-Caveat Lector-

     Note the imagery here: Charlemagne, the first modern Holy Roman Emperor;
and Aachen, the Holy Roman Empire's first capital outside of Rome.
     This "Charlemagne Prize" originated in 1950, created by WHOM, I wonder?

Blair Receives Europe Unity Award

AACHEN, Germany (AP) -- Honored for his efforts toward peace in Northern
Ireland, British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Thursday accepted the
prestigious Charlemagne Prize awarded for those who work for European unity.

Speaking in the throne room of Aachen's historic 14th century town hall,
Blair voiced strong support for NATO's war against Yugoslavia and appealed
for a stronger European defense industry and a more competitive economy.

He commented on the symbolism of Aachen, which was bombed during World War
II, and of Germany's participation in NATO strikes alongside British planes.

``We cannot allow the values of Europe to be desecrated within one part of
Europe while we live comfortably in our western corner of the continent,''
Blair said.

During the ceremony about 100 anti-NATO protesters rallied outside, shouting
and carrying signs that said ``No prize for war'' and ``Bombs don't bring

The prime minister responded: ``It would be nice if the Kosovo Albanians
could protest like that.''

The International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen, named after the 8th century
emperor of the Holy Roman Empire who ruled from that city, has been awarded
annually since 1950 to people who have worked toward European unity.

Past recipients of the bronze medal have included British Prime Minister
Winston Churchill, French President Francois Mitterrand and German Chancellor
Helmut Kohl.

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