-Caveat Lector-




August 13, 2001

[This is the fourth in a series of articles by the author based on the
premise that Chandra Levy's disappearance and presumed death resulted from
information she could have uncovered from Bureau of Prison records as part
of her official duties there. (See bottom of this article for reference to
earlier articles.)]

Whether or not Chandra actually had knowledge of the two massive government
cover-ups discussed in this article, the possibility or perception that she
did (or was actively pursuing either of them) would make her dangerous to
powerful people and would be reason enough for her elimination.

Before rejecting the idea that a "mere" intern could have such an impact,
the reader should delve into Chandra's background as discussed in this
writer's article "Chandra's Dangerous Knowledge." The information in that
article came mostly from an in-depth story by Washington Times reporter
Frank Murray. Chandra was not an "ordinary" intern.

Chandra was peripherally involved in the Oklahoma City bombing story as she
worked with journalists and TV personalities arranging coverage of Timothy
McVeigh's execution.

One of the key figures discussed in previous articles was Dr. Louis Jolyon
West. (There is a minor flap on the Internet over the spelling of his
middle name, at least three versions of which have appeared in various
documents and stories.)

Dr. West was one of the premiere scientists involved in mind control
experiments, supported by the CIA. He worked closely with Sidney Gottlieb,
director of the CIA's infamous MK-ULTRA mind control program.

West allegedly visited McVeigh up to seventeen times in prison and may (it
is speculated) have been instrumental in persuading McVeigh to remain
silent about coconspirators in the OKC bombing.

This becomes plausible when coupled with McVeigh's claim that he was
implanted with a (biotelemetric) microchip during the Gulf war. Mind
control researcher Alex Constantine has documented (in his article, "The
Good Soldier") the tremendous scientific advances made in mind control
since the early days of Gottlieb and West's experiments with LSD. (West is
said to have accidentally killed a bull elephant with an overdose of LSD,
possibly leading to his nickname of "Jolly.")

But West may also have changed the course of recorded history in relation
to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Again in a prison venue, Dr. West "examined" Jack Ruby after his conviction
for killing alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. At the time, Ruby had been
begging Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Earl Warren to bring him to
Washington so he could tell his complete story. Warren refused, for
security reasons, but condescended to meet with Ruby at the prison.

In a somewhat rambling (drug induced?) conversation with Warren, Ruby again
pleaded with Warren to be left alone in the room with the Chief Justice,
which was refused. Ruby was portrayed in the media as being paranoid and
incoherent in that interview. Ruby died in prison, reportedly of cancer,
before his appeal had been heard.

Dr. West was one of a number of psychiatrists "appointed" by the court to
examine Ruby. Several years later, before the House Select Committee on
Assassinations, chaired by liberal Democrat Louis Stokes of Ohio, Alan
Adelson (a Southfield, Michigan attorney who had represented both Jack Ruby
and his brother Earl) testified about Dr. West's involvement.

Adelson said West was the last psychiatrist to deal with Ruby (Jack) and
the only one to diagnose paranoia. All the other psychiatrists and
psychologists were working with attorney F. Lee Bailey developing a
"psychomotor epilepsy" defense for Ruby, he said. Adelson also added that
he (Adelson) had extensive conversations with West about Jack's paranoia,
both in Dallas and Detroit.

The select committee issued a controversial report concluding that
President Kennedy had been killed by a conspiracy involving more than one

Adelson died around 1986 at the age of 55. Dr. West passed away in January
of 1999 at his home in Los Angeles, reportedly of cancer, at the age of 74
shortly after stories surfaced on the web about his visits to McVeigh.

What would Ruby have said to Earl Warren in a one on one? We will never

Another government coverup waiting to unravel, which could be triggered by
records at the Bureau of Prisons, covers a litany of names familiar to
researchers of CIA involvement in drug and arms smuggling.

Carlos Lehder (Rivas), a cofounder of the Medellin drug cartel in Columbia,
was tried in the U.S. and sentenced to life plus 135 years in prison. In
return for his "key" testimony against former Panamanian dictator (and CIA
asset) Manuel Noriega, Lehder's sentence was reduced to fifty-five years,
reportedly without the possibility of parole.

During Chandra's tenure at the Bureau of Prisons, a major story on the
Internet (with convincing documentation) involves claims that Lehder is out
of prison and traveling freely around the world. A separate rumor (not
confirmed) is that Lehder is in Russia helping the CIA to set up drug
distribution networks.

Both Lehder and Noriega are said to have extensive knowledge of the CIA's
involvement in drug smuggling and distribution. At Noriega's trial in Miami
the federal judge suppressed all mention of the CIA, much as the federal
judge in McVeigh's Denver trial refused to let witnesses testify about the
government's prior knowledge of the OKC bombing and probable involvement of
government agents.

Could Chandra have come across any Bureau of Prison records that confirm
any part of either of these two blockbuster issues? Just a visitor's log
confirming West's visits to McVeigh or documentation of Lehder's release
from prison could have proved fatal to Chandra.

The author's next article will pose a number of questions that either need
answers or apparently have never been asked.

Related articles available on request from [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

Condit's Rock and a Hard Place

Chandra's Dangerous Knowledge

Condit: The Circling of the Wagons

Permission is granted to reproduce this article in its entirety.

The author is a free lance writer based in Romulus, Michigan. He is a
former newspaper editor and investigative reporter, a retired customs
administrator and accountant, and a student of history and the U.S.

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             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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