-Caveat Lector-

The New Australian
Blood on the White House
and firebombed evidence
By Gerard Jackson
No. 121,   31 May - 6 June 1999
When it comes to protecting Bill Clinton's backside the Australian media is
without peer, even putting CBS and CNN to shame. What it cannot cover up or
ignore it downplays or ridicules. So sickening is its shameless support for
Clinton that Murdoch's Australian even published an item by Cameron Forbes1
containing smart-aleck and misleading comments about Juanita Broaddrick. You
remember her, don't you? The woman who claimed Clinton raped her. That no
one seems to doubt the charge was also ignored by The Australian.

This brings us to bloodgate, another scandal that American-based Australian
journalists ignored — or is it suppressed? When Clinton was governor of
Arkansas in the 1980s he allowed the selling of HIV-tainted plasma that had
been taken from convicts. Since the early 1980s the sale of convict blood in
the US has been illegal. Nevertheless, exports to Canada continued for
years. To make sure of sales the origin of the contaminated plasma was
withheld from the unsuspecting Canadians. Once they discovered the source of
the contamination they demanded that the U.S. Justice Department investigate
Clinton's role in a prison program that clearly violated a 1983 FDA ban on
the use of blood from convicts. Last January 1000 victims of this murderous
scheme sued Canadian officials for $US1.1 billion. They plan to file a
similar suit will against the FDA and the state of Arkansas, another of
Clinton's victims.

The main inspiration for the bloodgate inquiry came from Dr Michael Galster,
a former employee of Health Management Associates, the Arkansas company
contracted by Arkansas to collect and sell prison blood. By pure coincidence
this company was also run by the chair of Clinton's re-election finance
committee. Moreover, when the company's license was revoked by the state's
medical authorities because of its poor medical practices, Clinton abused
his power as governor and ordered the license to be renewed.

Outraged at what Clinton did to them, those Canadian haemophiliacs who have
been infected with hepatitis C and HIV are demanding justice. Last February
hundreds of these victims of Arkansas political corruption gathered in
Washington to condemn the man they hold responsible for their tragic plight.
Dr Galster addressed the protesters and publicly accused Clinton of
"personally withholding 400 cases of documents" that described HMA's
shipping schemes.

This is when another of Clinton's remarkable coincidences occurred. On
Tuesday night the 18 May Dr Galster's Clinic in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, was
firebombed leaving only a burnt out shell. DR Galster has yet to say whether
documents on Clinton's bloodgate scandal were stored in the Clinic. At the
same time, again by pure coincidence, someone broke into the Quebec chapter
of the Canadian Haemophilia Society. The society had recently discovered
documents showing that Finance Minister Paul Martin was a board member of
the corporation that owned Connaught Laboratories, the company that
distributed the Arkansas contaminated plasma in Canada. Like I said, just
another Clinton coincidence.

And where were our intrepid Australian journalists? Those bronzed media
heroes of a "sunburnt country." Nowhere, is the answer. They allowed this
appalling scandal to go completely unreported in the Australian media. While
Stewart Cameron and Cameron Forbes of The Australian seem to forever scurry
around America's political landscape reporting stories that confirm their
left-wing bigotry, Clinton's scandals are never investigated.
The New Australian



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