-Caveat Lector-

Dear Brigade - FYI - Linda, GO PAT GO!!!!!


Buchanan courts farmers in Michigan

Conservative Republican tells Grand Rapids rally he'll protect U.S. against
foreign crops

Associated Press  --  7/22/99

GRAND RAPIDS -- Against the backdrop of a family-owned apple orchard,
hopeful Pat Buchanan promised to protect farmers from cheaper, foreign crops
he said
threaten to destroy American agriculture.

On the second of a two-day campaign swing through Michigan on Tuesday, the
conservative Republican repeated a familiar theme in his longtime quest for
presidency, railing against current trade laws. He said those laws allow
China" to sell its apples below cost here.

"They don't let our manufacturers in, and then dump everything they have in
the U.S.
free of charge," said Buchanan during a brief tour of Robinette's Apple Farm,
store and cafe in northeast Grand Rapids.

"The people who talk global free trade don't understand that or don't care,"
told about 50 people.

The message resonated with the orchard's owner, Jim Robinette, who said he
consider voting for Buchanan.

"I'm undecided right now, but I'm impressed," Robinette said. "He's the first
we've had who was really interested in agriculture."

"I'm desperate. We must do something to save our farms," said Andy Sneller, a
Fremont apple farmer who drove 45 minutes to see Buchanan.

His 600-acre farm is losing money, and he said he was afraid there would not
be a
business for his sons to take over someday.

"Buchanan has ideas," Sneller said. "We have to do something."

Buchanan ran for president in 1992 and 1996. He did not win the Michigan

On Tuesday, he predicted he would do well in Michigan in 2000, although
Gov. John Engler is backing Texas Gov. George W. Bush for the job. But he
acknowledged it will be tough to compete against someone who already has
$37 million -- and received the support from so many Republicans. "I think
establishment closes ranks too quickly," he said when asked about Bush's

Buchanan's rhetoric was toned down from Monday's trip across Michigan, when
called Engler "Friar Tuck" -- a reference to the portly friar who accompanied

He also did not spend much time discussing his opposition to abortion, a
position that
he frequently highlights as an example of his conservatism.

Buchanan campaigned across mid-Michigan Monday, stopping in Essexville,
Midland and Lansing. He told cheering supporters that he stands for American
and American jobs and said President Clinton has failed to do so.

-------------  end  ---------
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