-Caveat Lector-


Bush's 'Witch' Hunt

Tucker Carlson, the pompous co-host of CNN's The Spin Room was riffing
the other night on where Pagans and other non-mainstream religions fit
into George W. Bush's initiative to allow the federal government to fund
religious social service programs.

A viewer e-mailed the question: "Please forward the location of the
nearest Wiccan-sponsored hospital."

Carlson responded: "You have to sacrifice a chicken to get in" to the
appreciative chuckles of his co-host, Bill Press.

But Druid Priestess Ellen Evert Hopman of the Order of the Whiteoak
isn't laughing.

Hopman and other pagans are deeply troubled by President George Bush's
toils to increase the role of the federal government in faith-based
social service programs through so-called "charitable choice"

Believers in earth-based faiths follow the religious freedom debate
with, well, religious fervor. As the philosophical progeny of men and
women who were burned alive, drowned in Massachusetts bogs and ponds and
tortured in various sick ways centuries ago simply for eschewing the
dominant faith, Christianity, they've got a big stake in the debate over
Bush's bold salvo against the constitutional separation of church and

If Bush's plan gets congressional backing, it can't be long, as far as
Hopman's concerned, before the bureaucrats administering "charitable
choice" programs start determining which religions are "legitimate" and
cleared for government funding and which need not apply.

Pagans, Hopman said, are already at the top of that list.

"If you follow the debate in the news what you hear is that within the
religious groups there seems to be a hierarchy of who is 'deserving,'"
Hopman said. "The Nation of Islam and Wiccans seem to be surfacing as
the scapegoats."

Bush's "charitable choice" initiative is tied to several bills that have
been introduced in Congress in the last few years and are now pending.

In the debates last year the architect of one leading bill stated
clearly that pagans would not be welcome at the federal faith-based
initiative trough.

Last April, during debates on a U.S. Rep. Mark Souder's charitable
choice bill, Rep. Chet Edwards, a Texas Democrat, asked Souder
point-blank if Wiccans could apply for federal funds to provide social
services, according to a transcript printed in the April 6, 2000
Congressional Record.

Souder, a self-proclaimed champion of making faith-based organizations
eligible to receive federal grants to help address "cultural problems,"
replied, "It is unlikely under President Bush that the witches would get

And President Bush has also spoken his heart on the matter of Pagans'
religious worth, albeit in his characteristically confused manner. In
response to the Pentagon's official position that Paganism should get
the same treatment in the ranks as any other religion, Bush told ABC's
Good Morning America in 1999 that he doesn't think "witchcraft" is a

"We aren't just a little splinter group," Hopman said. "We're very
concerned about this and we're organizing."

                                           -- JoAnn DiLorenzo

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