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Where Yesteryears Treasures Arise

Reentering Temple History - A

A Major Step Into The Future

Diagram Of Temple Locations



Diagram Of Temple Complex
The Temple Superimposed On The Temple Amphitheatre


Continue On To: PART I
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Prepared By:
George D. Brown, P.O. Box 320932, Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA,  32932-0932

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Reentering Temple History - A
          Part I:

The Buildings


          Three ancient Temples were built according to a common design
in Jerusalem. The three sites form a unique pattern which apparently
also identifies the site of a future Temple to be built by "Darius the
Persian," called "Cyrus." In addition, a fourth ancient Temple, Roman
Emperor Hadrain's pagan Temple, was situated beneath what eventually
became the phony traditional mount. And Roman Emperor Hadrain's pagan
Temple, of course, was of a very different, an unrelated, design.

          None of the three Biblical Temples were located on or under
the phony traditional mount. However, as mentioned, the three Biblical
Temples conformed to a common design criteria even to a common
destruction pattern which preserved each of the inner Temples; albeit,
not one rock was left atop the ground in either of the three sites.

Scripture explains:

          "... and the city shall be builded upon her own heap, and the
palace shall remain after the manner thereof."

remiah 30:18

          Yes, the city has been built atop the ruins and the palace,
the inner Temple, has been preserved intact in each case. Hadrain's
pagan Temple excepted.

          Each of the three Biblical Temples were situated within one
quadrant of three separate, relatively large, tri-level amphitheatres
called "the city," the seating for the flock. Centered therein, in the
court before each Temple, was a large altar of rock which supported the
great brazen altar.

          Each Temple amphitheatre contained restaurants called "boiling
courts" in each corner on each of the three levels. Therein food and
drink could be obtained by the flocks.

          Thus, the historic Last Supper, the disciples' Passover
Supper, attended by Jesus took place in the upper room, the third or top
level, within the Herodium Temple amphitheatre, high up in "the Mount of
Olives" as the great amphitheatre was called.

          The Temple's large inner structure occupied one quadrant of
the Temple amphitheatre and contained:

1.A main front porch frames and towers above a majestic entrance. The
interior holds crosswalks from side chamber to side chamber as it
extended upwards for 18 floors. On the face of the porch, pulpits open
majestically before the myriad flocks, "the city," occupying the surro
unding great amphitheatre. The pulpits also look down upon activities in
the great courtyard below with its imposing central altar before the

2.An entry tunnel, a main passageway overlaid with gold, traverses from
the porch directly to the Holy of Holies.

3.The Holy of Holies is a cube-like room with a circular vaulted ceiling
all overlaid with gold with concentric circles of inlaid gemstones.
Squinches at each corner provide the transition from the square base to
the round ceiling. These squinches portray the four great powers before
the throne of GOD.

4.A pair of golden staircases lead from beside the entry to the Holy of
Holies back and upwards to above the tunnel entrance. A landing then
joins the golden staircases above the tunnel and a single, broad, golden
staircase continues upward to the throne room atop the Holy of Holies.

5.A large majestic throne room is described as a triclinium, a three
sided (Roman) couch, as the two sides of the throne room extend outboard
of the staircase to the porch in the shape of a giant 'U'. The throne
room's high vaulted ceiling is also overlaid with gold and supports an
inner Temple courtyard between the porch and the tower of Siloam that
rises from atop the throne.

6.The inner courtyard above the throne room serves as a large air and
light shaft as it opens upward and extends from side chamber walkways to
side chamber walkways and from the porch to the tower of Siloam.

7.Two large towers: (a) The aft or rear tower provides for utilities and
heating. This "Tower of Furnaces" arose from behind the traverse
walkways separating it from the Holy of Holies, the throne room, and the
Tower of Siloam. (b) The Tower of Siloam, as mentioned, arose atop the
throne room atop the Holy of Holies. This interior structure served both
the high priests and heads of government.

8.Two extensive 18 story side chambers served as offices, living spaces,
and other facilities for the priesthood and the government. These side
chambers were encircled with exterior walkways with connecting
crosswalks through the front porch and between the towers. These
walkways are called separate places or separating places as they
separate one building or component from another.

9.Three elevator systems: Yes, ancient writings reveal that the
Solomonic Temple built nearly 3,000 years ago and the two subsequent
Temples had elevators. These elevators were called "chambers of the
slaughter knives," "disappearing stairs," "crank up staircases," and
"boxes wherein the workmen were lowered that they could not look upon
the Holy of Holies" as the elevators were outboard on the side chambers
and within the utilities tower. Thus, the view of anyone using the
elevators could not see the Holy of Holies as the side chambers and
tower blocked their view.


          Furthermore, Jewry's Talmud, for example, explains matters
such as that the altar in the main court before the Temple was where
disobedient Levites and others were scourged.

          Thus, Jesus' whole experience from Passover Supper unto His
resurrection apparently took place within the bounds of the Herodian
Temple amphitheatre. Even the "vail" that was rent by the earthquake was
the dome atop the Herodian amphitheatre, likened to a ballerina's
whirling skirt. The amphitheatre, itself, apparently was called "the
Mount of Olives" wherein the seats and people represented the olives.

          Therefore, from when the disciples' Passover Supper took
place, Jesus' praying upon the Mount, to Jesus' arrest, to when Jesus
was taken in the night unto Annas, then to a daybreak hearing before
Caiphas the high priest, then to Pilate for a second hearing, to Herod
for a third hearing, and back to Pilate for a fourth hearing and
sentencing -- all occurred between sundown Thursday unto 9 am Friday
(the 3rd hour of Passover Day).   Then at the 3rd hour Jesus'
crucifixion began with scourging on the altar, being paraded about the
amphitheatre ("the city") where He was mocked and spat upon, and then
nailed to the cross at noonday (the 6th hour). Jesus then remained on
the cross before the Herodian Temple, in the amphitheatre courtyard
(called Golgotha, the place of the skull), until death occurred at 3 pm
(the 9th hour).

          Again, from the Last Supper unto Jesus' death on the cross,
His burial, and His resurrection ... all took place within the Herodian
Temple complex including the surrounding amphitheatre, the inner Temple,
and the previously unused Holy of Holies which became Jesus' tomb.

          The preserved ruins of the Herodian Temple remain beneath the
mound beneath the modern Moslem Quarter east of the Damascus Gate. And
it's well north of the phony traditional mount built on a site which was
excavated by Bar Kochba to acquire earth to conceal the remains of the
Herodian Temple from Roman Emperor Hadrain c. 132-134 A.D.

          Subsequently, (c. 134-138 A.D.) Hadrain renamed the city Aelia
Capitolina, built the Cardo, etc. and built his pagan Temple upon the
area excavated by Bar Kochba. Then about 190 years later, c. 324-326
A.D., Helena, Byzantine Emperor Constantine's mother, appropriated
materials from Hadrain's unused pagan Temple in building her traditional
Church of the Holy Sepulchre and her Church of the Nativity. That was
when Constantine changed the city's name back from Aelia Capitolina and
restored the name Jerusalem.

          Almost 300 years later, the phony traditional mount was
initially heaped up by the Byzantine Christians between 617 and 637 A.D.
That's when the Byzantines made it their dump to clean up and rebuild
Jerusalem following the three year reign of terror and destruction (c.
614-617 A.D.) under the Persian Sassanids during the reign of Chosroes

          For evidence that the traditional mount did not exist as a
mount until 617-637 A.D. just examine the Medaba Map found on the floor
of a Byzantine Church in Medaba, Jordan. It's a pictorial mosaic tile
map of Jerusalem (dated c. 562 A.D.) which shows no traditional mount
but reveals that there is a Roman Gate through the east wall. And today
that literal Roman Gate still exists and was physically located beneath
the traditional East Gate by archaeologist James Fleming who confirmed
its existence in 1972 A.D. Also, exposed portions of huge pillars of the
Herodian Temple amphitheatre are incorporated into the facilities of a
modern day convent, again, well north of the traditional mount.

          "Arimathaea" defined as "a city of the Jews" (Luke 23:51)
refers to the Herodian Temple complex which was called the home of
Joseph. And Joseph's unused tomb was the unused Holy of Holies of the
Herodian Temple wherein Jesus was buried.

          Then, since the inner portions of each of the three Biblical
Temples were preserved in a common manner, each should be reenterable
via their respective water-sewer system in a matter of hours, days, or
weeks depending on the condition of the respective tunnels.

          The Solomonic Temple, of course, is situated west of the
Valley of Ben Hinnom (Jeremiah 19:2); whereas, the second Temple's
remains will be found beneath the Western Hill (i.e. west of the
Tyropoean Valley).

          The Biblical design for the city and later the Talmudic
measures which prescribed that the city wall may be pushed out here if
it is pulled in there, etc. indicate that the modern wailing wall, for
example, is part of both the Second Temple's city wall which was later
built upon by Hadrain and much, much later by the Moslems when they too
got suckered into the phony site. Yes, in 637 A.D. when Caliph Omar took
Jerusalem, Sophronius the vanquished Christian Governor kept the great
ruse alive by telling Omar that the Byzantine dump site was the Temple

          Thus, various wall remnants also affirm locations of the three
Temple sites. However, when people get serious and reenter via the
Temple water-sewer tunnels, people will once again Reenter Temple
History where much awaits.
Reentering Temple History - A
          Part II:

Matters Related To The Temples


          Remember, Allegro, Castor, and Milik -- the three initial
translators of the Copper Scroll, disagreed on the amount of gold,
silver and other treasures hidden in the approximately 60 caches
described in the Copper Scroll. The first said 91 Tons, the second said
138 Tons, and Milik said, "No! there's more that 200 Tons."

          The Copper Scroll, of course, was prepared during King
Nebuchadnezzar's siege of the Solomonic Temple. The amphitheatre had
been destroyed and King Zedekiah had taken refuge within the Solomonic
Temple fortress. At that time Nebuchadnezzar and his invaders were
sealed out. That is, the Temple's outer elements (the side chambers, the
towers, and the porch) had been collapsed atop the inner Temple with the
porch being collapsed within itself to protect and preserve the inner
Temple which included the Holy of Holies, the golden entry tunnel, the
golden staircases, and the throne room. Zedekiah then escaped from this
sealed tomb by going underneath Nebuchadnezzar's forces via the
water-sewer tunnel but soon was caught in the plains of Jericho. At that
time the Copper Scroll was cut in half by the Babylonians and discarded
as a Jewish religious scroll.

          Later, the two halves of the Copper Scroll had been recovered
and eventually placed in the Qumran caves where it remained until
discovery by the Bedouin shepherds about 1948 and later opened in 1952.

          Note: Since King Zedekiah escaped via the Solomonic Temple's
water-sewer system, the scroll, using metaphors to describe hiding
places of Temple Treasures, had been made of copper to survive immersion
in the water-sewer system.

          Ancient writings indicate there are several hatches leading
from underground chambers into the Temple. However, three and perhaps
four are solidly blocked by tons of rock and earth. And of the others,
only one appears accessible from the water-sewer system.

1.If the hatch beneath the Tower of Furnaces through which Jeremiah was
lowered into the sewer (dung ... eon -- dungeon) (Jeremiah 38:6) were
accessible, Zedekiah would have used it to escape and there would have
been no need to make a scroll out of copper.
2.The hatches beneath "the chambers of the slaughter knives" leading to
the subterranean spaces, animal pens, etc. beneath the court before the
Temple appear to have been blocked when the side chambers were

3.The hatch leading from the Tower of Furnaces to the stairway to the
immersion pool beneath the Holy of Holies was apparently also blocked
when the Tower of Furnaces was collapsed.

4.One alcove (exedra) hatch apparently leads to the Scribes' storage
vaults, treasury vaults, etc. and would not logically be accessible to
the moist water-sewer course.

5.One alcove (exedra) hatch apparently leads directly to the sweet water
cisterns and passage to the immersion pool before passing under the gas
barrier wall that Zedekiah had to duck under to escape.


          Subterranean access to each Temple from the underground
chambers enter the preserved remains for example via double latched
hatches opening into alcoves (exedras) beneath the golden staircases.
These alcoves open out into the entry tunnel or hallway between the now
sealed porch and the Holy of Holies.

          The danger is that anyone entering via these hatches must know
where both keys and latching mechanisms are hidden and/or insure that
others wait below to reopen the hatch should it close.

          Josephus, for example, spoke of people sent into the sealed
second Temple to recover certain treasures. They, of course, went in but
never come out. The message should be obvious. Booby traps, fools traps,
are not new!

          No discussion of the Temple would be complete without mention
of GOD'S Holy Ark Of The Covenant which resided in the Solomonic
Temple's Holy of Holies for about 397 years. That is, when King
Nebuchadnezzar was preparing to come against Jerusalem the LORD
instructed Jeremiah to remove the Holy Ark from the Solomonic Temple and
to hide it until these end times (Jeremiah 43:8-13; II Maccabees 2:4-8).

          And in these end times the hiding place has once again been
revealed. Actually, there are two Holy Arks which were promptly taken
captive, sight unseen, by Jewry's guns, their threats, and total lack of
cooperation (Zechariah 5:4; Nahum 2:7; II Samuel 20:18-20). That is,
Jewry's leaders recognized that Jewry loses their world sceptre when
Shiloh (GOD'S Holy Ark) come (Genesis 49:1,10; Psalm 78:60; Revelation
17:10-11; etc.). So Jewry's leaders have been in no rush to cooperate.
Therefore, the two men sent to search out matters completed their
investigations and quietly departed leaving Jewry holding the bag. It
was Jewry's choice!

          Remember, Jesus and others have been murdered in a blind
effort to preserve Jewry's seat on the world throne, David's throne
(Jeremiah 22:1-9, espec. 22:2; John 11:47-53; etc.). However, in
1984-1985 the two men, a father-son team, were sent to search out the
hiding place. That's when they found that there's two Holy Arks hidden
until these end days. Jewry then took the two Holy Arks captive and Jews
everywhere have been suffering the consequences (Zechariah 5:4; etc.).

          The whole story is indeed fascinating. Nevertheless, both Holy
Arks will eventually be brought forth (Ezekiel 12:3-7,8-12; Nahum 2:7;
Zechariah 5:9-11; Leviticus 26:11-12; Isaiah 40:5; etc.) but first there
are a few matters to be rectified. Meanwhile, world troubles are
continuing to increase progressively until people start obeying the Word
of GOD. So, it behooves the elders and leaders to wake up (Malachi
4:5-6; Leviticus 26:11-14; etc.).

          Song of Solomon, of course, describes events as they occurred
in 1984-1985: the Rose of Sharon (the Holy Ark), the hole in the wall,
the ancient steps, the lattice, and even the watchmen (the soldiers)
about the city. Song of Solomon even points out that it is optional as
to when GOD'S Holy Ark is brought forth (Song of Solomon 2:7; 3:5; 8:4;
Leviticus 26:11-14; etc.). Meanwhile, a whole host of events are
evolving on schedule.

          Yes, two Temples are to be built in these end times: the first
by "Darius the Mede," who will build it well away from the bloody city;
and, the second by "Darius the Persian" described as "Cyrus" who will
build his Temple in the bloody city.

          Haggai repeatedly warns people to get busy and to build the
LORD'S house. But few pay heed. The Religious Beast tells people that
they don't have to do so. How true! At this stage it is all voluntary,
no one HAS to do anything.

          But Ezekiel points out that those building the second end
times Temple do so with tears of remorse and regret as they didn't help
when they should and could have helped (Judges 5:23; Exodus 23:20-25).
Thus, in the end, disobedient people will have no choice but to serve
"Cyrus" and help build his Temple.

          Note: "Cyrus" was anointed yet he held the LORD'S left hand as
the LORD held "Cyrus'" right and all the doors had been opened for
"Cyrus" "... though thou hast not known Me" (Isaiah 44:28; 45:1-5;
Ezekiel 28:14; etc.).

          Indeed, as the tribulations increase the Congregation has
experienced their punishments first (Jeremiah 16:18; 11:18-19; 21:14;
30:11; Amos 3:1-2; Matthew 24:8; Mark 13:8; Isaiah 51:17-23; 59:15;
Ezekiel 34:8,22-31). Then there's the overlapping period when
tribulations began to expand upon the lost as their double the double
punishment got underway (Jeremiah 17:18; 11:20-23; 25:12,18,29-33;
Zephaniah 1:1-18; Isaiah 57:1-21). Also, after a point those who seek to
enter the Congregation will be required to die for their beliefs and
witnessing (Revelation 6:11; 13:15; 20:4). Finally, as the severe
tribulations grow more and more severe salvation will be closed, shut
off. Meanwhile the Congregation will be protected and the lost will obey
or else!

          For people interested in gaining swift reentrance into the
Solomonic Temple, for example, one might consider and/or search out
Edward Robinson's account in "Robinson's Palestine" which contains an
account of Robinson's 1838 exploration of Jerusalem.

          Therein, Robinson explains that he and his companions were
examining what then was called the "Pool of Siloam." Suddenly the waters
began rising up over one man's boot tops as he stood on a previously dry
lower step of the pool. This "curious" sudden rising of the pool waters
apparently was an actual observation of the Solomonic Temple's
water-sewer system still automatically flushing a few thousand years
after Zedekiah's fateful escape from Nebuchadnezzar.

          "Impossible!" you say. Then perhaps you'd rather believe the
fantasia related to Robinson. That is, in response to Robinson's
inquiries, local people revealed that the waters of that pool arose or
flowed about three times daily in the rainy season and perhaps once
every other day or less in the dry season.

          The mythical explanation was to the effect that a dragon or
great serpent controlled the spring waters and the waters flowed
whenever he slept, etc. Thus, the Pool of Siloam has been named
"Dragon's Pool" or "Serpent's Pool." It is also more correctly called
"Sultan's Pool," the ruler or King's pool, in the King's garden. And the
city and Temple wastes provided well fertilized water which would grow
just about anything. Today these waters are being pumped into
Jerusalem's city water supply.

          Catherwood, Robinson's cartographer, drew up a rather detailed
map which accompanied Robinson's Report. Therein Catherwood depicted the
"Pool of Siloam" as being slightly north of the bend leading into the
north-south portion of the Valley of Ben Hinnom. Therefore, this true
Pool of Siloam should not be confused with the phony traditional Pool of
Siloam at the junction of where the east-west portion of the Hinnom
Valley joins the Tyropoean and Kidron Valleys.
Reentering Temple History - A
          Part III:



          Again, although there are three Biblical Temples there is only
one true Pool of Siloam. But as there are three such towers why is only
one deserving of the honor of being identified with Siloam?

          Yes, Solomon's Temple is the only Temple honored with GOD'S
Holy Ark called "Shiloh," "Shiloah," and/or "Siloam" (Genesis 49:10;
Psalm 78:60; etc.). Thus, the name Siloam accrues to the Tower arising
atop the Holy of Holies of the Solomonic Temple.

          Now when the Holy Ark had been removed and hidden by Jeremiah
and Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to the Temple, Zadok the High Priest died
and was entombed in that Holy of Holies. Thus, the Copper Scroll refers
to the Solomonic Temple remains as "the fortress in the vale of Achor"
and "Zadok's tomb."

          When Nehemiah returned after the 70 year Babylonian captivity
of Jewry, Nehemiah searched in darkness, he didn't know where the Temple
had been situated. Nehemiah then settled upon David's tomb in the midst
of the Western Hill (between the north-south leg of the Hinnom and the
Tyropoean Valleys). Thus, the second Temple was built atop David's tomb.
This should not be confused with the phony traditional site mislabeled
as David's tomb to give tourists something to look at.

          And, as mentioned, the unused Holy of Holies within the third
Temple, Herod's Temple, eventually became Jesus' tomb.

          Thus, the Holy of Holies within each of the three great
Biblical Temples in Jerusalem became tombs for very famous personages.

          The intaglio, the writings and diagrams, on the Temple's
interior golden walls, especially on the entry tunnel walls, may differ
from Temple to Temple. Therefore, these historic writings and artistry
of the ancients will have to remain a mystery until the Temples are

          The Biblical Temples are of a common design derived from GOD.
All followed the pattern of the Tent Of The Tabernacle, its courts, and
Holy Things thereof.

•The Tent Of The Tabernacle:

          "And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying ... And let them make
Me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. According to all that I
shew thee, after the pattern of the Tabernacle, and the pattern of all
the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it"

                                                       Exodus 25:1,8-9
                                                       See also Exodus
                                                       Hebrews 8:5.

•The Solomonic Temple:
          "... the LORD made me (David) understand in writing by His
hand upon me (David) even all the works of this pattern"

                                                       I Chronicles

          "And David gave to Solomon his son the pattern of the porch,
and of the houses thereof, and of the treasuries thereof, and of the
upper chambers thereof, and of the inner parlours thereof, and of the
place of the mercy seat, And the pattern of all that he had by the
spirit ..."

                                                       I Chronicles

•The End Times Temple:

          And Ezekiel is told, "Thou son of man, shew the house of
Israel, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities: and let them
measure the pattern. And if they be ashamed of all that they have done,
shew them the form of the house, and the fashion thereof, and the goings
out thereof, and the comings in thereof, and all the forms thereof ..."

                                                       Ezekiel 43:10-11

          Today's world leaders have their summits, wage wars, play
golf, and go fishing. But, all have avoided building the LORD'S House.
They are obviously derelict in not following the Biblical avenue for
world peace and tranquillity.

•Remember, David instructed Solomon, David's successor:

          "Take heed now; for the LORD hath chosen thee (the world
leader) to build an house for the Sanctuary (the people): be ye strong,
and do it."

                                                       I Chronicles

•And, GOD instructed all people:

          "Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways.

          "Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house;
and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, saith the LORD

          "... in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts.

          "... from the day that the foundation of the LORD'S Temple was
laid, consider it.

          "... from this day will I bless you."

                                                       Also see: Isaiah
Reentering Temple History - B

Basic Points To Remember

(With Supplementary Material)
Stroll Into The Solomonic Temple
(See Items 5 Thru 9)

1.Four ancient Temples were built in Jerusalem not counting the Dome Of
The Rock and the al Aqsa Mosques:
a.Solomon's Temple was built west of the Valley of Ben Hinnom (Jeremiah
19:2; Joshua 15:8) (i.e. less than a mile west of the Dome Of The Rock).

b.The second Temple was built by Zerubbabel in the days of Nehemiah.
This Temple was erected on the Western Hill atop David's Tomb well north
of the traditional tomb overlooking the elbow of the Hinnom.

c.The third Temple, Herod's Temple, was built beneath the mound under
the modern Moslem Quarter east of the Damascus Gate and considerably
north of the phony traditional mount.

d.Roman Emperor Hadrian's pagan Temple was built on the site excavated
by Bar Kochba to acquire earth to conceal the remains of Herod's Temple
from Hadrian. This site eventually became the phony traditional mount.

2.The first three Temples conformed to a common design and each was
destroyed in a similar manner that preserved the respective inner Temple
complex: The golden entry tunnel, The Holy of Holies, The golden stair
cases, And the royal throne room (Jeremiah 30:18).

3.Each of the three Temples were built within one quadrant of a
relatively large, tri level, domed amphitheatre, the seating for the
people, called "the city" and "the mount of Olives." Note: olives
represented the seats and the people.

4.Jesus' whole experience beginning with the Last Supper unto His death
and resurrection took place within the Herodian Temple amphitheatre
including the Temple itself. Therein, Jesus ate the Passover Supper, was
then taken prisoner, was condemned to die, was crucified, died, and was
buried in the unused Holy of Holies of Herod's Temple from which He

5.The preserved remains of each of the three Temples may be reentered in
a matter of hours, days, or weeks depending on conditions of the
water-sewer and other tunnels.

6.King Zedekiah escaped beneath King Nebuchadnezzar's forces via the
Solomonic Temple's water-sewer system that empties into the north-south
arm of the Hinnom Valley. That is, the easiest reentry into the
preserved remains of the Solomonic Temple is to retrace Zedekiah's exit
route. That is, follow the water course from the Sultan's Pool (called
Dragon's Pool, Serpent's Pond, and Pool of Siloam) to the gas barrier
wall separating the sewer side from the sweet water. This wall forms the
base of the Tower of Siloam and may be about six cubits (9 feet ?)
thick. Then after clearing sand and silt from the passage through the
wall one can pass through an opening under the surface of a pool at the
base of the gas barrier wall. Therefore, after ducking under the water
and emerging on the sweet water side you will be at the immersion pool,
the Temple bath house, directly beneath the Holy of Holies and the Tower
of Siloam. Steps should lead back and upwards to the blocked entry into
the Tower of Furnaces, blocked by tons of rock and debris. Therefore,
continue following the water-course to a second stairway leading up to a
hatch opening into an alcove (exedra) under the golden staircase. This
hatch should be perhaps less than 100 feet from the gas barrier wall.
However, be aware that the tunnel continues for nearly another half mile
to the true spring of Gihon.

O.K., after opening this hatch and entering the alcove (exedra) you are
now inside the preserved remains of the Solomonic Temple from which King
Zedekiah and his men exited about 2,500 years ago. Even the bones of
Zadok the High Priest should be found in the Holy of Holies where GOD'S
Holy Ark had resided for 397 years.

7.Note: The reentry passageway up the water-sewer tunnel traverses from
the Sultan's Pool northwest for about 2,000 feet and then due west for a
short distance to the gas barrier wall. Once through the gas barrier
wall the tunnel continues west until west of the porch from where it
again turns northwest to the stopped up Gihon.

8.Also, the Solomonic Temple will be found facing west; whereas,
Ezekiel's Temple in these end days will face east.

9.The Temple sewer system appears to be a main collection drain from:

a.The Temple Complex.
b.The court before the Temple including the blood drains beneath the

c.Wastes from the animal pens beneath the court before the Temple.

d.Restrooms of the great amphitheatre.

e.Sewage from the Levitical City surrounding the great amphitheater.
Therefore, there could be a maze of passageways leading into the main
water-sewer course in the dungeon (dung ... eon) beneath the Temple.

10.Items of possible interest:

a.Texts on the Copper Scroll which describes hiding places of about 60
caches of Temple treasures located within the Solomonic Temple complex.
b.The Medaba Map (dated c. 562 A.D.) shows that the Phony traditional
mount was not then mounded up and that a Roman Gate exists beneath where
the phony traditional East Gate now stands.

c.Robinson's Reports and particularly "Robinson's Palestine" that
describes his visit to Jerusalem in 1838.

d.The Biblical Book of Haggai contains special promises for the Temple
builders in these end times.

e.Scripture describes "the Holy Mountain" west of the Valley of Ben
Hinnom (Joshua 15:8; Jeremiah 19:2).

11.Now, Bar Kochba, leader of the third Jewish revolt, rebelled against
Roman Emperor Hadrian (c. 132-134 A.D.). Thus, when Hadrian returned
from Egypt and commenced rebuilding Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina, Bar
Kochba and his followers hid in the Herodian Temple's remains and
attacked Hadrian by night. Bar Kochba obviously didn't use the
water-sewer route ... there was little sense in getting soaked while
coming and going each night or even getting one's feet wet.

So, if you were Bar Kochba how would you hide the Herodian Temple
entrance from Hadrian? Yes, if you were Bar Kochba how would you conceal
from Hadrian and his men a "great white elephant" in the midst of an
open field, in a valley, in plain sight of everyone?

Actually, Bar Kochba's concealment persists even unto today. Yes, people
are constantly all around it still; yet, people have not recognized it
for what it really is! Again, how did Bar Kochba conceal that tunnel
entrance? We know, do you?

12.Note also, when Bar Kochba and his men were exiled from Jerusalem,
the exile applied to all Jews and lasted 190 years until Byzantine
Emperor Constantine rescinded Hadrian's ban (c. 324 A.D.). However, Bar
Kochba and his followers apparently left all sorts of historic records
and artifacts within the preserved remains of Herod's Temple. They too
await the reentering of Herod's Temple as people soon begin Reentering
Temple History.

13.Through usage the altar is defined as a bound stone, a marker stone,
a witness, a pillar, etc. And the altar upon the ancient Stone Of Abel
is key for locating the Solomonic Temple (Isaiah 19:19-20; II Samuel
20:18; I Samuel 6:18; 7:12).

14.Also, Stonehenge is a very significant altar or bound stone built by
the children of Reuben, Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh (Joshua
22:9-10,25-29). Stonehenge helps explain GOD'S Testimony regarding the
blessings upon Manasseh (Genesis 48:20) depicted by British, European,
and the United States' prosperity as this world approached these end

15.Temple Locations:
The Base Of The Main Altar

The Main Altar Before The Temple


New Testament .............................. Revelation

Old Testament ................................ Exodus, Numbers, Kings,

Talmud ........................................... Middoth

Qumran Material ............................. 5Q15

Josephus ......................................... Wars Of The Jews,
Book V

Temple Scroll

Letter Of Aristeas


          "And there was given me (John) a reed like unto a rod: and the
angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of GOD, and the altar,
and them that worship therein."

                                                       Revelation 11:1

          Now That The LORD'S Day Has Arrived:

1.How Many People Have Visited The Temple To Worship Therein?
2.How Many People Have Gone To The Religious Beast's Myriad


The Altar

3D View Of Main Altar Base

Ramp Not Shown
Large Brasen Altar Not Shown


The Witness And Memorial



          For what purpose was John instructed to "measure the Temple of
GOD and the Altar ..." (Revelation 11:1)? The Book of Haggai admonishes
people for not getting busy to build The Temple Of GOD. But, where is
that Temple today?  Humanity has finally arrived in the glorious Seventh
Millennium, The LORD'S Day, which is also "the last day" ... it is The
Third Millennial Day from the 5 B.C. Birth Of Jesus. But, where is that
Temple today?

          People everywhere can see the growing severe tribulations (the
pornography, storms, floods, violence, aggression, etc.) coming upon
this world called "Sodom and Gomorrah," "Babylon," "Pharaonic Egypt,"
"the land of the North," etc.  Religious institutions everywhere call
themselves "the house of GOD"; but, how many are built according to the
Biblical pattern? Yes, where is that Temple today?

          The Book of Joel admonishes:

          "Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders
and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the LORD your GOD,
and cry unto the LORD, Alas for the day! For the day of The LORD is at
hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come"

                                                       (Joel 1:14-15).

          But, where is that Temple today?

          Stonehenge, that large circle of monoliths, near Salisbury,
England was not built as some alien landmark or witches gathering place
but as a rather intelligent astronomical calendar, a memorial to the
early migrations of Abraham's children. Thus, Stonehenge still stands in
silent testimony to those human migrations and to the origins of the
Biblical lunar calendar established in the beginning.

          In speaking of this great circle of monoliths, the Book of
Joshua says:

          "For the LORD hath made Jordan (the Atlantic) a border between
us and you (dividing the Americas from Europe, Africa, and the rest of
the world), ye children of Reuben and children of Gad; (shall ye say to
us) ye have no part in the LORD: so shall your children make our
children cease from fearing the LORD.

          "Therefore we said, Let us now prepare to build us an altar,
not for burnt offering, nor for sacrifice:

          "But that it may be a witness between us (the Americas), and
you (Europe, Africa, and the rest of the world), and our generations
after us, that we might do the service of the LORD before Him with our
burnt offerings, and with our sacrifices, and with our peace offerings;
that your children may not say to our children in time to come, Ye have
no part in the LORD.

          "Therefore said we, that it shall be, when they should so say
to us or to our generations in time to come, that we may say again,
Behold the pattern of the altar of the LORD, which our fathers made, not
for burnt offerings, nor for sacrifices; but it is a witness between us
and you.

          "God forbid that we should rebel against the LORD, and turn
this day from following the LORD, to build an altar for burnt offerings,
for meat offerings, or for sacrifices, beside the altar of the LORD our
GOD that is before His Tabernacle."

                                                       Joshua 22:25-29

          Many ancient Patriarchs erected Altars unto the LORD. Yes,
Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Samuel, Saul, David,
Solomon, etc. ... all built Altars of various design. Manoah and his
wife (Samson's parents) even used a large rock for an Altar. The Altar
of Ebenezer (I Samuel 7:12) built by Samuel rests high atop the historic
Stone of Abel and is described by the Hebrew "'ôben," the dual of
"'eben" meaning a circle of stones. That Altar of Ebenezer is still
plainly visible today as a large 40 foot diameter circle of stones
filled with earth and a second (a 14 foot diameter) circle of stones
also filled with earth rests atop the bottom circle. Centered atop the
14 foot circle is a small heap of stones. This Altar is described as a
potter's wheel or midwife's stool, a bound stone, a witness, and an
Altar (Isaiah 19:19-20; I Samuel 6:18; II Samuel 20:16-19).

          The ancient portable Altar of Incense was made of shittim wood
overlaid with gold; while, the portable Altar of Burnt Offerings was
also made of shittim wood which held a brass grill.

          Note: Scripture says not to make an Altar of hewn stones for
obvious reasons. The heat from the fire would soon crack and mar the
finished stone. Thus, the main Altar before the Temple had a 32 by 32
cubit base of finished stone while the fire portion mounted atop the
base was made of brass. The ramp beside the main Altar has steps;
however, the approach to that Altar from atop the ramp has no steps but
is a more level walkway for the priests. All should be plainly visible
when the preserved remains of the Solomonic Temple West of the Valley of
Ben Hinnom are uncovered (Jeremiah 19:2).

          Thus, Scripture sets numerous precedents for building an Altar
as a witness, as a memorial attesting to one's belief in GOD, as a
testimony of one's willingness to obey Him, and for various offerings to
GOD. Note: King Ahaz used the portable Brasen Altar as a place to go and
inquire to the LORD (II Kings 16:15).

          The large Brazen Altar mounted atop the base of finished
stones separated the Altar fire portion from the base to avoid cracking
the finished stones that formed the base.

          This brass section may be found when the Solomonic Temple area
West of the Valley of Ben Hinnom (Jeremiah 19:2 KJV) is
excavated.  Today, the area is encased in limestone which over the years
has solidified much the same as happens to a bag of cement left out in
the weather.

          Remember, the Solomonic Temple was built within a triple deck
ampitheatre which was destroyed when King Nebuchadnezzar came against
Jerusalem c.3501 from Creation.  Jerusalem was then left vacant for 70
years so when Nehemiah searched for the Temple site "in darkness," he
searched without knowing where the Solomonic Temple was
hidden.  Nehemiah then settled on the site of David's Tomb on the
Western Hill for building the second Temple.

          Subsequently, other structures were built atop the Solomonic
Temple site.  It is the ruins of these other structures that can be
visited today as they too had been encased in limestone but are
partially unearthed.  The Solomonic Temple's preserved remains await at
an even lower level and can be easily reentered via the water-sewer
tunnels.  However, the main Altar Base and the large Brazen Altar atop
that base are encased in limestone and whatever remains of the Temple
amphitheatre whose wooden portions were burned at the time of King
Nebuchadnezzar's invasion.

          Advancements in modern day metal detector technology may now
enable searchers to pinpoint the large Brazen Altar.  Note: The
Solomonic Temple was built facing West so the abundance of gold in the
Holy of Holies, the entry tunnel, the golden staircases, and in the
throne room should be easily distinguished from the large Brazen
Altar.  That is, the Brazen Altar should provide a much smaller square
brass target a few hundred feet to the West of the larger rectangular
gold target.  Note: The brass dome atop the Temple Amphitheatre was
apparently dismantled and taken to Babylon by King
Nebuchadnezzar.  However, the Brazen Altar was apparently left behind
because of its religious significance.

          To the West of the Altar Base (i.e. the side away from the
Solomonic Temple) expect to find a large three dimensional trapezoidal
stairway or ramp to allow the Priests to climb to the level of the top
of the large Brazen Altar.  Thus, when the Priests reached the top of
this ramp or stairway they could approach the Altar via a level walkway.

          This trapezoidal stairway allowed the Priests to go up to the
Altar from both the North and South sides.

          Also, on the side away from the Altar Base, the trapezoidal
structure has a large doorway to provide access to the subterranean
animal pens beneath the court before the Temple.

          Material herein outlining the Altar Base is from a far more
detailed text which:

1.Cites specific references describing detailed measurements of the Base
and its placement.
2.Provides additional detailed drawings of top, side, and cross section

          The aforecited text re: The Altar Base is only one part of a
much larger unpublished manuscript prepared in the 1980's titled:

"The Temple, The City, And GOD'S Holy Things"

          The Temple Amphitheatre built around the court before the
Temple contains the Temple, the seating for the flock, and restaurants
(boiling courts).  This domed Amphitheatre, of course, is described only
in general terms as the End Times structure will be much larger and of
ultra modern materials and furnishings.  However, the Temple itself,
although it too will be constructed of ultra modern materials and
furnishings, will comply with basic design criteria set forth in

          Oh, and please be reminded: The Book of Haggai has admonished
people for centuries to get busy and build the Temple.  But people are
still uninterested.
A 1,000 Mile Long Mountain

Mount Ararat


          Prior to the Great Flood the earth was flat, flat like an
orange, without extensive mountain ranges, deep valleys, and ocean
depths.  The known preflood land mass extended from West of the Nile
River to East of the Indus River.  The remainder of the earth was mostly
covered with one vast shallow ocean.  (Books of Enoch; Genesis 1:6-12;

          The Great Flood then manifested itself in three basic phases:

1.The Preparations: Volcanic activity from Mecca to Damascus preceded
the sinking of the Edenic Valley.
2.The Flood: The elevation of great land masses to displace ocean waters
which flooded even the low mountain tops by 15 cubits (Genesis 7:19-20).

3.The Restoration: The sinking of ocean bottoms to swallow up the flood
waters and to expose vast new continents.


          When the Great Flood (1655-1656 from Creation) was about to
begin there was extensive volcanic activity from Mecca northward to
Damascus to deposit the extensive lava fields that exist even unto today
and to create a vast void beneath the Edenic Valley that is now the Red
Sea area.

          In the preflood era the Jordan River extended southward
through the Edenic Valley and on through the Strait of Bab al-Mandab to
empty into the Indian Ocean via the Sea of Reeds which in the preflood
era was a great salt marsh [See the most ancient clay map (the "Nuzi"
map) in the Iraqi Museum, Baghdad.  Note: East, the rising of the sun,
is at the top of ancient maps.  Also, see the journey of Abraham as
documented in ancient writings, the Ancient Books of the Bible].

          A note of interest: When Mount Vesuvius erupted (just South of
Naples, Italy) and covered the City of Pompeii in AD 79, a vast void was
created under the earth's surface.  Subsequently, a large land area
subsided into that void much like a Florida sinkhole only miles across.
 This included an extensive area along the beaches South of Rome which
apparently contained palatial beach-side villas of that era.  Then, over
the years, that area became filled with sand carried along by coastal
currents, homes and streets are now built thereon, and people come and
go virtually unawares of what lies below.  Yet, to the observant,
although certain areas have been reserved for future archaeological
excavations, much is well below sea level, and treasures waiting below
are well guarded by tons of sand and an existing water table that turns
the sand into soup.

          Then, when the Edenic Valley sank to fill the void created by
the volcanic activity from Mecca to Damascus, waters of the Indian Ocean
rushed inward through the Strait of Bab al-Mandab.  At that time the
waters washed away the Sea of Reeds (now the Gulf of Aden) to deposit a
rather uniform layer of anhydrites (salts: anhydrous calcium sulfate)
throughout the entire Red Sea (excepting throughout the 800 mile long
trench which was rent many years later when the Exodus
began).  Note: Concentrations of these same anhydrites are also found in
oil bearing lands and in the region of the Afar Triangle to the West of
Djibouti, West of the Gulf of Aden.  [See the ancient roll seals in the
Museum in Damascus, Syria; together with the aforecited map in the Iraqi
Museum; and soundings of the Red Sea bottom (c. 1972), Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institute, Falmouth, Mass.].

          As the Great Flood continued to evolve, vast areas of the once
uniform ocean bottoms began to rise.  And, as these vast areas arose
they displaced ocean waters.  Soon the ocean waters enveloped all
previously existing land areas until even the low mountain tops were
covered with 15 cubits of waters (Genesis 7:19-20).

          As these great upheavals progressed vast torrents of waters
flowed across lands being elevated.  Great rifts were widened even more
as waters tended to follow these pathways.  When one continent or area
raised up, the displaced waters again engulfed another area that already
had shed its watery covering.  Thus, the flooding and draining may have
repeated again and again in some areas.

          Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, the Americas, and even the
four river regions from the Nile to the Indus rivers and beyond to India
and China were all involved.  Once Noah and his fellow survivors were
shut in the great ark it was 377 days before the whole process had

          Much of the hydraulic powers to raise land masses were
generated by ocean waters pouring into subterranian holes to produce
great quantities of steam.  The heated core of the earth, in turn,
maintained its furnace-like condition that superheated the steam.  And
superheated steam, unlike the steam in the kitchen kettle, is steam
which has a great deal more heat energy added.  And the added heat
energy is like turning Clark Kent into Superman.

          So, together with the lava and related gases that started the
process, the superheated steam now was producing a chaotic show of shows
for those surviving with Noah on his great raft of a city.  Great
caldrons of boiling waters, raging seas, and great geysers of steam
everywhere obviously produced awesome sights.  Even the sky above had to
be filled with smoke, ominous dark clouds, thunder and lightnings as
storms, much rain, and tempests prevailed.  Is it any wonder that Noah's
ark consisted of roofed houses linked together as one atop tankage and
storage areas below which formed the raft-like base.

          Today, from Damascus to Mecca there is a 1,000 mile long
mountain, a vast field of concentrations of lava.  These concentrations
are identified in modern Arabic as "Harrat  (name) ."  And among Arabs
the spoken "Harrat" drops the 'H' to pronounce Harrat as 'arrat or
Ararat.  (Har-rat or Har-a-rat equals mount of lava).

          The term translated Ararat in Genesis 8:4 refers to the
mountains, apparently Central American mountains, where Noah's Ark made
an interim stop in its earth girdling journey.  There it discharged both
the raven and doves representing people.  This established human life in
the post flood Americas from people representing both the disobedient
(the raven) and the obedient (the doves).

          Legends of Central America subsequently refer to Noah as
Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent that sailed off into the East where
the rising sun ate him up.  That is, as the sun arose Noah's Ark
disappeared over the eastern horizon without them, leaving the people
behind in the midst of earthquakes, tidal waves, and chaos as the earth
continued to convulse and ocean bottoms sank to swallow up the flood
waters.  The restoration was now indeed underway.

          Note: Noah had absolutely no control over his great raft of a
city.  Therefore, when a portion of the Atlantic Ocean bottom, for
example, sank, the waves and currents created easily sucked Noah's great
raft along Eastward like a cork in a stream.  However, those left behind
in the Americas knew that Noah had a way with GOD; so, they blamed Noah
for leaving without them.  Thus, the name Quetzalcoatl, the feathered

          As the ocean bottoms sank, these early American colonists saw
the ocean waters reside and they saw the repeated violent tidal waves
associated with the earthquakes and tumult.  And, they also had
witnessed the sinking of the Edenic Valley and the drowning of all who
failed to get aboard Noah's great floating raft.  Thus, they feared the
oceans and built their cities and homes higher in the mountains.  That
is, they saw the powers and violence of the ocean, they saw that the
ocean waters once reached way above the hills and valleys, and these
early settlers didn't truly understand what had happened and what was
taking place.  Thus, the ancient habitats of early post flood Americans
are all found well away from the oceans and all on relatively high grou

          The eventual terminal landing site of Noah's Ark bears the
same name translated "Kingdoms of Ararat" (Jeremiah 51:27) and the land
of "Armenia" (Ararat) (II Kings 19:37; Isaiah 37:38).  For example, when
the sons of Sennacherib King of Assyria murdered the King in Nineveh,
they escaped to the land of Ararat (also translated Armenia).  [This
region would encompass the lands from Western Saudi Arabia (the Hejaz)
northward through Jordan to Damascus, Syria].

          Again, it's a thousand mile long mountain, a great field of

          The phony traditional mount Ararat in Eastern Turkey is
totally devoid of any connection with the true landing site of Noah's
Ark.  It's just another ruse concocted by the "experts."

The Overall Layout

Noah's Ark
And Treasures Of The Red Sea


          Noah and his three sons represented people from the four river

1.Pison River (Jordan River) begins in the Anti-Lebanon Mountains West
of Damascus and extended South to the Indian Ocean via the Edenic Valley
(Now beneath the Red Sea area).
2.Gihon River (Nile River) traversed East Africa from modern Lake
Victoria Northward through modern Sudan to include the lands of Egypt.

3.Euphrates River (Tigris and Euphrates Rivers) begin in modern Turkey
and flow South.  The Euphrates flows through modern East Syria and
modern Iraq; whereas, the Tigris just touches the tip of East Syria
before entering Iraq.  Both join before flowing into the Persian Gulf
(Red Sea of the East).  In ancient times the land between the rivers was
called Mesopotamia and Babylon.

4.Hiddekel River (Indus River) begins in the Himalaya Mountains, then
flows NW to between the Hindu Kush and Kunlun Mountains and then
traverses Southwest through early India (modern Islamic Pakistan) to the
Arabian Sea.

             (Genesis 2:10-14)

          People from each of these regions came to build Noah's Ark, a
great four square floating raft, a city 2,000 cubits on a side, that was
120 years in building (Genesis 6:15 gives only partial measures).  The
builders, artisans, farmers, and other craftsmen were the occupants of
the city and survived with Noah and his sons.  [See: The Gilgamesh Epic;
the Babylonian historian, Berossus' Account; and the Scriptures (i.e.
after the flood the children of Cain, the descendants of the first
child: the Kenites, had to come from somewhere)].

          The ancient (preflood) map in the Iraqi Museum, Baghdad, Iraq
is a map of the Edenic Valley.  This map is called the "Nuzi" (GA.SUR)
map found in Yorghan Tepe, Iraq in 1930-31.  Toward the top (Eastward
i.e. toward the sunrise) are the low mountains of Yemen and the Hejaz
(now Western Saudi Arabia); to the bottom (Westward) are the low
mountains of Eastern Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia; to the right
(Southward) is the Strait of Bab al-Mandab, the Sea of Reeds, and the
Indian Ocean (portions of this sector have been lost - broken off); and
to the left (Northward) is the Sinai Peninsula through which the River
of Egypt once flowed.

          The main river shown traversing through the midst of the
preflood valley was the modern Jordan River which then extended through
the Edenic Valley unto the Indian Ocean via the Strait of Bab al-Mandab
and the Sea of Reeds.

          A second significant river flowed from the low mountains of
Eastern Egypt/Sudan to join the Jordan midway through the 1,000 mile
long Edenic Valley.  Also, a corner or segment of the Nile river may be
seen on this ancient map.


          Two cities are depicted on that ancient map: one shown as a
circle and the other shown as a square.  A unique relationship of a
circle and square are also imbedded in the Great Pyramid of Giza as
explained by John Taylor and Charles Piazzi Smyth in the 1850's and
60's.  That is, the perimeter of the square base of Giza (4 B) equals
the circumference of a circle (2 pi r) whose radius (r) equals the
altitude of the Giza Pyramid if the capstones were in place.  Thus, if
one baseline (B) is known then the perpendicular (r), the altitude to
the chief capstone, can be established.

r =  2B

          In turn, this unique relationship of a circle and a square
together with the baseline (B) provided in Scripture (I Samuel 6:19)
helped direct searchers to the hiding place of GOD'S Holy Ark in
Hebron.  It also appears to be a key to finding the remains of Noah's
Ark near Tayma, Saudi Arabia (Habakkuk 3:3) and several other sites.

          The tiny roll seals now on display in the museum in Damascus,
Syria provide an alternate view of Noah and the Edenic Valley, a cross
section, as viewed from the region of the Strait of Bab al Mandab (i.e.
as viewed from South to North).

          One seal shows people standing on the low mountains on either
side (East and West) of the Edenic Valley as they watch a man standing
in the valley.  The valley is sinking so only the head and shoulders of
the man are visible as he holds an ancient saw over his head.

          That seal is significant in that it, again like the ancient
map, shows low mountains on either side of the valley and that the floor
of the valley was sinking. The man with the saw, of course, represents

          Other seals apparently depict scenes from Noah's
around-the-world journey.  Therein Noah is shown seated upon a box-like
structure.  The box-like structure appears to represent the Holy of
Holies with the throne room atop just as found in the design of the
ancient Temples.  Thus, the seals indicate that Noah's Ark contains a
Temple-like structure apparently centered near the midst of the four
square raft-like city of Noah ... a city later reflected in the
Levitical City about the Temple.

          Noah's historic Ark is an ancient treasure chest that should
contain myriad ancient preflood records and perhaps even detailed
eye-witness accounts of the great flood and of the survivors' 377 day
experience.  Perhaps it also will reveal more precise details regarding
the ancient valley of Eden and the people that dwelt therein.

          About 1963, if memory is not too flawed, in the Red Sea, off
shore from Port Sudan, in the vicinity of a reef called in English "The
Roman Reef," a group of people headed by Jacques Yves Cousteau undertook
to dwell in an experimental undersea habitat.

          In setting up this habitat the sea bottom was such that it
caused the habitat to slide to a much greater depth than planned.  The
habitat and its occupants were then serviced by a saucer-like
submersible that made repeated trips to and from the habitat.

          The sliding of the habitat undoubtedly caused the crew of the
saucer-like sub to see certain things that otherwise may have gone

          Now, in their myriad trips, the crew on the submersible noted
a strange road-like structure that traversed from reef to reef.  In
fact, it appeared so much like a roadway that they dubbed it, "The
Andean Highway."

          The intriguing aspect is that ancient land based communities
became encased and covered by earth and are called "tells."  Therefore,
would not ancient structures of the sunken Edenic Valley become encased
by coral and other marine growths to form reefs?  Where does "The Andean
Highway" eventually lead?  And what of ancient Eden awaits to be found
in the Red Sea?

          Note: the 800 to 1000 mile long rift in the Red Sea floor
occurred 882 years after the flood had ended (i.e. 1656 + 882 = 2538
from Creation).  Thus, there are no anhydrites in the bottom of this
rift.  That is, when Moses and his charges crossed over the Red Sea
finger a violent earthquake had rent the Red Sea bottom asunder.  This
temporarily swallowed the waters of the shallow finger where Moses and
his Israelites waited to cross over.  Then the back rush of waters
formed a tidal wave that caught Pharaoh and his chariots unawares as
they endeavored to encircle the fleeing Israelites by first going South
down the dry sea bed.  Scripture describes the crossing point and events
in great detail so the shores of the Red Sea finger should some day soon
surrender the remains of Pharaoh's gold plated chariot and perhaps much

          "GOD (The Glory Of GOD atop the first Holy Ark) came from
Teman (the South) (Arabic=Tayma, Saudi Arabia), and the Holy One
(referring to Noah) from mount Paran (the ornament in the
desert).  Selah.  His (GOD'S) glory covered the heavens, and the earth
was full of His praise."

                                                       Habakkuk 3:3

          "His glory covered the heavens ..." may also refer to the
cloud atop GOD'S Holy Ark, the first Holy Ark that crossed the flood
with Noah.  Noah then brought it to Kiriat Arba (Hebron) where it was
eventually passed down unto Jacob who hid it before sojourning to Egypt
to reunite with Joseph.

          But back to Noah's great floating raft-like city ... Where is
it resting today?

          If I were to physically search, I'd begin at a point in the An
Nufud (desert) about 62 miles North of the center of Tayma on a bearing
of 014° measured from the center of Tayma.

          Happy hunting!
--[the web site keeps going]---
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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