-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.info-quest.org  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 00:50:04 -0000
From: quicksilverdime <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: C.R.E.S.T. 59 Socialists In Congress

We definitely won't be asking any of the following individuals to be
a part of a new continental congress.

59 Socialists In Congress
by Chuck Morse

On the extreme left wing of the Democratic Party, The Progressive
Caucus is affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America,
which, in turn, is the American affiliate of the Socialist
International. Congressional Caucus members, I would contend, should
actually be called Socialists rather than Democrats. Unlike their
European counterparts, these homegrown American Socialist Congressmen
try to refrain from showing their true authoritarian colors. Such
displays would be too risky in an America that is still steeped in
traditional freedoms. There are still enough of us out here who would
boot them out of office if they revealed too much of their true

Socialists, like Communists, Nazis, Klansmen, or other political
groups, rightfully enjoy the same constitutional protections as the
rest of us. Unlike their more radical aforementioned counterparts
however, the socialists believe in changing the system by "boring
from within" rather than through illegal violence and sedition. As
such, they prefer legislation, often filled with deceptive legalese
and passed through Congress by duplicitous means, as their choice of
arms in their quest toward revolutionary goals. Socialists are
gradualists rather than extremists. They are slowly chipping away at
our G-d given rights.

Freedom loving Americans would be well advised to keep a close eye on
socialist Congressmen. While they may talk like the rest of us,
especially when sojourning in their respective districts, they
operate from a different paradigm. If they decide to support a war
against Iraq, for example, or any other intervention overseas, their
motives would more likely be based on an agenda that seeks to
entangle the US in a new world order than in protecting the interests
of sovereign America.

As a matter of principle and as an article of faith, socialists
support a socialist world government as an ultimate goal. The method
they employ is the gradual transfer of constitutional
responsibilities from elected American legislatures to international
agencies accountable to no one. Socialists are apt to support such
things as international standing armies, an international tax, the
transfer of American capital to third world dictators, and the
surrender of congressional responsibilities to the UN, the WTO, the
IMF, UNESCO and now the International Criminal Court. Whenever
communistic protocols emerge out of a UN sponsored conference, as is
always the case, and whenever such un-American protocols are rejected
by a still largely patriotic Congress, the socialist congressmen and
their allies will more than likely try to foist the protocol on the
American people through a back door.

Socialists believe in sovereignty eroding entanglements abroad and
big-state socialism at home. They support high taxes on working
people with the money transferred to bureaucracies staffed by their
friends. They support a welfare state that oppresses poor people,
especially minorities, who then become their constituents. They
support left-wing judges who are willing to subvert the democratic
power of Congress by making laws from the bench. While they support
mandatory public education, mandatory labor unions, mandatory racial
quotas, land-grabbing environmental regulation, and thought control
in the form of hate speech legislation, they turn around and become
downright libertarian when it comes to pornography, abortion, sex,
drugs, homosexuality, and other agendas that debauch the citizenry.
by Chuck Morse
Apr 2003

Following is the Sept. 2002 membership list of the Progressive

Neil Abercrombie -- Hawaii
Tammy Baldwin -- Wisconsin
Xavier Becerra -- California
David Bonior -- Michigan
Corrine Brown -- Florida
Sherron Brown -- Ohio
Michael Capuano -- Massachusetts
Julia Carson -- Indiana
William "Lacy" Clay -- Missouri
John Conyers -- Michigan
Danny Davis -- Illinois
Peter DeFazio -- Oregon
Rosa DeLauro -- Connecticut
Lane Evans -- Illinois
Eni Faleomavaega -- Am Samoa
Sam Farr -- California
Chaka Fattah -- Pennsylvania
Bob Filner -- California
Barney Frank -- Massachusetts
Luis Gutierrez -- Illinois
Earl Hilliard -- Alabama
Maurice Hinchey -- New York
Jesse Jackson Jr. -- Illinois
Sheila Jackson-Lee -- Texas
Stephanie Tubbs Jones -- Ohio
Marcy Kaptur -- Ohio
Dennis Kucinich -- Ohio
Tom Lantos -- California
Barbara Lee -- California
John Lewis -- Georgia
Jim McDermott -- Washington
James P. McGovern -- Massachusetts
Cynthia McKinney -- Georgia
Carrie Meek -- Florida
George Miller -- California
Patsy Mink -- Hawaii
Jerry Nadler -- New York
Eleanor Holmes Norton -- D.C.
John Olver -- Massachusetts
Major Owens -- New York
Ed Pastor -- Arizona
Donald Payne -- New Jersey
Nancy Pelosi -- California
Bobby Rush -- Illinois
Bernie Sanders -- Vermont
Jan Schakowsky -- Illinois
Jose Serrano -- New York
Hilda Solis -- California
Pete Stark -- California
Bennie Thompson -- Mississippi
John Tierney -- Massachusetts
Tom Udall -- New Mexico
Nydia Velazquez -- New York
Maxine Waters -- California
Diane Watson -- California
Mel Watt -- North Carolina
Henry Waxman -- California
Paul Wellstone -- Minnesota
Lynn Woolsey -- California

Here is a list of 2003 members of the Progressive Caucus of the House
of Representatives:   http://bernie.house.gov/pc/members.asp

Welcome to the Congressional Progressive Caucus website

An introduction to the above article from a member of another group.

"Let us not be confused about Socialism. It is as evil as any form of
slavery imposed on people since time immemorial, and is about as
American as a Nazi Youth Rally, or a Soviet May-Day parade. Let us
never forget as examples, that at one time in history there
existed "The Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics, and the National
SOCIALIST Worker's Party (NAZIs), and their history  speaks for
itself as to the real effects of socialism.

At you may remember, the Socialist party candidate for president,
Norman Thomas said, i.e.: "Americans will never knowingly vote for
socialism, but under the guise of liberalism, and within the
respectability of the Democrat Party, they will adopt every plank of
the Socialist Party platform until one day America will be socialist,
without knowing how it all came about."

This is obviously the thought of the 59 present socialists in
Congress, who lied to their electorate by calling
themselves "Democrats" in order to get votes, and further their
agendae in a more "respectable" arena.

The 59 names of congressmen in the following article are in reality,
card-carrying, dues-paying members of the Socialist International,
operating as "Democratic Socialists," and also known as "The
Progressive Caucus." The Socialist web site itself confirms their
membership, and a link to it is contained in one of the four URLs
shown below, which you may wish to use to confirm this story." - Earl

In the event some of these sites become outdated, simply enter
SOCIALISTS IN CONGRESS as a web search for current listings and

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