-Caveat Lector-

Thursday February 01, 2001
Candid Comments Mistakenly Aired

President Bush has had another run-in with an open microphone,
unwittingly airing candid comments about abortion and Republicans.

In another embarrassing run-in with an open microphone, President
Bush's made remarkably candid remarks on abortion and Republicans
that were unwittingly broadcast to the White House press this week.

Speaker to leaders of Roman Catholic charities, Bush expressed
frustration that the debate over letting parents use federal aid to
put their children in private and parochial schools is such an
uphill "battle." Bush said the issue is a "problem politically,"
adding that his proposal was being doomed by Republicans in wealthy
suburbs who are "scared to death" of offending public school

It's a fight he intends to win, Bush said, by avoiding the
term "vouchers," instead advocating "opportunity scholarships" that
would let students leave failing schools.

It's not unlike the abortion issue, President Bush suggested to the
Catholics, which is better argued as a "pro-life" position.

"It's like the abortion issue," Bush said. "There is a built in
prejudice against a particular position on both sides of both issues.
And the language of the issues, you know, is never 'for' life. It's
always 'anti,' you know. Somebody's right. And same in education. And
those of us who agree on these issues must figure out better ways to
position it from a PR perspective."

Bush was apparently unaware the microphone was on when he made the
comments. The mic had been set up for comments to be made to
reporters during a photo session with the Catholic leaders, but was
turned on early -- before reporters were allowed into the meeting --
and broadcast to the press room.

Addressing an archbishop from Miami, Bush joked that he was planning
to name his brother, Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida, "the ambassador to

The double-entendre referred to battle Bush and Democratic
presidential candidate Al Gore waged over how exactly chad, the tiny
pieces of paper that dangle off ballots, should have been read during
the election contest.

It's not Bush's first mishap with a microphone. During the campaign,
he and vice-presidential candidate Dick Cheney made vulgar comments
about a New York Times reporter that were mistakenly broadcast over
the PA system at a campaign rally.

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