-Caveat Lector-

* Brigham Young ordered 9/11 massacre*
From Robert Novak's column in *Chicago Sun-Times* May 3,

"Opening in theaters Friday, a motion picture called "September Dawn"
depicts a brutal American massacre that has been forgotten. On Sept. 11,
1857, in Utah Territory, Mormons slaughtered more than 120 California-bound
settlers from Arkansas. Retelling at this time the 9/11 carnage of 150 years
ago does not help Mormon Mitt Romney's presidential campaign.

The basic facts about the Mountain Meadows Massacre are not in dispute.
Mormons mobilized Paiute Indians, accompanied by Mormons disguised as
Indians, to attack a peaceful wagon train. The settlers beat off the attack
but were left short of food and ammunition. They disarmed themselves at the
request of Mormons who said they would lead them to safety but instead
turned on the settlers, murdering every man, woman and child above the age
of 8. All that is in doubt historically is whether this was ordered by
Brigham Young, president of the Mormon Church. "September Dawn" says he was
responsible, and the church denies it.

Today's Mormons, including Romney, cannot be blamed for these events.
Nevertheless, the candidate has followed the church's example in ignoring
this movie. Romney will not comment on "September Dawn" and indeed will not
watch it. That follows his decision not to defend his Mormon faith or
actively fight the religious bias that has impeded his candidacy.

I attended a screening of the movie hosted by Academy Award-winner Jon
Voight (who plays a fictional Mormon bishop). A conservative, he said this
was no hit against Romney. "I didn't even know he was running when we began
this," Voight told viewers after the screening. But he said this terrible
story is important considering America's war against terrorists.

Indeed, Brigham Young -- played by the British actor Terence Stamp -- is
portrayed in the film as a 19th century Osama bin Laden. Calling himself a
"second Muhammad," he insists on the "shedding of blood" by "gentiles." He
is seen fighting the United States, which was sending federal troops to

The church always has accepted Young's plea that he had nothing to do with
the Mountain Meadows Massacre. But Voight is certain that he did, based on
research for the movie. "If any miserable scoundrels come here, cut their
throats," Young said in his "Blood Atonement Sermon."

[Romney] has rejected efforts by the producers of "September Dawn" to reach
out to him. I made three attempts without success to get his views of the
movie. Neither watching it nor condemning it, he may just hope that
Americans will not include this bloody tragedy in their spring and summer



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