-Caveat Lector-


    from:  http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a36881c4c38df.htm

 Los Angeles Times - DAILY PILOT
 Saturday, December 26, 1998 By HUSEIN MASHN

 Fund-raising probe finds "serious problems," Cox says

    Republican congressman hints that link between Democratic
    Party and sale of satellites to China will be 'shocking.'

 WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Serious problems have been uncovered by
 a six-month congressional investigation into the connection
 between Democratic Party fund raising and the transfer of
 sensitive satellite technology to the People's Republic of
 China, says Rep. Chris Cox of Newport Beach, who oversaw the

 The classified final draft of the $1.5 million, 1,800-page
 study will be completed today, Cox said.

 "The select committee has uncovered exceptionally serious
 problems in the area of our jurisdiction," Cox said. "If it
 was publicly known, it would be shocking, indeed." Cox
 chaired the select committee, which includes members of both
 parties who looked into an alleged transfer of sensitive
 satellite technology to China from Loral Space &
 Communications Co. and Hughes Electronics Corp.

 Loral received a waiver from the Clinton administration to
 sell the technology, which the congressional committee
 alleges could be a threat to national security. The waiver
 was granted while the Justice Department was investigating
 Loral Chairman Bernard Schwartz, who gave the Clinton-Gore
 re-election campaign more than $600,000, more than any other
 single contributor.

 "I've really been working long hours with members of my
 staff to meet the Jan. 2 deadline," Cox said. "We have
 finished the investigation and are now writing the report."
 Cox said criminal investigations also are being conducted
 regarding transactions between Loral, Hughes Aircraft and

 Although the report is classified and has been successfully
 guarded from being leaked to the media, Cox said the select
 committee will attempt to "declassify as much of the report
 as possible," by early next year.

 "We have in recent months been focusing on [Chinese]
 espionage directed against U.S. military technology," Cox
 said earlier this week. "We'll have Christmas Day off, but
 then we'll be back to work Saturday."


 On Chris Cox's page is a link to

 which gives:

 Wednesday, August 19, 1998

 China inquiry is under veil of secrecy

 GOVERNMENT: Cox and other committee members begin hearing
 from analysts about the rocket/satellite explosion and


 The Orange County Register

 WASHINGTON -- Code-word classification. Secure space.
 Security briefing. It sounds very Tom Clancy-ish. But those
 phrases have become part of Rep. Christopher Cox's
 vocabulary as his select committee on China has gotten down
 to work. For three days this week, the nine-member panel is
 hearing from top intelligence community analysts.

 Just what happened in February 1996 when a Chinese rocket
 exploded when it was about to launch an American sat? And in
 that aftermath, did Loral Space Systems, the satellite's
 builder, pass on secrets to the Chinese government? If so,
 why should we care?

 So far, everything the committee has been told has come via
 classified, secure briefings. In a town where leaks and
 partisan bickering are as expected as a hot, humid August,
 so far Cox, R-Newport Beach, and the ranking Democrat, Rep.
 Norman Dicks of Washington, have managed to keep rank
 politics out of this inquiry. And they are being very
 careful not to divulge anything that might remotely resemble
 a leak.

 What they will say is that after listening to the country's
 highest-level intelligence community officials, they want to
 not only know about what information the Chinese got but
 whether the Chinese passed on that information to unsavory
 regimes that could use them for no good. "When technology is
 transferred to Beijing it doesn't stop there," Cox said in
 an interview this week. "There is substantial evidence of
 technology transfers to countries that pose a much more
 serious short-term threat to the United States."

 When the committee meets, security is tight. Even the room
 where the panel meets — tucked away in the Capitol's attic —
 is unknown to most members of Congress. To get there,
 members use an unmarked elevator, set apart from the
 Capitol's crypt by a burgundy velvet rope. A sign reads:
 "Authorized Personnel Only." The elevator opens onto a stark
 white hallway. A heavy door is shut. There's a combination
 lock on the outside. A Capitol Police officer stands guard.
 The windowless hearing room is routinely swept for
 electronic surveillance.

 As the ranking Democrat on the Select Committee on
 Intelligence, Dicks is one of four House members who have
 such a high security clearance that they are entitled to
 know virtually everything the intelligence community does.
 House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Minority Leader Rep. Richard
 Gephardt, D-Mo.,  and Intelligence committee Chairman Rep.
 Porter Goss, R-Fla., are the others.

 For the life of his panel, Cox has been added to that group.
 Experts watching the committee are not surprised there have
 not been any leaks thus far. First, they say, there's not
 much to leak yet. Second, members take such national
 security concerns very seriously. John Pike, head of the
 space project for the Federation of American Scientists, a
 Washington-based arms control think tank, says the secrecy
 may add to the legitimacy of the panel. "I think it's going
 to be an awful lot easier to keep the political truce and
 make this a serious investigation if it completely avoids
 any odor of a show trial," Pike said.

 Dicks said partisanship would be inevitable at public,
 televised sessions. "When they (Republicans) say something
 our side thinks is blaming Clinton, Democrats are going to
 jump in and blame it on Bush and Reagan," Dicks said during
 an interview this week. "That's Politics 101. Both sides
 should say this was a bipartisan policy. What we have to
 find out is whether it was wrong." Dicks and Cox agree that
 they've narrowed the scope of what they're going to do in
 the next five months to three areas:

 Missiles and rockets: This centers on the Loral incident and
 whether and what terminology was transferred, and to whom.

 Manufacturing: This refers to the McDonnell Douglas sale to
 the Chinese government of a manufacturing plant in Ohio that
 ended up being used to manufacture cruise missiles.

 Supercomputers: The question here is whether computers sold
 to China supposedly for commercial reasons are really being
 used for military purposes.

 Cox says he expects eventually there will be a public airing
 of the investigation. "Right now, we're kicking the tires on
 the government's investigations so we can uncover additional
 facts," Cox said. "Any information enterprised by our
 committee is likely to be unclassified" and could be aired
 in an open setting. The panel's investigative staff includes
 Democrats and Republicans. Most are on loan from the
 security agencies. Six come from the FBI, three from the CIA
 and four from the Pentagon.

 Defense and military experts hope the committee answers the
 broader question of what to do about foreign satellite
 launches and not just on what happened in this case. "I
 think slowly people are coming to recognize that these
 Chinese launch controversies are a tip of an iceberg of
 difficulties," said Henry Sokolsi, executive director of the
 Non-Proliferation Policy Education Center and a senior
 official in the Bush Pentagon. "This has to do with
 Americans' increasing reliance on foreign launch services

 From: powell (throw.them.out) *
 12/28/98 16:31:16 PST


 To: Vegas

 Well well. What have we here? Is this the sound of the
 "other shoe dropping"? When Shippers (sp?)reviewed the
 Justice files on campaign finance and did not follow up, I
 hoped that he was deferring to the Cox investigation and did
 not want to "clutter up" or delay the impeachment. The
 timing of the Cox report (just before the Senate convenes),
 will turn up the heat on BC to resign (probably by the State
 of the Union Address). I believe that the Republican members
 of the Judicial Committee knew this would happen, and would
 take the heat off them and insure that BC would resign
 without a trial.

 BC can pardon Gore before he leaves office and Gore can
 pardon him after the election in 2000. What a perfect ending
 to this tragic soap opera!

 I can dream can't I?

 From: res ipsa loquitur () *
 12/28/98 16:40:24 PST


 To: Jeff Head

 The Democrat Party of the US needs to be disqualified as a
 political party in this nation due to high treason, just as
 the Communist Party was in the forties and fifties.

 To think that a national party would sell state secrets to
 the Chinese for political contributions is mindboggeling.

 It is time for true Americans to stand up and demand that
 the treasonous Democratic Party be outlawed. Yes Mr.
 Dershoshits your party committed treason.

 From: dontlookback (hi) *
 12/28/98 16:41:36 PST


 To: Vegas

 "Suspecting that any nuclear technology would be used to
 provide a scientific and technical infrastructure for the
 nuclear weapon program, Washington has urged China (and
 Russia) not to sell any nuclear technology to Iran. However,
 the U.S. response is complicated by the fact that Chinese
 nuclear technology transfers to Iran may not violate the
 NPT, although they may contradict U.S. laws, including the
 Iran-Iraq Arms Nonproliferation Act, Arms Export Control
 Act, and the Export-Import Bank Act. In April 1995, in
 discussions with Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen at the
 U.N.,  Secretary of State Christopher shared intelligence
 and tried to persuade the Chinese to halt the controversial
 nuclear sales to Iran. At a press conference on April 17,
 1995, Secretary Christopher said that Iran "is simply too
 dangerous with its intentions and its motives and its
 designs to justify nuclear cooperation of an allegedly
 peaceful character." However, Qian Qichen publicly
 disagreed, saying "there is no international law or
 international regulation or international agreement that
 prohibits such cooperation on the peaceful use of nuclear
 energy." U.S. policy is also complicated by the fact that
 Westinghouse Electric Corporation[CBS] and General Electric
 [NBC] Corporation are interested in selling nuclear energy
 equipment to China. "

 The quote is a couple of years old. They are going to build
 plants in China. Go check the PRNewswires. Done deal. No

 From: Boyd () *
 12/28/98 16:48:25 PST


 To: Jeff Head

 Bingo, this could be what Drudge is referring too, and would
 sink Clinton and anyone who has taken contributions from
 Loral, Hughes, etc. This has always bothered me more than
 Monicagate, since it means China could probably blind or
 bring down all our spy satellites. Is China going hard on
 the dissidents because they want to send us a message that
 we (U.S.) better not try anything now?

 By the way, are they still prosecuting fornicators in Gem

 From: hadrian () *
 12/28/98 17:02:01 PST


 To: Vegas

 Loral Chairman Bernard Schwartz, who gave the Clinton-Gore
 re-election campaign more than $600,000, more than any other
 single contributor.

 That may be what he gave the Clinton/Gore campaign but when
 contributions to other Democrats and the DNC is considered,
 Scwartz gave millions. And he has not stopped. Bernie kicked
 back another $350,000 to a DNC PAC this past fall.

 From: LarryLied ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *
 12/28/98 17:06:17 PST


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