-Caveat Lector-

Cult Expert Louis Jolyon West Dies

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Dr. Louis Jolyon West, a psychiatrist and
cult expert who conducted court-ordered examinations of Jack Ruby
and Patricia Hearst, has died of cancer. He was 74.

West, who died Saturday at his home here, headed the psychiatry
department and the Neuropsychiatric Institute at the University
of California at Los Angeles for 20 years. He retired in 1989,
but remained active in research and mentoring students.

West began studying torture and brainwashing during the Korean
War, and eventually expanded his research to include
post-traumatic stress syndrome, alcohol and drug abuse, pain,
sleep problems, dreams and hypnosis.

West frequently served as a court-appointed expert psychiatrist.
He testified that Ruby, killer of President Kennedy's assassin,
Lee Harvey Oswald, suffered from ``major mental illness
apparently precipitated by the stress of his trial and its
aftermath.'' That opinion forestalled Ruby's death sentence, and
he died of cancer in prison.

West was also one of four psychiatrists who examined Hearst, the
kidnapping victim turned bank robber, before her 1976 trial. The
panel found she was sane and able to stand trial but
``psychologically damaged as a result of torture.'' It
recommended she should be treated before the trial, a
recommendation ignored by the court.

In a speech after Hearst's conviction, West said, ``The
government finished the destruction of her life started by an
anti-government group.'' Her sentence was eventually commuted.

West was sought out by the news media for insight on cults as
recently as 1997, when the group Heaven's Gate staged a mass
suicide in San Diego.

A civil rights activist, West was the first white psychiatrist to
go to South Africa to testify on behalf of black prisoners during
the attempt to end apartheid. He was a member of the White House
Conference on Civil Rights in 1966, and he worked for years to
abolish the death penalty.

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