-Caveat Lector-

Buchanan sets date to leave GOP

Officials: Formal bid for Reform nomination will come Oct. 25


WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 — Republican presidential candidate Pat Buchanan is
preparing to bolt his party and begin a quest for the Reform Party
nomination Oct. 25, officials close to the conservative commentator said

TWO OFFICIALS, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Buchanan was
planning to announce his departure from the GOP in suburban Washington, New
Hampshire and perhaps other key states.

       The officials cautioned that Buchanan could still reverse course and
stay out of the increasingly fractious third-party bid. But they said he
intends to bolt, and the departure was virtually certain.
       In the clearest signal yet of his intentions, Buchanan’s campaign
mailed hundreds invitations to supporters Tuesday night inviting them to a
“major announcement” Oct. 25 at a Falls Church, Va., hotel, the officials
said. As many as 3,000 invitations also were being sent for a New Hampshire
stop, they said.

“He’s almost too far down the pike to get out now,” said one of the
       However, spokeswoman Joanne Hansen said no final decision has been
       Lagging in GOP polls, Buchanan says he believes the party’s
nomination battle is rigged in favor of Texas Gov. George W. Bush, who he
says is too moderate.
       The Reform Party nominee would lay claim to almost $13 million in
federal matching money. Party founder Ross Perot earned 19 percent of the
vote in 1992 and 8 percent in 1996.

       Republicans fear that a third-party run by Buchanan would siphon
conservative votes from their nominee. He won the New Hampshire primary in
1996 and put a scare into then-President George Bush in the 1992 primaries.
       Buchanan, however, would not be assured the nomination. A parade of
celebrities and politicians are mentioned as potential candidates, including
New York tycoon Donald Trump. Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura, former
Connecticut Gov. Lowell Weicker, actress Cybill Shepherd, actor Warren
Beatty and Perot himself.

       A new CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll shows limited support for the
third-party alternatives. Buchanan had the backing of 9 percent of those
surveyed in a three-way matchup with Bush and Vice President Al Gore, the
Democratic front-runner. Trump had 10 percent in a similar three-way
       The unfavorability ratings of Buchanan, Ventura and Trump have
increased as speculation about their presidential bids drew more media

       Trump formed an exploratory committee last week, and says he would
spend $30 million if he jumps in the race. Buchanan, who has had trouble
raising money in the GOP race, could not match that total but has more
political experience than Trump. He is said to be worried about Trump’s
financial resources.
       The contest is already heated.

         Trump consultant Roger Stone said Buchanan wants attention, not the
White House. “Pat’s avocation at this point is running for president. It’s
all he does,” Stone said in a telephone interview. “Trump will spend $30
million to get on the ballots in every state. I don’t think Pat can do it.”
       Trump himself has called Buchanan’s views “prehistoric.” Buchanan is
a staunch, anti-abortion conservative who drew criticism for questioning
whether Nazi Germany was a threat to America.

Ventura, the party’s highest ranking elected official, has ruled out a 2000
presidential campaign, though the speculation continues. He is urging Trump
to seek the nomination, saying Buchanan is too conservative on social issues
for the party.
       Buchanan is drawing support from the Perot wing of the party.

       “I say to Roger Stone, ‘Bring your candidate on.’ It’ll be another
head on the wall,” said Pat Choate, Perot’s 1996 running mate. “I believe
Pat is going to get in the race, win the nomination and, with any luck, the
White House.”

  Perot himself has not taken sides in the nomination fight and has not
ruled out jumping in the fray himself.
       The officials close to Buchanan say his meetings with advisers are
filled with strategic and thematic discussions about the third-party bid.
His sister and top adviser, Bay Buchanan, is exploring party rules and is
already seeking to plant Buchanan backers in state party leadership posts.
Buchanan and his advisers are discussing language Buchanan would use to
explain his departure, though he has not yet formally begun writing the

We don't need a 3rd Party;  we need a 2nd Party!

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