-Caveat Lector-

Natural gas source found off coast of Gaza Strip
Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press

>From Time to Time: Nando's in-depth look at the 20th century


WASHINGTON (September 9, 1999 6:30 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) - An
explorer searching for ancient shipwrecks found a large undersea field
seeping natural gas off the coast of the Gaza Strip and Egypt.

The discovery by marine geologist Robert Ballard was announced Thursday by
the National Geographic Society, which sponsored his research.

In June, a natural gas reservoir was found undersea off the Israeli city of
Ashdod, north of Gaza, estimated to be able to produce 30 million cubic feet
of gas per day.

Ballard's discovery indicates the gas field extends south, along the full
length of the Gaza Strip and the coast of Egypt.

"That was just one hole," Ballard said of the Ashdod well. "If you were to
exploit this field you would have many rigs ... so clearly it's sizable."

But politics could complicate development of the field's natural gas.

The Gaza Strip, along the coast of southern Israel adjacent to the border
with Egypt, is jointly administered by Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

Ballard said he has not been in touch with either the Israeli or Palestinian
officials about the find, but is confident both know of it because an
Israeli observer was on board his research vessel, along with Palestinian
crew members.

Moshe Friedman, spokesman for the Israeli Infrastructure Ministry, said
Thursday that he had not heard of the natural gas fields and would not be
able to comment without more details.

On the same research trip, Ballard also located the wrecks of two ancient
Phoenician ships, the oldest vessels ever discovered in the deep sea, dating
from about 750 B.C. It was that search that led to the gas discovery, he

"It turned out that the Phoenician ships have a particular sonar signature,"
Ballard explained. "We were using sonar to get what we call an acoustic
signature and ran around the ships at different angles."

He said they would find a depression in the sea floor and something hard
within the depression - the hard object turned out to be the ships.

After the researchers finished their work on the Phoenician ships, they
steamed along the coast to look for other sunken vessels.

The sonar detected what appeared to be hundreds of ships.

"We said, 'That can't be true,"' Ballard recalled. "So we sent the Jason
vehicle down, which can actually see, and in these depressions were deposits
caused by seepage coming in contact with ocean and rising from deposits was
gas. I realized what we had found because I'm a geologist," Ballard said.

"The bubbles expanded in size as they rose toward the surface of the sea,"
he added.

The long narrow depressions were probably associated with cracks in the
earth that create a way for the gas to escape from underground reservoirs,
he said.

Ballard also reported finding concentrations of tube worms and beds of clams
surrounding the vents. These were similar to those he found surrounding
hydrothermal vents near the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific, he said.

The Galapagos worms marked the first discovery of living things that used
chemical energy rather that relying on the sun for energy.

Ballard, president of the Institute for Exploration in Mystic, Conn., is a
longtime ocean explorer, probably best known for locating the wreck of the
Titanic in the cold, dark waters of the North Atlantic.

In addition to the National Geographic Society and his Institute for
Exploration, Ballard's research off the Israeli coast was sponsored by the
Office of Naval Research, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and Leon
Levy Expeditions.


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