-Caveat Lector-



Sunday, January 24, 1999

"I do believe that this is a battle," the first lady said. "Look at the very
people who are involved in this. They have popped up in other settings. The
great story here for anybody willing to find it, write about it and explain
it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my
husband since the day he announced for president. A few journalists have
kind of caught on to it and explained it, but it has not yet been fully
revealed to the American public. And actually, you know, in a bizarre sort
of way, this may do it." -- Hillary Clinton on NBC's Today, Jan 27, 1998
The Christian Far right is behind this move for impeachment. The Christian
Far Right has captured control of the Republican Party. The so-called
Republican "moderates" who say Clinton hasn't confessed enough for them are
full of shit. The 81 questions that philanderer Henry Hyde sent the
president are 81 variations of "When did you stop beating your wife?" Like
Kenneth Starr (Inspector Shithound), these mean-spirited idiots are out to
get the President as an act of vengeance at any cost to the nation. What the
neo fascist Christian Far Right is really trying to do is impose its
puritanical morality on the rest of the nation. --Al Aronowitz
Sen. Ted Stevens R-AK (202) 224-3004 (907) 271-5915
Sen. John McCain R-AZ (202) 224-2235 (602) 952-2410
Sen. Joseph Lieberman D-CT (202) 224-4041 (860) 549-8463
Sen. Olympia J. Snowe R-ME (202) 224-5344 (207) 874-0883
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I have not been able to unearth evidence of a conspiracy in the impeachment
of President Clinton. I have neither the resources or the power to do so.
However, if there was a conspiracy, all of the players in Zippergate had a
background in the intelligence community and were capable of carrying out a
bloodless coup. The impeachment of the President of the United States was
caused by a group of intelligence community professionals who worked
together under the auspices of billionaire DICK SCAIFE. LINDA TRIPP must
have been aware of the Scaife organization when she was White House, Special
Assistant to the Assistant to the President for Media Affairs from 1991 to
1992. In this position she was able to examine and interact with the media
outlets in Washington. Having had a background in counter-insurgency, she,
naturally, gravitated toward those financed by SCAIFE, since Scaife was
behind much of the far right's operations. SCAIFE was connected to LUCIANNE
GOLDBERG. LINDA TRIPP claims conservative commentator Tony Snow turned her
on to GOLDBERG. Snow, who once worked for the Moonies, verified this. The
Moonies were financed by Japanese war criminals. It was no accident that
LUCIANNE GOLDBERG worked with ALFRED REGNERY, a man with isolationist and
pro-Nazi forebearers. Regnery was friends with KEN STARR, and RICHARD
SCAIFE, who had worked in the CIA for decades and runs his own version of
the Agency whose purpose is to bring down President Clinton. This researcher
detects the hand of a rightwing invisible government attempting to overthrow
a democratically elected President, in a bloodless coup.

In the mid-1970's I worked with Congressman Henry Gonzalez, of San Antonio,
Texas, in an investigation of the Kennedy assassination. I compiled a data
base on Coup D'Etats and political assassinations. I compared the names of
individuals involved in the Clinton-Lewinsky affair against this data base
and against a master index of intelligence books indexes known as Public
Information Research, and I detected a correlation.

According to the Washington Post:

Tripp's discussions with agent Goldberg about a book began in the summer of
1996 after a furor over publication of Gary W. Aldrich's "Unlimited Access:
an FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House." Full of assertions about drug
use, rampant theft, open gay/lesbian sex and late night disappearances by
the president, it was assailed harshly and repeatedly by the White House,
but rose to the best-seller lists nonetheless.

In her grand jury testimony, Tripp said she was upset to see Aldrich
"smeared in the media" when she considered most of what he had written
"based on my observations" to have been truthful. Having been urged by a
friend, Fox-TV commentator and former Bush speechwriter Tony Snow to write a
book, Tripp contacted him and he put her in touch with Goldberg. "[T]he last
words Lucianne Goldberg said to me is, 'Who do you think you are, the queen
of England?'‚" Tripp recalled. "And she slammed the phone down and I didn't
talk to her again until the end of September of '97."

Goldberg told the FBI that Snow passed word that Tripp wanted to see her
again and when they spoke, "Tripp provided just enough information for
Goldberg to be interested in the story."

At their meeting, Goldberg said, Tripp told her she had "explosive"
information about a young woman, also working at the Pentagon, who was
having an affair with Clinton.

In 1991, Snow took a sabbatical from journalism to work in the White House
for George Bush, first as chief speechwriter (deputy assistant to the
president for communications and director of speechwriting), and later as
deputy assistant to the president for media affairs (1992-93).

Snow began his journalism career in 1979 as an editorial writer for the
Greensboro Record in North Carolina. He later served as an editorial writer
at The Virginian-Pilot in Norfolk, VA. (1981-82), editorial page editor of
the Daily Press in Newport News (1982-84), deputy editorial page editor of
The Detroit News (1984-87), and editorial page editor of The Washington
Times (1987-91).

Snow received his bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Davidson College,
North Carolina, in 1977, and studied philosophy and economics at the
University of Chicago during the 1978-79 academic year. He taught school in
Kenya and in Cincinnati, and worked as an advocate for the mentally ill and
developmentally disabled in North Carolina.

Born in Berea, KY, in 1955 and raised in Cincinnati, Snow is married to the
former Jill Ellen Walker. They live in Virginia with their three children, a
son and two daughters, and their three dogs and two cats.

"The notion that she was a Republican mole in the Clinton White House
doesn't make any sense," said conservative columnist Tony Snow, who
introduced Tripp to Goldberg. But "it's reasonable to ask what her motives
are," he added.

New Dangers, Old Enemies: Security Challenges in the 21st Century
Tony Snow, Detroit News Correspondent, USA Today
Sandy Berger, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security
Sen. Daniel Inouye, Ranking Member of Defense Subcommittee, Democrat of
Richard Perle Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
Ze'ev Schiff , Senior Military Correspondent, Ha'aretz.

News World Communicatons, which owns the Washington Times, consists of,
among others, Arnaud de Borchgrave, and Bo Hi Pak. Borchgrave was a Director
of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Bo Hi Pak, the
president of NWC, served as liaison to the U.S. intelligence community while
posted in Washington as South Korean military attache in the 1960s and early
'70s, according to the Koreagate inquiry. Pak is also president of CAUSA
(Confederation of the Associations for Unity of the Societies of the
Americas), the political arm of the Unification Church. CAUSA was
instrumental in providing aid to the Nicaraguan contras.

Since its inception in 1982, the Washington Times has gained a circulation
of about 100,000 and received the endorsement of President Ronald Reagan,
who reads it every day. Founding editor and publisher James Whelan resigned
in July 1984, charging that top Unification Church (UC) officials had taken
over the paper in violation of UC guarantees of independence. In 1987, Times
editorial page editor William Cheshire and several staff members also
resigned over UC interference. Reverend Sun Yung Moon's organization, the
Unification Church, funds The Washington Times.

Most of Moon's money comes from Japan. For almost 20 years there have been
consistent reports that one of Moon's most important financial supporters
and advisors is Ryoichi Sasakawa. In 1969, Moon and Sasakawa, together,
formed the Freedom Leadership Foundation (FLF), which lobbied the U.S. for a
hawkish position in Vietnam. One of Sasakawa's favorite projects for the
Moon organization was Win Over Communism (WOC), which was a fund raiser for
the Unification Church. Sasakawa. was the WOC's chairman. Sasakawa. is
clearly one of the richest men in Japan. Much of his money comes from the
Japanese motorboat racing industry. Since it was legalized in Japan, it has
become a $14 billion sport. Sasakawa. describes himself as "the world's
richest Fascist".

In addition to his riches, according to author Walter Pat Choate, "for more
than half a century Sasakawa. has been one of the primary political brokers
inside Japan". Choate claims that Sasakawa is part of Japan's attempts to
influence America's politics and policies. "Many of Sasakawa's and Moon's
operations parallel each other. They operate in the same way, giving away
money, a great deal of attention to media and media organizations which
operate across national borders, and the maintenance of a very right wing
conservative focus," states Choate.

According to Choate, Sasakawa's political activities go back 50 years, when
he formed one of the most radical and Fascist parties inside Japan. "He was
one of those individual business leaders who was calling for war with the
United States in the months preceding the attack on Pearl Harbor," claims
Choate. In 1931, Sasakawa. formed the Kokusui Taishuto, a militarist
political movement, and according to a U.S. Counter Intelligence Corps
report after World War Two, Sasakawa. was "one of the most active Fascist
organizers prior to the war." He was later imprisoned for plotting the
assassination of a former Premier. In 1939, Sasakawa. even flew to Rome in
one of his own aircraft to meet personally with Benito Mussolini to help
arrange the Axis alliance between Italy, Germany and Japan. Sasakawa
organized Japan's black shirts patterned after Mussolini's.

Ten months before the outbreak of World War Two, Sasakawa. toured the South
Pacific in a flying boat. There still exist letters which he wrote to his
close friend Admiral Yamamoto, the architect of the Pearl Harbor attack, and
it was Sasakawa. who was virtually Yamamoto's only political contact to the
far right wing in Japan.

Another prominent Japanese war criminal who became an important member and
supporter of the Moon organization was Yoshio Kodama. Having become an
ultra-nationalist, terrorist leader in Japan at the age of 15, Kodama joined
scores of secret societies with names like Blood Brotherhood, Holy War
Execution League, Federation of Radical Patriotic Workers, and Capital Rise
Asia Academy. He made his living working for those murderous groups. These
yakuza armies were bankrolled by and served the interests of wealthy
industrials, the police and the Army. They broke up labor unions,
"protected" factories and offices, and assassinated opposition leaders.
Having participated in a failed plot to assassinate, in one stroke, all the
most powerful men in Japan, Kodama ended up in prison for attempted
assassination and other terrorist acts.

By 1940, Kodama had set up a strong working relationship with Japan's
military intelligence apparatus, and served on many secret missions into
Manchuria. The work landed him the lucrative position of supplying the
Japanese Navy during World War Two. By one account, it was Sasakawa. who
asked Kodama to do this work. He established the Kodama Agency, which
according to U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps records, consisted of
"systematically looting China of its raw materials". In order to accomplish
this supply network, Kodama dealt in heroin, guns, tungsten, gold, salt,
iron, owned farms, fisheries, an orphanage, and molybdenum mine, a munitions
factory in China, industrial diamonds and radium, which he stole from the
hospitals in Shanghai. Eventually he became known as "the man behind the
Kempei Tai (secret police). When World War Two ended, Kodama was 34, a
brigadier general, Cabinet advisor, and possessed millions of dollars worth
of platinum, industrial diamonds, over $175 million in foreign currency,
plus liquid assets.

At the end of World War Two, both Sasakawa. and Kodama were classified as
Class A war criminals by the American Occupation Forces in Japan. According
to American Intelligence, "Sasakawa. appears to be a man potentially
dangerous to Japan's political future...He has been squarely behind Japanese
military aggression and anti-foreignism for more than 20 years. He is a man
of wealth and not too scrupulous about its use...He is not above wearing any
new cloak that opportunism may offer." In 1946, an American Army officer
attached to the International Military Tribunal in Japan, said of Kodama,
"He committed numerous acts of violence in China in acquisition by foul
means or fair of commodities and goods belonging to the Chinese," and that
"ten years from today, Kodama is going to be a great leader in Japan." The
officer's assessment of Kodama was bleak. "His long and fanatic involvement
in ultra-nationalistic activities, violence included, and his skill in
appealing to youth, make him a man who, if released from internment, would
surely be a grave security risk...Persistent rumors as to his black market
profits in his Shanghai period, plus his known opportunism, are forceful
arguments that he would be as unscrupulous in trade as he was in

But when the Cold War began, U.S. officials in Japan began to fear the
Communists more than the Fascists, a pattern too familiar in Europe.
Sasakawa., Kodama and other prominent Japanese war criminals were quietly
released from prison in 1948, and many went on to play a dominant role in
the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party, the most important political party in
Asia, which has controlled the political destiny of Japan ever since. It has
been reported that Kodama's release from Sugamo Prison was the work of the
CIA. As a result, many of the very same men in Japan who had worked closely
with Nazi Germany a decade before, again assumed the leadership role in

By 1958, Kodama was one of the most powerful men in the Orient. That same
year, he signed a contract with the Lockheed Corporation to help influence
the Japanese government to reverse its intention to purchase the Grumman
F-111 for the Japanese Air Force. To do this, Kodama used an American agent
who had lost his U.S. citizenship by working with the Japanese during World
War Two in Manchuria, another intelligence agent who had worked in China,
and other associated politicians, including war crimes suspects whom he had
met in Sugamo Prison. Among the people who helped him to secure the contract
for Lockheed were General Minoru Genda, the architect of the attack on Pearl
Harbor, who had recently been appointed commander-in-chief of the new
Japanese Air Force. Kodama had helped him in this new appointment. Lockheed
received the Japanese contract and General Genda, who was a primary party in
the bombing of Pearl Harbor 17 years earlier, received the U.S. Legion of
Merit award from the U.S. Air Force.

Moon, Sasakawa. and Kodama first got together in the 1960s to form the Asian
People's Anti-Communist League. Created with the help of South Korean
intelligence agents and Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, the League dedicated
itself to uniting Fascists throughout Asia and combatting Communism. The
League set up and funded Moon's Freedom Center in the United States in 1964.
Kodama was chief advisor for the Moon subsidiary, Win Over Communism, an
organization which helped to protect his investments in South Korea. In
1966, the League merged with the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, another
Fascist organization, to form the World Anti-Communist League. Dedicated to
fighting Communism and promoting Fascism, and spreading to nearly 100
nations on six continents, the World Anti-Communist League was headed by
John Singlaub, one of the key players in the Iran-Contra scandal.

According to Sara Diamond, the League was a "multinational network of Nazi
war criminals, Latin American death squad leaders, North American racists
and anti-Semites, and Fascist politicians from every continent." The
headquarters for the League is in the United States, in the offices of
Moon's Freedom Center.

I know that the CIA has an interest in Zippergate from the presence of Plato
Cacheris, who is always on the scene when the Agency needs him. The problem
here is that it is hard to tell where RICHARD SCAIFE ends and the CIA

I suspect that the CIA came into possession of intelligence information on
President Clinton's sexual practices long before SCAIFE did. What they did
with this information I cannot say for certain. Perhaps the Agency decided
to accelerate Clinton's demise by leaking info to SCAIFE who siced LINDA
TRIPP on Lewinsky through GOLDBERG. The Starr report indicated that Clinton
believed the intelligence community was interested in him: "He told her (Lew
insky) that he suspected that a foreign embassy (he did not specify which
one) was tapping his telephones and he proposed cover stories. If ever
questioned she should say the two of them were just friends. If anyone ever
asked about their phone sex, she should say she knew their calls were being
monitored all along, and the phone sex was just a put on." There are very
few foreign embassies with the capability of tapping the secure White House
telephone line - and why would they blow an invaluable source of information
by questioning Monica about phone sex? Who does the questioning in this
country? The FBI. By law, the CIA has access to all FBI documents. President
Clinton believed that the FBI or CIA was tapping his phone, but was afraid
to relay this fear to Monica, who might have freaked out, so he said it was
a foreign embassy.

RICHARD SCAIFE's father was in the OSS. SCAIFE himself went back to the
early days of the Cold War when the CIA was involved in countering the
Soviet Union's government financed pro-communist propaganda campaign. The
Agency set up numerous proprietaries to do this, and needed foundations to
launder the CIA funds which financed these proprietaries. These foundations
intermingled CIA money with their own, making it more difficult to trace the
money back to the CIA. In some cases these Foundations became an informal
part of the CIA. Key people in these organizations were given Operational
Approval and became agents of the CIA. RICHARD SCAIFE was one of them. For
all we know the CIA may still be funding the SCAIFE Foundations and
taxpayers money might be being used to unseat the President of the United
States. Did CIA funding of various Foundations end when the Cold War ended
or is it still going on? Since Communism is no longer the threat it once
was, my guess is that CIA funds are going to pro-free enterprise publishers
and foundations.


Pentagon. Why not the White House? GOLDBERG had ties to Richard Nixon, who
tampered with American democracy by running operations against his political
opponents. GOLDBERG also has strong ties to the CIA. A few well financed,
determined conservatives, spied on the President, exposed him, and now
impeachment proceedings in the Judiciary Committee are underway, headed by
another individual who receives money indirectly from SCAIFE, Representative

LINDA TRIPP was a key player, get it through your heads, she was a fucking
mole. Remember: Monica told her story to 11 people, but only one ratted her
out, and this person could be traced back to Clinton hater RICHARD SCAIFE.


LINDA TRIPP grew up in a middle-class neighborhood in Whippany, N.J.

A New Yorker article was published in March, stated that LINDA TRIPP was
arrested in 1969, at the age of 19, for grand larceny and later plead guilty
to loitering. LINDA TRIPP said that she understood the charges to have been
expunged, and that she had answered her military questionnaire truthfully to
the best of her knowledge.

She married at 21, had two children.

She followed her military husband to Europe, where she took her first
government post in 1984 in the Department of the Army, HQ Allied Forces
Europe, as Personal Assistant to the United States Representative, Brunssum,
Belgium 1984 to 1987.

She was in the Department of the Army, Army Intelligence Command, Classified
unit (administrative assistant), Fort Meade, Maryland in 1987.

She was in the Department of the Army, on a Classified Assignment
(Operations Assistant), Fort Bragg, North Carolina from 1988 to 1989.

>From the New York Times, January 26, 1998, by Tim Weiner and Judith Miller:
WASHINGTON -- "White House officials wondering how a trusted aide came to
create such a potentially deadly political weapon may look to LINDA TRIPP's
experience working for highly classified Army intelligence and commando
units in the 1980s. As an aide to the Delta Force, she knew that keeping and
maintaining secret records is crucial in a crisis, she said in sworn
testimony four years ago.... "I've worked on the covert side of the
Department of Defense," she testified before a House committee investigating
the [Vince Foster] suicide...."

Colonel C.A. Beckwith of the United States Army was assigned to the Special
Air Service unit of the British Army (S.A.S.) from 1962 to 1963. The S.A.S.
is a specialized force used for much of the British army's undercover work,
which would range from operating behind enemy lines to the surveillance and
infiltration of terrorists groups. In recent times the S.A.S. have been
involved with operations in Bosnia, where they have been used as forward air
control representation for NATO aircraft involved in air strikes on Serb
positions. They also helped American forces involved in the invasion of
Haiti in the Caribbean.
After returning to the US Army, C.A. Beckwith started the planning of a new
Special Forces unit for the US Army. On November 19, 1977 the 1st Special
Forces Operational Detachment Delta was created with the SAS as a model. The
SFOD-Delta unit were created in secrecy. The Delta was intended as a
overseas counter-terrorist unit specialized in hostages rescue, barricade
operations and specialized reconnaissance.

The composition and strength of Delta Force are closely guarded secrets. The
US still refuses to admit it's existence, even when it's commonly know that
they took part in the failed attempt to rescue 66 American hostages from the
US Embassy in Tehran in November 1979. Delta force's main function is as a
hostages rescue unit. The recruits for Delta Force are volunteers mainly
from the 82nd Airborne, Special Force Green Berets and the Rangers. They are
trained in all ascepts of Counter-terrorism, and they are said to be the
world's best specialists in CQB (Close Quarters Battle). The Deltas are know
to have seen action in Panama and in the Gulf War, where they along with the
Green Berets located Scud launchers.

She was Department of the Army, Office of Deputy Under Secretary for
Operations Research, Secretary/Stenographer 1990. Divorced in the early

Linda became White House, Special Assistant to the Assistant to the
President for Media Affairs 1991 to 1992. This was the Bush Administration.
She was promoted to White House, Executive Assistant to the Deputy Chief of
Staff 1992. LINDA TRIPP was alleged to be a source of never-proven
allegations about President George Bush's personal life.

July 20, 1993 Vince Foster commits suicide.

Vince Foster's death was investigated by Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr,
who wanted to subpeona Foster's attorney's records claiming that
attorney-client priviledge ended after the client died. Starr took the same
party line as the rest of the SCAIFE propaganda machine, such as AIM and
Western Journalism Center, who alleged that Clinton had Foster murdered.
This was essentially floating a false new story. LINDA TRIPP was the last
person to speak with Vincent Foster before he committed suicide. What was
she trying to find out? Did she know he was mentally disraught and was she
using this opportunity to pump him for derrogatory information on President
Clinton? Note LINDA TRIPP's interest in Foster coincides with SCAIFE's.

Criticized the White House treatment of Foster's death as suspicious in a
1994 book proposal reported in the New York Times.

Mid 1994 LINDA TRIPP was forced out of her job at the White House counsel's
office and began work at the Pentagon.

In testimony to Congress in 1995, LINDA TRIPP defended White House conduct
under the Clinton Administration in the aftermath of Deputy White House
Counsel Vince Foster's 1993 suicide.

June 21, 1996 Lewinsky begins internship.

April 1996 Lewinsky tranferred to Pentagon. At the Pentagon, Lewinsky meets
LINDA TRIPP, a career government worker.

Summer 1996: Lewinsky begins to tell fellow Pentagon employee Linda LINDA
TRIPP of her relationship with Clinton. How did Linda and Monica hook up at
the Pentagon, which is a really big place. Did GOLDBERG contact someone in
the Agency who was also working for SCAIFE, or contact someone who had once
worked for the Agency, and was she told that Monica Lewinsky was another
target of our horney President? Knowing this, did LINDA TRIPP befriend
(target) Lewinsky. What were the mechanics of the LINDA TRIPP transfer? What
is the chronology? The Starr report did not focus at all on this aspect of
the scandal. What attracted LINDA TRIPP to Lewinsky? Coincidence? Gossip? Or
intelligence information?

August 1997: LINDA TRIPP saw Kathleen Willey looking "disheveled" after
leaving Clinton's office. Cathrine Willey was a former flight attendant
married to Edward Willey Jr., a Richmond, Virginia, attorney 13 years her
senior, since 1971. They were in debt, and Edward Willey faced prosecution
for embezzling $275,000 from clients. On the day his wife was groped by the
President, Edward Willey drove into a woods near Richmond and killed

When Willey was ordered by a judge to give sworn testimony in the case,
sources say her affidavit confirmed LINDA TRIPP's account of unwanted

August 11 1997: Newsweek story is published in which LINDA TRIPP says Willey
told her Clinton made a pass at her. Robert Bennett calls LINDA TRIPP a

October 1 1997: Paula Jones, whose sexual harassment suit against Clinton is
scheduled to be heard in May, announces she has switched lawyers and
accepted financial support from the Rutherford Institute. The Rutherford
Institute receives three anonymous phone calls in a female voice that
Lewinsky may have had sex with Clinton, according to sources. LINDA TRIPP
said this was her.

In the White House LINDA TRIPP existed in the milieu of the intelligence
community. According to Monica's Grand Jury testimony: "LINDA TRIPP called
me at work on October 6, 1997 and told me that her friend Kate from the
NSC...had heard rumors about me and that I would never work in the White
House again.." Kate Friedrich Special Assistant, National Security Advisor?
Click HERE to learn more about the National Security Council.

LINDA TRIPP knew Clinton's sex life could bring down Clinton's presidency
and was reporting to "literary agent" Lucianne S. GOLDBERG who was once an
asset of the CIA, and may still be today.

October 1997 LUCIANNE GOLDBERG, son Jonah, Isikoff and LINDA TRIPP meet to
discuss tapes on which Lewinsky alleges to LINDA TRIPP that she had a sexual
relationship with Clinton and that he and Jordan advised her to deny it.
Isikoff had left the Washington Post over their refusal to run his piece on
Paula Jones. Isikoff had authored a Post piece knocking Senator Kerry for
exposing drug links to Iran Contra. The cover story was that the taped
conversations were intended for a book she was planning to write with the
assistance of GOLDBERG, which LINDA TRIPP had pitched as "Behind Closed
Doors -- What I Saw at the Clinton White House." LINDA TRIPP backed out of
the deal, however, citing editorial differences and worries about her job.
LINDA TRIPP's desk remains waiting for her undisturbed in the basement of
the Pentagon. For now, she is on flex-time and claims that she has been
demoted to mere menial work, though her salary remains $88,000 a year. LINDA
TRIPP associates say her anger at being labeled a liar by Robert Bennett was
one reason she decided to record her conversations with Lewinsky. She wished
to clear her name, and was advised by her literary agent LUCIANNE GOLDBERG
that the best way to do that would be to tape her conversations with

January 7, 1998: Lewinsky signs an affidavit in the Jones case declaring she
"never had a sexual relationship with the president." Her lawyer does not,
however, submit the affidavit yet.
January 9, 1998: LINDA TRIPP delivers the tapes to her lawyer, Jim Moody.

At least a week before LINDA TRIPP called the Office of the Independent
Counsel, the OIC had received info on the Lewinsky/ Clinton connection from
Jerome M. Marcus, of Berger & Montague, an attorney with connections to the
Federalist Society and to the Paula Jones lawsuit. The New York Times
reported that besides Mr. Marcus, the group of lawyers that helped Mrs.
LINDA TRIPP included Richard W. Porter, a law partner of Mr. STARR'S at the
Chicago firm of Kirkland & Ellis, and George T. Conway 3d, a partner at
Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz in New York. The three lawyers, who were all
members of the Federalist Society, a conservative legal organization whose
events have been attended by Mr. STARR, helped Mrs. LINDA TRIPP find a new
lawyer, James A. Moody, who was also a member of the Federalist Society.
They then worked together, in secret deliberations with LUCIANNE GOLDBERG to
bring Mrs. LINDA TRIPP's tapes and story to Mr. STARR.

Ms. GOLDBERG said that she had told these lawyers and several other friends
who are politically conservative about Ms. LINDA TRIPP's accusations in late
December and early January. "Who else would I go to to get involved in
something like this?" Ms. GOLDBERG asked. "The people who have the most axes
to grind." The three lawyers who formed a secret bridge between Mrs. LINDA
TRIPP and Mr. STARR share involvement in the Paula Jones case, membership in
conservative groups and friendships, some of which extended into Mr. STARR'S

Long before the Lewinsky matter, Mr. Marcus had signed a friend of the court
brief filed with the Supreme Court in support of the Jones case and had been
a critic of the President. In an Op-Ed article published on Sept. 23 in The
Washington Times, Mr. Marcus wrote: "Mr. Clinton's lies didn't just cover up
an adulterous act. His lies covered up his selfishness. His lies covered up
his total lack of respect for the American people, and his lack of respect
for the house of ours in which we have invited him to live for a time."

Mr. Conway and Mr. Porter have also done legal work in support of the Jones
case. Indeed, Mr. STARR himself was briefly involved in the Jones case:
before becoming the Whitewater in dependent counsel in August 1994, he
helped the Independent Women's Forum, a conservative organization, file a
friend of the court brief in the Jones case. Mr. STARR was not paid for his
services. On July 31 of this year, Mr. STARR announced that he was taking an
unpaid, indefinite leave of absence from Kirkland & Ellis.

The three lawyers went to great lengths to hide their communications with
Ms. GOLDBERG and Mr. STARR'S office. In early January, Ms. GOLDBERG had
conversations with Mr. Marcus and Mr. Porter to discuss how Mrs. LINDA TRIPP
might contact Mr. Starr. In her interview, Ms. GOLDBERG today described Mr.
Marcus as "a cutout," who was brought into the matter to keep Mr. Porter's
role obscured because of his close ties to Mr. STARR. On Jan. 12, several
days after Mr. Marcus's call, Mrs. LINDA TRIPP contacted Mr. Bennett, Mr.
STARR'S deputy, from her home in Columbia, Md. Ms. GOLDBERG said Mr. Porter
had passed on Mr. Bennett's office phone number, which she gave to Mrs.
LINDA TRIPP. LINDA TRIPP spoke with Mr. Bennett for 90 minutes. At 10:30
P.M., three I prosecutors and an F.B.I. agent climbed into a van and rushed
to LINDA TRIPP's house.

It was Ms. GOLDBERG who had steered Mrs. LINDA TRIPP to Bennett. Ms.
GOLDBERG added that she telephoned Mr. Bennett some time in January to
discuss Mrs. LINDA TRIPP's accusations, but she refused to say when. Ms.
GOLDBERG, who in 1972 was a Nixon campaign informer on George McGovern's
Presidential campaign plane, acknowledged that she relished her role as an
instigator and source to Mr. Isikoff. "It was cloak and dagger," she said
with a laugh, "like the old Nixon days."

January 12 1998: LINDA TRIPP brings Kenneth Starr the tapes of her
conversations with Lewinsky.

January 13 1998: FBI agents equip LINDA TRIPP with a hidden microphone and
record her conversation with Lewinsky at the Pentagon City Ritz-Carlton
January 14 1998: Lewinsky allegedly gives LINDA TRIPP a document to coach
her on what to tell Jones's lawyers about the Willey incident.

January 16 1998: STARR'S deputies have LINDA TRIPP meet Lewinsky again at
the Ritz-Carlton. They intercept Lewinsky.
March 16, 1998: Clinton says "nothing improper" happened when he was alone
with Kathleen Willey, responding to her accusations aired in an interview on
"60 Minutes" the previous night.

An accounting of LINDA TRIPP's past work experience was released by the
Pentagon during the controversy over her legal history, and included the
following information:

Work Experience
White House, Executive Assistant to White House Counsel Bernard Nussbaum
1993 to ??? (she came to the Pentagon in August 1994)
White House, Executive Assistant, worked for senior advisor Bruce Lindsey
January 1993 to April 1993
White House, Executive Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Staff 1992
White House, Special Assistant to the Assistant to the President for Media
Affairs 1991 to 1992
Department of the Army, Office of Deputy Under Secretary for Operations
Research, Secretary/Stenographer 1990
Department of the Army, Classified Assignment (Operations Assistant), Fort
Bragg, North Carolina 1988 to 1989
This excerpt comes from the December 1, 1998 issue of the New York Times in
regard to Bin Laden operative Ali A. Mohamed.

In the most notable of these incidents, Mr. Mohamed took leave from the Army
base at Fort Bragg, N.C., and told friends that he planned to join the
mujahedeen rebel forces in Afghanistan and "kill Russians." After returning,
he boasted of his combat exploits to colleagues at the Army's Special
Warfare School, prompting two of his superiors to file reports with Army
officials at Fort Bragg and with Army intelligence.

He thanked another officer, Capt. Michael W. Asimos, for providing him with
some unclassified maps of Afghanistan before he left.

"I remember Ali coming back at some point in 1988," Captain Asimos recalled,
"and telling me how much Ahmad Shah Massoud was pleased that I took him some
maps." Mr. Massoud led one of the mujabedeen groups fighting the Soviets in

It is not known whether Mr. Mohamed had a relationship with any terrorist
organization while in the Army. In retrospect, some of his colleagues say,
he had an unusual interest in classified matters. Captain Asimos ran a
classified war game at Fort Bragg in 1988 that involved military and
intelligence officers from all over the country. He said he had told
participants to be careful of what they said in front of Mr. Mohamed, who
they said did not hold a security clearance.

"I can specifically remember Ali coming down and saying "I want to be
involved in this, I want to help, I have a great deal of knowledge here,"
Captain Asimos recalled.

Toward the end of his service in the Army, Mr. Mohamed asked to be
introduced to the C.I.A.'s representtive at Fort Bragg, a former Army
officer said.

The Army officer, unaware that Mr. Mohamed already had a history with the
agency, recalls telling the C.I.A. official that Mr. Mohamad has this
burning desire to be utilized as an intelligence operative and "you're the
logical guy to look at him."

The meeting lasted about an hour, the Army officer recalled. Afterward, he
said, the C.I.A. official joked that Mr. Mohamed might already be utilized a
"spook," using the slang term for espionage agent.

"I just kind of laughed," the officer said. "How ridiculous that this guy
could possibly be a spook matriculating in this sort of bastion of special
operations activity."

Department of the Army, Army Intelligence Command, Classified unit
(administrative assistant), Fort Meade, Maryland 1987
Department of the Army, HQ Allied Forces Europe, Personal Assistant to the
United States Representative, Brunssum, Belgium 1984 to 1987
Written and oral fluency in German
Sustained Superior Performance Awards
Maintained top secret clearance
Extensive foreign travel
Linda LINDA TRIPP was also questioned about Travelgate Affair. She is at the
center of everything!! LINDA TRIPP is still the director of the Pentagon's
oldest and most prestigious program, the Joint Civilian Orientation
Conference (JCOC). She is a Public Affairs Operations Officer for the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs in the Pentagon. Appointed
by President Clinton in l994, Linda served as Deputy Director of the program
prior to being promoted to Director in 1995. She is now allowed to work out
of her home. Of the more than 50 witnesses who have appeared before STARR'S
grand jury, LINDA TRIPP testified the longest. LINDA TRIPP's public
statements did not address how she became such close friends with Lewinsky.

LINDA TRIPP advised Lewinsky to save the seman stained dress and put it in a
safety deposit box. LINDA TRIPP and LUCIANNE GOLDBERG planned to steal the
dress and consulted Mark Furman about DNA testing. A newly released document
indicates that LINDA TRIPP may have doctored the tapes. Could she have done
this on her own?

Abridged text of LINDA TRIPP's statement to the press after concluding her
Grand Jury testimony. "I am encouraged that it appears from press reports
that Monica (Lewinsky) has decided to cooperate with the independent
counsel... I understand that there has been a great deal of speculation
about just who I am and how I got here. Well, the answer is simple. I'm you.
I'm just like you. I'm an average American who found herself in a situation
not of her own making. I'm a suburban mom, who was a military wife for 20
years, and a faithful government employee for 18 years. I never, ever asked
to be placed in this position... I became aware between 1993 and 1997 of
actions by high government officials that may have been against the law. For
that period of nearly five years, the things I witnessed concerning several
different subjects made me increasingly fearful that this information was
dangerous, very dangerous, to possess. On Jan. 12, 1998, the day I
approached the Office of the Independent Counsel, I decided that fear would
no longer be my master. ...To cast me in the role of the villain, they have
enlisted legions of paid prevaricators, not surprisingly, many in the
entertainment industry have chosen to ridicule me as well. Going so far as
to even make fun of my appearance in a manner so mean and so cruel that I
pray none of you is ever subjected to it...I have never had any political
agenda. I still don't."

LINDA TRIPP maintains a conspiratorial view of the Clinton White House:
"enlisted legions of paid prevaricators." The usual phrase is "paid
provocateurs." Interesting.


LUCIANNE GOLDBERG, is a CIA connected journalist, who interfaces with
several individuals mentioned in the Coup D'Etat in America Political
Assassination Data Base.

Born Lucianne Steinberger in 1935, GOLDBERG grew up outside Washington,
where her father worked as a government physicist.

The following is from Nightmare: The Underside of the Nixon Years, by J.
Anthony Lukas (Bantam edition, 1977), pp. 218-9:

"The third operation belonged to Murray Chotiner. It was a sequel to a
similar scheme he had directed in 1968. Chotiner hired two writers to pose
as reporters with the Democratic campaigns and send back reports to him
under the code name "Mr. Chapman's Friends." ... The first of Mr. Chapman's
Friends was Seymour K. Freidin, a veteran journalist then working as a
free-lance writer. Freiden had supplied intelligence on the Humphrey
campaign for Chotiner in 1968. In March 1971 Chotiner hired Freidin again --
at $1000 a month -- and he reported on the Muskie campaign and others
intermittently until August 1972.... In August 1972 he was replaced by
another writer, LUCIANNE GOLDBERG, who reported on the McGovern campaign
that fall. "They were looking for really dirty stuff," she says. "Who was
sleeping with whom, what the Secret Service men were doing with the
stewardesses, who was smoking pot on the plane -- that sort of thing."
Murray Chotiner is also in this data base. He died under mysterious

THE KGB REPORTED: "In August, 1973, it was learned that a free-lance writer,
LUCIANNE GOLDBERG was paid $1,000 a week by the Republican Party during the
1972 presidential election campaign to keep tabs on the Democratic Party's
candidates. Miss GOLDBERG is said to have received a total of more than
$10,000 plus expenses. Another free-lance journalist, Seymour Freidin was
paid over $10,000 by the Republicans for similar services. Then Jack
Anderson wrote in his column that Seymour Freidin was a CIA agent. Freidin
apparently realized that Anderson had the proof, so, when other wire service
corespondents asked him whether this was true or not, he did not deny it. "I
gave my word to Dick Helms," he said, meaning Richard Helms, CIA director

In 1972, GOLDBERG told the McGovern campaign that she worked for the North
American Newspaper Alliance and later for Women's News Service. The
addresses she listed for both agencies then is the same as her current
residence on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

The North American Newspaper Alliance was owned by OSS founder Ernest Cuneo,
a highly influential Washington, D.C., attorney. [CIA 592-252-B] Ernest
Cuneo's clients included United Fruit, and he was a friend of Allen Dulles.

Priscilla Johnson, another CIA-linked journalist who worked for NANA
interviewed Oswald in the Soviet Union and did a anti-conspiracy book with
Marina Oswald!! Priscilla was close with Cord Meyer.

Cord Meyer was born on November 10, 1920. His father was a wealthy Long
Island real estate developer turned diplomat. He attended Yale University,
enlisted in the Marines, and lost an eye and a twin brother during World War
II. In April 1945 he married Mary Eno Pinchot, a correspondent for the North
American Newspaper Alliance. Mary Pinchot was the niece of former
Pennsylvania Governor Gifford Pinchot. Cord Meyer divorced Pinchot in 1958.
Meyer joined the CIA and headed it's Organizational Division.

LUCIANNE GOLDBERG was also the agent for Leo Damore& Senatorial Privilege,
an expose about Sen. Ted Kennedy & Chappaquiddick incident. And she ghost
wrote former FBI agent Gary Aldrich & memoirs, a favorite book of Clinton

GOLDBERG, SID editor; b. N.Y.C. Mar. 1, 1931; s. Emmanuel and Florence
(Fischbein) G.; m. Lucianne S. Cummings, April 10, 1966; children: Joshua
John, Jonah Jacob. B.A., U.Mich., 1950, M.A., 1952; student, N.Y.U.,
1952-53. Editorial asst. Washington Post & Times Herald, 1955-56; fgn.
affairs editor World Week mag., N.Y.C., 1955-57; asst. editor North Am.
Newspaper Alliance, 1957-58, news editor, 1958-60, editor, 1960--, gen.
mgr., v.p., 1964--; editor Women's News Service, 1964-81; pres. N.Am.
Newspaper Alliance, Inc., Bell-McClure Syndicate, 1972, exec. editor,
1973-81; gen. exec. United Feature Syndicate, 1973, mng. editor, 1974-78,
v.p., exec. editor, 1978--, Newspaper Enterprise Assn., 1979--; exec. editor
Ind. News Alliance, 1980--. Served with AUS, 1953-55. Mem. Nat. Cartoonists
Soc., Soc. of Silurians, Sigma Delta Chi. Clubs: Overseas Press Am., Dutch
Treat, Hudson Harbor Yacht (N.Y.C.). Home: 255 W 84th St, New York NY 10024
Office: 200 Park Ave, New York NY 10166.
>From an article by Frank Greve and Ron Hutcheson, Knight-Ridder/Tribune
Information Services, February 6, 1998: "GOLDBERG came to share her
husband's conservative views, and his close friendship with Victor Lasky, a
stridently anti-Kennedy, anti-Communist columnist that Mr. GOLDBERG's
syndicate published. In 1972, Lasky introduced Mrs. GOLDBERG to Murray
Chotiner, Richard Nixon's first dirty trickster. He'd directed Nixon's 1946
smear campaign against Rep. Helen Gahagan Douglas, claiming she was a "pink
lady" - a communist sympathizer. Chotiner recruited GOLDBERG to spy on
McGovern. To gain press credentials, she said she was writing for the
Women's News Service, edited by her husband, to which she had sometimes sold
freelance stories. After the caper was exposed, both GOLDBERGs offered to
sever their ties to the wire service. Mrs. GOLDBERG's offer was accepted.
Her husband's wasn't."


Victor Lasky, was more than a simple right-wing columnist. He was a CIA
operative. Lasky began his career in journalism as a copy boy for The New
York Journal American. After Army service in World War II, Victor Lasky
became a journalist who "exposed" Communist infiltration of American
institutions. In 1955 he wrote for WRKO radio. He covered the Alger Hiss
trial, and co-wrote a book about the case entitled Seeds of Treason. From
1956 to 1960, he was a public relations executive with Radio Liberty, a
well-known CIA proprietary. From 1962 to 1980 Victor Lasky was a news
columnist for the North American Newspaper Alliance. The North American
Newspaper Alliance published Victor Lasky's columns attacking the critics of
the Warren Commission. In the early 1960's Nelson Rockefeller protested
against an alleged investigation of Victor Lasky by the Justice Department.
Rockefeller claimed a Justice Department official had made inquires
regarding Lasky at the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee. [FBI
62-72612-84; FBI 62-7261 NR October 18, (?) 1963] In 1963 Lasky wrote JFK,
The Man and the Myth. In 1968 he wrote Robert F. Kennedy, The Myth and the
Man. He was the recipient of a $20,000 cash payment from the NIXON White
House in the early 1970's. [WFO FBI 139-166, Hdqrs.. 139-4089-2312 -
6.18.73] Around this time Victor Lasky wrote, It Didn't Start with
Watergate, a defense of RICHARD NIXON.

In 1978 Lasky became a principal in Accuracy In Media, an ultraconservative
media watchdog group whose directors included Claire Boothe Luce. Accuracy
In Media sent a letter of protest to The National Enquirer when it published
an article in April 1977 by this author on OSWALD'S 201 file. DAVID
PHILLIPS, who retired from the CIA and headed the Association of Retired
Intelligence Agents, was quoted extensively in this letter. Claire Boothe
Luce was also a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of
Retired Intelligence Agents. In the mid-1980s, Lasky was close to CIA
director William Casey. Lasky was associated with FRANK STURGIS through men
like Nathan Weyl. Check the DATABASE!

Victor Lasky died of cancer on February 22, 1990. He was 72. [FBI 64-44828.
8.18.64; Wash. Evening Star 12.19.59; FBI 64-44828 File on MARTINO; New York
Journal American 12.28.63; Nathan Weyl Red Star Over Cuba Devin Adair 1960
NY; MARTINO I Was Castro's Prisoner Devon Adair 1963; WCD 662; Wash. Post

LUCIANNE GOLDBERG can be reached at 212-799-1260. Ask her if she ever worked
for the CIA.

KEN STARR was a friend of the late Henry Regnery and is a friend of ALFRED
REGNERY, Henry's son. ALFRED'S grandfather, William Regnery was a founder of
the American Security Council.

The American Security Council began in Chicago in 1955, staffed primarily by
former FBI agents. In its first year it was called the Mid-American Research
Library. Corporations joined to take advantage of what former FBI agent
William Turner described in Power on the Right as "a dossier system modeled
after the FBI's, which was intended to weed out employees and prospective
employees deemed disloyal to the free enterprise concept."

Before the founders of the American Security Council got into the business
of collecting dossiers on Americans, however, they had another sort of
political interest. Their political histories go back to the racialist and
anti-Semitic groups in the 1930's that were working in concert with Hitler's
war aims. Three groups in particular would later provide elements of the
future American Security Council: the America First Committee, the American
Vigilante Intelligence Federation, and the American Coalition of Patriotic

The person most responsible for establishing the American Security Council
was General Robert Wood, then Chairman of Sears Roebuck. Prior to Pearl
Harbor, Wood was also the chairman of the America First Committee, an
organization committed to opposing all efforts to aid Allies besieged by
Nazi Germany. As national chairman, Wood made no effort to keep out openly
pro-Nazi groups known to have been supported by Germany, such as the German
American Bund. Radio priest Father Charles Coughlin's anti-Semitic and
pro-Axis followers were also permitted by Wood to work within America First.
A 1942 FBI report indicated that Wood's "patriotic" group had "been called
upon to accept financial assistance from pro-Nazi sources."

After Pearl Harbor and Germany's declaration of war on the United States,
the America First Committee didn't go out of business as it officially
declared on December 12, 1941. Five days later, a secret meeting of certain
key leaders of America First took place in New York to plan for what they
assumed (and hoped) would be the Axis victory in Europe and the Far East.
"[T]he Committee has in reality gone underground," FBI Director J. Edgar
Hoover reported to the White House. It began planning for the day when they
would be the Americans with whom the victorious Nazis would negotiate a

Finally, when the defeat of the Nazis by Allied powers was a foregone
conclusion, the America First Committee secretly dissolved it self in 1944.

WILLIAM REGNERY, an incorporator and early leader of the Committee with
Robert Wood, helped Wood to found the ASC. His son, Henry Regnery, replaced
him at their book publishing company and at the ASC. The younger Regnery
told an interviewer several years ago that "I was very much opposed to our
getting into the war; and I published this book, which was highly critical
of Roosevelt and of the whole realm of American policies involving World War
II. Very gladly, I must say." Regnery said that the book, published in the
early 1950's, reflected his "Personal tastes."

Henry Regnery was a blond-haired Midwesterner of German-Catholic extraction,
the son of a wealthy textile manufacturer, who displayed at an early age far
more interest in ideas than in making money. After receiving an engineering
degree from MIT, he studied philosophy at the University of Bonn and
economics at Harvard.

Initially a liberal and a supporter of Roosevelt's New Deal, Regnery went to
work for the Resettlement Administration and then the American Friends
Service Committee. But his isolationism and pro-German sentiment made him
oppose American entry into the European war; and his opposition to
Roosevelt's foreign policy gradually led him to question the Democratic
domestic policy as well.

In 1945, Regnery met Frank Hanighen, an Omaha businessman, who with two
other isolationists, Felix Morley and William Henry Chamberlin, had started
a weekly broadsheet in Washington, Human Events. Regnery became a co-owner
and the treasurer of the paper, but he was unwilling to leave the Midwest.
In 1947, with his father's help, he founded Henry Regnery Company. The first
two books he published were pro-German attacks on the Nuremberg Trials. The
company's third book was In Darkest Germany (1947) which reported that
bombing raids in Germany's industrial North had left civilians starving and
homeless. Neither of these nor the subsequent books Regnery had published
made money, and by the time Buckley sent God and Man at Yale to Regnery in
April 1951 the firm was barely solvent. In 1954 Regnery published two of
Birch Society leader Robert Welch's books.

In the 1950's, Regnery Publishing was subsidized by the Central Intelligence
Agency, according to Howard Hunt, as was Fredrick Praeger Publishing and
Fodor's travel guides.

Henry Regnery funded Western goals, and organization headed by Dan Smoot. In
1955 Smoot left H.L. Hunt's operation and established the Dan Smoot Report
along with Jew hater Gerald L.K. Smith.

President Reagan appointed ALFRED REGNERY to help dismantle the the Justice
Department's Office of Juvenile Justice. In 1986 Regnery approved a $186,000
grant to the Center For Judicial Studies, a conservative think tank with
links to Jerry Falwell. In 1986 Alfred S. Regnery approved a grant for a
book in which he would receive $1,000 to write a chapter.

In 1988, when ALFRED REGNERY published Red Horizons, by Lt. Gen. Ion Mikhai
Pacepa, the former head of the Romanian Foreign Intelligence Service, the
DIE, who defected to the United States in 1979, Regnery received death
threats from the PLO. Radio Free Europe broadcast excerpts from this book.

In December of 1993 Regnery was acquired by Tom Phillips, publisher of Human
Events. When I subscribed to Human Events, I was struck by the fact that the
publication went out of its way to identify political figures who were
Jewish or half-Jewish, for example, John Schlesinger.

Regnery published these titles:

A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States by Edwin
Meese. Jacob Stein, who is now representing Monica Lewinsky, is the former
independent counsel who investigated and cleared one-time Attorney General
Ed Meese.

Inquisition : The Persecution and Prosecution of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon
by Carlton Sherwood. Reverend Moon has been linked to Korean Intelligence
which is tied in with the CIA.

Man And God At Yale, by William Buckley and McCarthy and His Enemies by
William F. Buckley, L. Brent Bozell. William Buckley was a CIA agent who
worked in Mexico under E. Howard Hunt.

The FBI'S Man in the Kremlin by John Barron. The CIA admitted funding
Barron's book, KGB, published by Readers Digest Press.

Unlimited Access : An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House by Gary
Aldrich. LUCIANNE GOLDBERG was the literary agent for this favorite of the
Clinton bashers.

Values Matter Most : How Democrats or Republicans or a Third Party Can Win
and Renew the American Way of Life by Ben J. Wattenberg. Lucianne and Sid's
28-year-old son Jonah GOLDBERG is employed by Ben Wattenberg, a think-tank
activist who was intimately involved with CIA-linked contra support
activities during the 1980s. Wattenberg was also vice-chairman of the Board
for International Broadcasting, which was created by Congress in 1973 in an
attempt to remove Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty from the taint of
direct CIA control. His son Daniel Wattenberg, a conservative writer who has
helped expose the Clintons, was a special assistant to convicted Iran-contra
figure Elliott Abrams.

The Secret War Against Hitler by William Casey. Casey was Director of the
Central Intelligence Agency under Ronald Reagan.

Other authors from Regnery have been identified as either having been in
contact with Nazis, such as Lynn Nofziger, or of having a similar political
philosophy as the Nazis, such Patrick J. Buchanan, while others have been
Jews who collaborated with the Nazis such as Alfred M. Lilienthal,"What
Price Israel" (1953). Regnery also published the work of fascist Ezra Pound.
He has also published Alexander Lebed.

When LINDA TRIPP secretly taped conversations in which her young friend
Monica Lewinsky claimed to have had an affair with the president, she tried
to sell a book about the Clinton White House for as much as $500,000, to
Regenery Press. The book was offered to Regnery in mid-1996 by New York

Click HERE for references on the Regnerys.

RICHARD SCAIFE, 63, of Shadyside, Pennsylvania, is the great grandson of the
founder of Gulf Oil, Richard Beatty Mellon. SCAIFE won't use middle name
because he feels Mellon clan mistreated his parents and is long estranged
from reclusive, liberal sister Cordelia SCAIFE May. SCAIFE is worth $870
million. During World War II, while Richard and Cordelia's father, Alan
SCAIFE, served in Europe in the OSS, the forerunner to the CIA, the SCAIFE
family lived in Washington. SCAIFE is a former alcoholic who was expelled
from Yale after a drunken party. He ended up at the University of
Pittsburgh, where is father was Chairman of the Board of Trustees. He shuns

Richard Mellon SCAIFE is, in effect, Kenneth Starr'S future boss in private
life. Starr was given the position of first Dean of the School of Public
Policy of Pepperdine University. This position was created with the help of
a of a 1.1 million dollar gift from "life regent" Richard SCAIFE. SCAIFE
gave Pepperdine 10 million dollars over the years. Starr had to postpone
filling this seat, then had to decline it, but he knows the Gulf Oil Money
is out there waiting for him.

A Clinton White House report stated that SCAIFE was the force behind the
circulation of the story that Clinton White House aide Vincent Foster was

SCAIFE family makes $750,000 grant to Hoover Institute For War Peace and
Revolution. Over the past 25 years the SCAIFEs have donated about $20
million to the Hoover Institution.

On the Board of Directors of CIA proprietary Radio Free Europe.

SCAIFE inherited over $200 million from Mellon mother 1965.

Reportedly gave $1 million to Nixon reelection campaign.

Richard Mellon SCAIFE, was entangled with a major CIA propaganda effort
based in London during the 1970s. It began as Forum World Features in the
1960s, which then spun off the Institute for the Study of Conflict in 1970.
Both were funded jointly by SCAIFE and the CIA.

One of the largest CIA media/propaganda operations was Forum World Features
(FWF). Forum World Features was originally known as the Information
Bulletin, Ltd. and received its CIA direction and funding through the
Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF). Princeton Professor Morroe Berger,
former president of the Middle East Studies Association was a consultant for
the Congress for Cultural Freedom (1958-61) while it was a CIA operation. At
the same time, the Congress for Cultural Freedom was underwriting the
Lebanese journal, "Al-Hiwar". As mentioned above, Walter Z. Lacquer was the
Bulletin's principal director, and Meir Mindlin was its editor. By 1960,
Information Bulletin, Ltd. became Forum Service and re-incorporated itself
in Delaware with Melvin Lansky as editorial director. Lansky was a director
of Congress for Cultural Freedom; co-editor of its magazine "Encounter"; and
a "witting" CIA collaborator.

By 1965, Congress for Cultural Freedom was headed by CIA officer, Michael
Josselson who at the time was directing CIA contract employee, Brian Crozier
to reconstruct Forum Service. In December, 1965, CIA officer Robert G.
Gately replaced Mindlin, and in January, 1966, Forum Services became Forum
World Features. Crozier became director-general; John Tousa, former BBC
radio producer became editor; and Tarzie Vittachi -- now a senior UN
official -- Asian director.

In mid-1966, Forum World Features was bought by John Hay Whitney, then
publisher of the New York Herald-Tribune and part owner of the International
Herald-Tribune. Whitney was yet another CIA collaborator. Forum World
Features was now a commercial enterprise which had cut its ties with
Congress for Cultural Freedom. On January 31, 1975, Richard Mellon SCAIFE
bought Forum World Features.

The Nation Magazine reported: "One of SCAIFE's earliest mentors was the late
Frank Barnett, head of an organization called the National Strategy
Information Center, a major SCAIFE beneficiary for many years. In 1962
Richard Barnett had been recruited to lead the National Strategy Information
Center by William Casey, later Director of Central Intelligence. In its
heyday, the National Strategy Information Center was regarded as a shadowy
group with close connections to the intelligence community; Barnett was a
sort of freewheeling broker who put ideas and money people together. One
such case involved a C.I.A.-sponsored organization in Europe called Forum
World Features, run for a time by British freelance journalist and
intelligence operative Brian Crozier. A bit more than a year ago, Crozier
confirmed in an interview what others with less direct knowledge had said
for many years: that "the C.I.A. personally requested Mr. SCAIFE" to take
over as owner of Forum, which he ran from 1973 until 1975, when it was
closed down shortly before TIME OUT, a London weekly, published an article
on the C.I.A. connection which contained a 1968 CIA memorandum, addressed to
then director Richard Helms, which described Forum as a CIA sponsored
operation providing a significant means to counter communist propaganda.
Crozier also referred to an account in his memoir Free Agent (1993), in
which he said that although the C.I.A. in the early seventies declined to
fund his proposed new cold war think tank, the Institute for the Study of
Conflict, it arranged (through Barnett) for him to make an ultimately
successful pitch to Richard SCAIFE instead."

The Institute for the Study of Conflict was set up to study urban terrorism,
guerrilla warfare and related subjects. Its Council members include numerous
people with intelligence connections, some more official than others.
Vice-Admiral Louis Le Bailly was Director-General of Intelligence at the
Ministry of Defence, 1972-5. Richard Clutterbuck, lecturer in politics and a
former Major-General, is regarded as one of those principally responsible
for the British Army's counter insurgency tactics in Northern Ireland. Sir
Robert Thompson was once one of President Nixon's favorite advisers and the
author of the "strategic hamlets" concept of counter-insurgency war which he
implemented in Malaya on behalf of the British Army. Another Council member
is Sir Edward Peck, once head of the Secret Intelligence Service (British
intelligence) clandestine operations in Berlin.

Around this time the SCAIFE Group gave money to many of the same programs
supported by the Smith Richardson Foundation. The Nation Magazine reported
that the Smith Richardson Foundation has a special relationship with the
CIA. The CIA and Army sent its staff to the first training program offered
by the center. In 1978 35 CIA agents took part in the center's activities.
The Smith Richardson Foundation is often referred to as one of the "four
sisters" of conservative foundations for its tendency to fund in concert
with the Olin, Sarah SCAIFE and Bradley foundations. Like the other three,
it grants hundreds of thousands of dollars to academic groups such as the
Madison Center for Educational Affairs and the National Association of
Scholars, and such conservative think tanks as the American Enterprise
Institute, the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Hoover Institution,
Manhattan Institute, the Reason Foundation and the Hudson Institute.

An academic organization secretly subsidized by the South African
govemment - as confirmed by Rhoodie and another South African official - was
the London-based Foreign Affairs Research Institute (FARI). One of the main
activities of FARI was coordinating attacks among conservatives against the
World Council of Churches which South Africa considered to be one of its
most effective adversaries on the international political scene. Geoffrey
Stewart Smith, head of FARI, published a book in 1979 entitled "The
Fraudulent Gospel," which attacked the World Council of Churches. Unknown to
the public was the fact that publication of the book was secretly subsidized
by the South African government.

In June 1978, FARI co-sponsored a conference in Brighton, England with the
CIA-connected Institute for the Study of Conflict. Among those who attended
was Richard Mellon SCAIFE. Also attending the conference was William Casey,
who would later be appointed head of the CIA by Ronald Reagan.

The Fletcher Program at Tufts has taken money from the two foundations most
active in recent years in publicly promoting the need for a strong CIA. One
of them, the SCAIFE Foundation (together with the closely linked SCAIFE
Family Charitable Trusts and Allegheny Foundation) has provided the largest
part of Fletcher's foundation backing since 1977, donating over $1.5
million. The other, the Smith Richardson Foundation, contributed over
$100,000 from 1979 to 1981 for two projects it describes as a "project on
[the] history of Vietnamese communism" and the "completion of (a] study of
communist propaganda and political warfare." Since 1978, these two
foundations have also provided most of the private funding to Pfaltzgraff's
Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, SCAIFE alone donating over $500,000.

The promotional efforts of the CIA by these foundations, consisting so far
of at least eleven separate projects together costing over $500,000, appear
to have begun on October 30, 1978, when SCAIFE president Richard Larry
phoned Ernest Lefever (an IFPA "research consultant") to ask if his Ethics
and Public Policy Center at Georgetown University would supervise a study of
media treatment of the CIA and the KGB. Six months later, SCAIFE sponsored a
conference of Fletcher's International Security Studies Program entitled:
"Intelligence: Deception and Surprise." in attendence was an assortment of
British scholars and former British spies, including Reginald Jones,
Director of British Scientific Intelligence during World War II; former CIA
officer Thomas Latimer, staff director of the House Intelligence Committee;
former CIA Director William Colby; former Czech intelligence officer
Ladislav Bittman (contributing the obligatory exposition on KGB "active
measures"), Richard Perle, soon to be Assistant Secretary of Defense; and
Harvard's Richard Pipes, a CIA consultant who soon afterwards joined the

In 1981 the John M. Olin Foundation joined with the Sarah SCAIFE Foundation
and the Smith Richardson Foundation to establish New Criterion a neocon

In 1981 the Institute For Religion and Democracy was established with
funding from Smith Richardson and SCAIFE Foundations. The IRD was formed to
counter the activities of groups such as the National Council of Churches.

In 1981 the Heritage Foundation was funding Brian Crozier's International
Freedom Fund.

Board of directors of HERITAGE FOUNDATION. Former USIA head Frank
Shakespeare is on the Board of Directors of Heritage. Other directors
include Paul Weyrich, long time associate of the John Birch Society. Paul
Weyrich left Heritage in 1974 to form Free Congress Foundation with
convicted Nazi war criminal Lazlo Pasztor. Roger Pearson was on the
editorial board of the Heritage Foundation until he was fired for organizing
an anti-Semitic conference at at meeting of the World Anti-Communist League.
Pearson is best known today for publishing MANKIND QUARTERLY a eugenic
journal that promotes the idea that White are innately superior to blacks
and Asians. The NAZIS link to this website. In 1985, Ellen Gardner, Heritage
Education Expert, worked briefly at the Department of Education under
William Bennett after she said that handicapped people drained normal people
of money and were responsible for their own disabilities. It should be noted
that aside from killings, Jews, Gays and Gypsies, the Nazi exterminated
physically and mentally handicapped people. Sam Francis Heritage's former
expert on International Terrorism saw his column terminated by the
Washington Times for racism. Heritage has interlocking direcorates with the
Capitol Research Center which monitors the donations of mainstream
foundations. Capitol Research is anti-enviormentalist and keeps really upset
when foundations donate money teen anti-smoking campaigns.

Partner with John McGoff in South Africa financed attempt to buy the
American newspaper Sacramento Union to give South African government a voice
in the United States. After SCAIFE bought the paper editor James Whelan
resigned to become the new editor of the Moonie financed Washington Times.
Whelan worked for ITT around the time of the overthrow of the Allende
government in Chile and was connected with the Bay of Pigs invasion. I
believe he wrote a book about the Garrison investigation of the Kennedy

SCAIFE, Grace and Smith Richardson Foundations come through with money for
1982 Salvadorian election.

When problems arose at the USIA in 1985, SCAIFE was part of a board that
reviewed the matter.

SCAIFE involvement in Iran/Contra
The Committee of Foreign Affairs of the United States House of
representatives reported: "Godson turned for assistance to Clyde Slease of
Pittsburgh, counsel to Richard Mellon SCAIFE and several Mellon family
foundations. At the request of Slease, Godson arranged for a meeting with
Oliver North and Robert McFarlane in the Situation Room of the White House.
Slease agreed to try to raise $400,000 for North's project. Slease then
persuaded an acquaintance in Pittsburgh, John Donahue, to donate $100,000,
and they settled on designating the Heritage Foundation as the recipient of
the donation. A September 12, 1985 letter from Richard Miller to Edwin
Fuelner, Director of the Heritage Foundation, indicates that Donahue's
$100,000 grant to the Heritage Foundation was then awarded to INSI in the
form of a grant for, according to Miller's letter, "the purpose of
disseminating in Central America materials designed to educate the public-on
U.S. policy objectives." No such materials, however, were ever produced by
INSI. Instead, Miller instructed INSI, after Heritage awarded it the
$100,000, to transfer $80,000 of the grant to his Cayman Islands account
fran which funds were withdrawn as directed by North. INSI retained a twenty
percent administrative fee for its distribution of the grant, which,
according to Miller, was the standard fee North had recommended him to take.
Donahue was never informed that INSI would be the recipient of his grant nor
that the money would eventually find its way into Miller's Cayman Island
account or North's Lake Resources account.


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