-Caveat Lector-

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OTTAWA -  An international commission is recommending a temporary moratorium
on large exports of fresh water from the Great Lakes.

Several companies want to ship billions of litres of water from Canada's
lakes and rivers to parts of the United States and Asia.

But in a report released in Ottawa and Washington on Wednesday, the
International Joint Commission said the bulk sale of water should be stopped
for at least six months.

Water levels on four of the five Great Lakes are low, the commission warned,
and the ecosystem is in danger. According to the report:

"...it is not possible at this time to identify, with any confidence, all the
adverse consequences of water removals..."
Ottawa is expected to follow the commission's advice and impose a temporary
Next month it's expected to go one step further by introducing legislation to
ban large-scale water exports for good. It plans to introduce amendments to
the International Boundary Waters Treaty Act, which will prohibit removals of
water from boundary waters such as the Great Lakes.
"We hear people say that the lakes represent 20 per cent of the world's fresh
water supply," says Leonard Legault, chair of the IJC. "That's simply not the
Legault says only one per cent of the water in the Great Lakes can ever be
replaced from rain or snow.
"Once you go beyond the one per cent of water that's renewable, you are no
longer turning on the tap. You are mining the water."
Some analysts predict the ban will anger companies hoping to make a profit
selling water, which will trigger several lawsuits against the federal
The federal government says the provinces must cooperate by restricting the
number of permits issued for groundwater. Ontario says it's already done
this, and will cooperate with even stricter controls from Ottawa.


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