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Dave Hartley

INDEPENDENT (London)27 February 2000
        By Geoffrey Lean, Environment correspondent

Blair: GM may be a health risk

Tony Blair today admits that genetically modified foods may damage human
health  almost exactly a year after he said he was so confident of their
safety that he ate them himself.

His dramatic U-turn comes in an exclusive article in the Independent on
Sunday which senior government sources and environmental campaigners alike
last night hailed as a turning point both on GM policy and in the
"greening" of Downing Street,

In the article, Mr Blair  who a year ago expressed his "frustration" at
the outcry over genetic modification  acknow- ledges that there is cause
for "legitimate public concern" over the technology he has long

He endorses the main aims of this paper's campaign on GM foods and crops,
whereas last year he complained against "an extraordinary campaign of
distortion" by "parts of the media". He then swore to "resist the tyranny
of pressure groups"; now he says they "have an important part to play in
ensuring we reach the right answers".

This approach  described as "a total change for the Prime Minister" by a
senior government source  marks a triumph for two of his most spun-against
ministers, Michael Meacher and Mo Mowlam.

It is also designed to distance the Government from GM firms before they
have to announce that they have been unable to persuade enough farmers to
grow the crops on a trial basis this year.

"There's no doubt that there is potential for harm, both in terms of human
safety and in the diversity of our environment, from GM food and crops,"
says Mr Blair. He understands the "cause for legitimate public concern",
and says that because of possible ill-effects the Government is proceeding
"very cautiously indeed".

He shows how the Government has taken measures that meet the two main aims
of this paper's campaign  a moratorium on commercial planting of GM crops,
and labelling of GM foods. And while stressing the possible benefits of
the technology, he adds: "Jobs and profit will never be more important ...
than concern over human health and our environment."

It is a far cry from last February, when Downing St announced: "The Prime
Minister is very strongly of the view that these products are safe. He has
no hesitation about saying that and eating the products himself." He was
then the main driving force behind the Government's aggressive promotion
of GM technology. He privately told MPs that the public outcry was
short-lived "flash in the pan".

His new approach strongly echoes the line that Mr Meacher, alone among
ministers, has been advocating for over a year. Since Mo Mowlam succeeded
the pro-GM Jack Cunningham as Cabinet enforcer she has been urging the
Prime Minister to adopt the environment minister's more balanced approach.

Last night, Charles Secrett, executive director of Friends of the Earth,
said: "This is a fantastic leap forward. For the first time Mr Blair seems
to be listening to the people on these issues. The article signifies a
real change of approach both over GM technology and on environmental
issues as a whole."

Today, Mr Blair will be at the Old Vic Theatre in London to mark the 100th
anniversary of the Labour Party. He will outline a five-point plan
designed to keep Labour in power and in favour for the next century.

The five goals are: full employment in the new knowledge economy;
educational opportunity for all; restoring the NHS as the pride of Britain
and the envy of the world; ending child poverty in 20 years; and making
Britain "proud and strong in the world".

He will say: "Our reforms ... civilised the 20th century. Even when not in
power we forced onto the agenda our ideas of decency and justice ... Let
us make the second hundred years an even greater success."


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