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By Deception Do They Rule

by Paul Joseph Watson
June 16, 2003

"United Nations is not at odds with the United States over Iraq"

Of course not. This was all engineered from the very beginning years ago by the UN-CFR-Bilderberg international octopus cabal of masonic bankers, CEOs and Euro-royalty to use Iraq as prime catalyst for world government. And it continues to be a stage-managed theatrical production for public consumption to this very day.

Recall the fateful words of poppy Bush speaking on Iraq:

"What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea - a New World Order, where diverse nations are drawn together in a common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind; peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law. Such is a world worthy of our struggle, and worthy of our children's future....only the United States has both the moral standing and the means to back it up."

- George HW Bush, January 29, 1991, State of the Union address

[click below for full article...]

Now do you see?

The five permanent members of the Security Council, among others, ensured Saddam's regime would remain at least a symbolic thorn in the side of the Middle East by continuing to arm him and give him all the money he needed to build his palaces and maintain his boogyman status long enough to set up the Final Solution.


The UN-sanctions softened Iraq up for the takeover. The generals were all paid off. The US walked in. The UN voted unanimously to approve the socalled "US Occupation". Saddam was whisked away probably to some Russian villa by his KGB buddies (like Yevgeny Primkov who is incidentally advising Tom Ridge on Homeland Gestapo). Hired US mercinaries are just carrying out the dirty work for the UN and taking all the heat for it, yet it seems they are on the verge of accepting "help" from the loving UN peacekeepers due to their inability to put down the resistance. But that too would have been anticipated.

Good Cop/Bad Cop

This is how they operate. To attempt to obtain their New World Order objectives straightforwardly would never work. But if you can divide world opinion into Left Wing pro-UN and Right Wing pro-US factions, you can accomplish anything, fool almost anybody, because you control both sides of the debate, a debate that you manufactured in the first place. Divide and conquer. That is one of many methods they use.

Bush Sr also had this to say and he meant it:

"My vision of a New World Order forsees a U.N. with a revitalized peacekeeping function. It is the sacred principles enshrined in the U.N. Charter to which we henceforth pledge our allegiance."

-President George Bush, ex-CIA director, Knights of Malta, Skull & Bones, Trilateral Commission, addressing the General Assembly of the U.N., February 1, 1992.

And little Lord Dubya is faithfully carrying out the destruction of America while he performs the "peacekeeping" function on the roadmap to a global government, a global army (directed at dissenters), a global economy, a global techno-Orwellain police state control grid and much much more. All for our safety.

By keeping us in the dark about their real motives and activities, humanity is kept in chains. Chains of fear, chains of corruption, poverty, endless war, the Hegelian dialectic, technological enslavement, psychological operations and terror.

By deception, do they rule.

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