-Caveat Lector-


The Pioneer

Wednesday, December 2, 1998

The Gene Campaign, an organisation fighting for the protection of
rights of Indian farmers, has urged the Union government to cancel
the licence granted to the US-based multinational Monsanto to
conduct field trials as it "lacked transparency in its

Gene Campaign convenor Suman Sahai, in a statement here, said the
interests and goals of Indian agriculture and Monsanto company were
diametrically opposite and the latter was in the process of
terminator technology for self destructing seeds.

"What is good for monsanto is not good for us."

Our goals are food and nutritional security for our people and
maintaining genetic diversity and easy availability of seeds in all
agro-climatic zones," Dr Sahai added.

Dr Sahai, a noted bio-technologist, questioned the motives of
Monsanto conducting field trials on cotton crop in 40 places in
India when it could conduct similar tests in the US which had five
times more agricultural land where the BT cotton variety was

"Probably, to escape the critical scrutiny and expensive field
trials, that company had selected India."

Dr Sahai said the gene terminator technology was against nature and
was one of the "most dangerous developments'' in agriculture.

"There can be nothing more perverse in the field of agriculture
than to create seeds that were sterile,'' she said.

``By throwing out the US-based multinational, India must send a
message to others that the country was not a dumping ground for
toxic wastes, untested vaccines or undesirable seeds,'' Dr Sahai

PTI adds from Hyderabad: Monsanto India and Maycho on Tuesday ruled
out the use of terminator gene technology in its ongoing field
trials, with genetically-improved bollgard cotton crops either now
or in future.

``We are only using a bacterium from the soil called BT (bacillus
thuringiensis) to protect cotton ball from the dreaded bollworm. It
is a more cost effective method for Indian farmers than using
insecticides,'' said Mr M K Sharma, managing director, Mahyco, and
Monsanto manager V Meena.

The selective field trials-cum-demonstrations at 41 places and
would always be fully in accordance with the statutory requirements
and guidelines spelled out by the department of biotechnology, they

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