the nuclear swabbies actually enter the reactor
core, and do their regular maintenance work.

     Often the Navy nuclear technicians sit for several days right on the
reactor core with their tools and instruments during the maintenance
procedure. The dosimeters they wear measure the amount of radiation they are
getting. The dosimeters always show the total radiation they get while
sitting in the reactor core during maintenance is much less radiation than
the average web- surfer gets from sitting in front of a color VGA computer
monitor while surfing the web for an hour. What? That wasn't in the "phoney
environmentalist" handouts?

     The US Navy runs more nuclear reactors than anybody else in the world.
The radiation output from a fully operating sealed and shielded Navy nuclear
reactor is zero. If you want proof of that, go ask the Navy, especially the
thousands of Navy-trained nuclear technicians and engineers who work on those
reactors. And go ask the Navy submariners who may spend up to six months of
sea duty within feet of an operating nuclear reactor. They should know. And
they will all tell you the same thing.

     And if you point out that hundreds of times more people have been killed
and maimed with Napalm, a simple half-and-half jelly mixture of gasoline and
coconut palm oil, than were ever killed in both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki
explosions. Specifically, the massive firestorm bombing of most of Tokyo and
several other large Japanese cities, and even German cities, near the end of
WWII were all the result of Napalm. Again a blank stare. All petroleum
products can be turned into Napalm, or even now the very large gas-air
explosive devices, almost rivaling nuclear weapons in destructive power. Why
don't we also outlaw and prevent the production of energy using dangerous

     Then it becomes obvious. Most of the "environmentalist" movements are
really being directed by the petroleum industry to shut down nuclear energy
in order to keep the huge profits flowing into the oil companies, until the
time comes when the energy companies can also take control of nuclear fuel.

     The purpose of the Kyoto Treaty was to sharply limit the emissions of
carbon dioxide, branded as a dangerous greenhouse gas. The only way the US
could comply with the treaty was either (1) sharply limit the generation of
electrical energy from carbon-based petroleum and thus shut down the US, or
(2) switch over to nuclear-based electrical generation by allowing the energy
companies to own and use nuclear fuel. This switchover has been done in
France, Germany and Japan and other countries that don't have their own
supply of oil and find nuclear fuel is much cheaper and cleaner than oil. Of
course, they all agree with the Kyoto accords.

     Thus the "phoney environmentalists," who are still clamoring for the US
to enact the Kyoto accords, are both in favor of the switchover to nuclear
generated energy, and at the same time are opposed to building new nuclear
plants in the US. I will leave it to the "environmentalists" to figure out
the illogic of that position.

     This is sad, since most of the people in the environmental groups are
truly concerned about pollution and are simply unaware they are being
misdirected and misused by the oil companies, specifically BP-Standard Oil.
If you visit the national headquarters of the environmental groups, like
Earth First, Natural Resources Defense Council or the Sierra Club, you won't
find a grass roots people operation. Instead you will see vast, palatial,
well-appointed suites of offices only rivaled by the corporate headquarters
of the oil companies for which they front.

     This will soon become obvious when the environmental groups, to help
solve the impending energy shortages, as in California and soon to be coming
to a neighborhood near you, actually make recommendations to build more power
plants using natural gas or clean oil, but never recommend nuclear energy
plants. The Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council will
probably be the first, and then all the other groups will follow.

     Within several years, when the US laws prohibiting nuclear waste
recycling are dropped, the "environmentalists" will become the strongest
advocates of clean nuclear energy. They will point out that nuclear fuel is
recyclable with no emissions, while that nasty petroleum fuel is not
recyclable and has terrible emissions dangerous to health and the planet. But
before that happens the "environmentalists" must complete their current
project of changing the US laws prohibiting recycling and private ownership
of nuclear fuels.

     Thus fascism in America is not only alive and well, but is a thriving
mainstream growth industry. It has been entrenched in the center of the US
Federal government since the founding of the Federal Reserve System in 1913
and controls the US economy. With the creation of the US Department of
Education in the 1970's, instruction in the "fascist oil company plan" has
taken over all state and local education systems and reached its goal about
15 years ago with the introduction of what is called the "Goals 2000"
program. Ever wonder why it was called "Goals 2000"?

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