-Caveat Lector-

INFO: http://www.peaceinspace.com


CONTACT: USA -  Dr. Carol Rosin  805-641-1999   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Canada - Alfred Webre, JD, MEd    604-733-8134       [EMAIL PROTECTED]


VANCOUVER, B.C. - Space educators from Canada and the United States today
called on the Government of Canada to immediately convene an emergency Treaty
Conference to expedite the signing and ratification of the Space Preservation
Treaty - a multinational agreement that will ban all space-based weapons in

The Space Preservation Treaty is the companion Treaty to the Space
Preservation Act of 2002 (H.R. 3616), introduced into the U.S. House of
Representatives by Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio).

"Because of the imminent weaponization of space, we urge Canada to convene an
emergency Treaty-signing Conference for the Space Preservation Treaty,
similar to the Treaty-signing Conference held in Canada in December, 1997,
where 122 countries signed the Convention Banning Land Mines, known as the
Ottawa Convention," stated Vancouver-based Alfred Webre, JD, MEd.   Mr. Webre
is a Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS), an
educational foundation.

Canadian M.P. Svend Robinson (in Motion M-527 of June 20, 2002) and Canadian
Sen. Douglas Roche (on June 13, 2002), have each introduced parliamentary
motions that call for "Canada to lead an international effort to ban the
introduction of all weapons in space through a binding international
agreement against the weaponization of space."

"We recommend the Space Preservation Treaty as the multinational treaty of
choice for this Treaty Conference.  The Space Preservation Treaty establishes
a permanent ban on ALL space-based weapons, prohibits the use of weapons to
destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit; and immediately orders
the permanent termination of research and development, testing,
manufacturing, production, and deployment of all space-based weapons," stated
Dr. Carol Rosin, President of ICIS.  Rosin is  "regarded to be the original
political architect of the move to stop the SDI and ASATs."

 "This is a win-win for everyone because the Space Preservation Treaty does
not prohibit space exploration, space research and development, testing,
manufacturing or deployment that is not related to space-based weapons or
systems, or civil, commercial, or defense activities (including
communications, navigation, surveillance, reconnaissance, early warning, or
remote sensing) that are not related to space-based weapons or systems,"
Rosin said. "This is when the war industry can be transformed into a space
industry that will benefit everyone."

The Space Preservation Treaty is seen as a viable alternative to a flawed
Russia-China draft treaty that was introduced on June 27, 2002 at the United
Nations Conference on Disarmament (UNCD).

H.R. 3616, the Space Preservation Act of 2002,  provides Section 4:
AGAINST OBJECTS IN SPACE IN ORBIT."  It states, "The [U.S.] President shall
direct the United States representatives to the United Nations and other
international organizations to immediately work toward negotiating, adopting,
and implementing an international treaty banning space-based weapons and the
use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit."
Both the bill and the companion world treaty are designed to preserve space
for cooperative, peaceful uses for all humankind.

 "The proposed Russia-China draft treaty introduced at the UNCD is deeply
flawed and would permit the research, development, testing, manufacturing and
production of space-based weapons and their functional deployment under the
guise of it being called merely "research" or merely "testing," said Rosin.
"The Russia-China draft would actually permit the funding and vested
interests to continue and to build a momentum that would make space-based
weapons unstoppable."

"The Space Preservation Treaty establishes a vitally important outer space
peacekeeping agency to monitor and enforce the ban," stated Webre.   "The
Russia-China draft has no enforcement mechanism, and hence no effective and
practical means by which the weaponization of space would be prevented
against an aggressor nation that wants to weaponize space," he said.

It is thus recommended that the Space Preservation Treaty be the Treaty of
choice in the UNCD as well," Rosin continued.  "The Space Preservation Treaty
incorporates the language and intention of H.R. 3616, the 1967 Outer Space
Treaty, and international proposals.

ICIS supports all efforts to ban space-based weapons including the
continuation of negotiations  - concurrent with the Fast Track Treaty
Conference approach - on the Institutional Track approach at the UNCD
regarding the prevention of an arms race in space (PAROS).    "But, there are
barriers to the UNCD being able to complete an effective multinational
agreement to ban all space-based weapons in time to prevent the imminent
weaponization of space and the accelerating momentum of funding and vested
interests that would make the space-based weapons program unstoppable,"
stated Alfred Webre.  "The UNCD is deadlocked.  It may take the UNCD three to
five years or more to reach a multi-lateral agreement to ban all space-based

"We have a bill introduced in the U.S. Congress, and now we have a
compatible, companion world treaty ready to be signed!  What are we waiting
for?" Rosin says.   "I have had the honor of working closely with Congressman
Kucinich.  He hopes that all nation-state leaders will sign the Space
Preservation Treaty, that they will send it to the Secretary General as
Treaty Depositary and ratify it as quickly as possible.  And he supports
securing an international Treaty Conference to facilitate the signing and
ratification of the Treaty.  We have a champion in the U.S..  All we need is
for Canada to initiate a Treaty Conference and we can get a ban on
space-based weapons in 2002."

"Now is the time for all nation-state leaders to sign the Space Preservation
Treaty, to send it to the U.N. Secretary General as Treaty Depositary, and to
ratify it," says Webre.   "Canada and U.N. Member States may do this
individually at any time.  To facilitate this process, we call on the
Government of Canada to immediately convene an emergency Space Preservation
Treaty Conference."


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