-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

-------------- TODAY'S HEADLINES ---------------

Buchanan bolts GOP for Reform Party
Donald Trump quits GOP for Reform Party
Clinton presses on Social Security
Sen. John Chafee dies
Chafee's son could move to Senate
First Lady has birthday fund-raiser
Female politicians, media studied
Missouri Gov. apologizes for blackface
Candidates spend more than $1 million to win no delegates
Top officeholders encourage Ohio candidate

------------------CapitolWatch Insider--------------------

1.  Incoming Democratic National Committee chairman and Philadelphia Mayor Ed
Rendell told reporters that he wants to see a Gore-Bradley ticket in 2000
because "I don't know where else Al would find anybody who would really
help."  That comment provoked howls of protest from a number of prominent
2.  James Carville to reporters:  "Gingrich is gone, Starr is gone. A guy
can't have any fun in this town any more."
3.  He's wrong:  Newly crowned Miss America Heather French is an avid


CapitolWatch Insider provides news from the inner workings of our nation's
capital, including upcoming legislation, what's happening behind the scenes,
and how the actions of Congress really affect you. The first person to
correctly identify the author of the Tiresias column will receive a copy of
Congressional Quarterly's "Politics in America - 2000," due to be published
this summer.

------------------CapitolWatch Insider--------------------


>Buchanan announces decision to join Reform Party
OCTOBER 25, 1999

U.S. House of Representatives

E-mail your Representative:

House Roll Call Vote: 516
Description: Waiving points of order against the conference report to
accompany              H.R. 2670  Commerce, State, Justice Appropriations for
F.Y. 2000
Date: 10/20/99  Bill: H.RES.335
Action: On Ordering the Previous Question
Result: PASSED
Yea = 221  Nay = 204  Not Voted = 8
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 517
Description: Waiving points of order against the conference report to
accompany              H.R. 2670  Commerce, State, Justice Appropriations for
F.Y. 2000
Date: 10/20/99  Bill: H.RES.335
Action: On Agreeing to the Resolution
Result: PASSED
Yea = 221  Nay = 204  Not Voted = 8
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 518
Description: Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and
               Related Agencies Appropriations Act, FY 2000
Date: 10/20/99  Bill: H.R.2670
Action: On Agreeing to the Conference Report
Result: PASSED
Yea = 215  Nay = 213  Not Voted = 6
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 519
Description: Mink of Hawaii Amendment
Date: 10/20/99  Bill: H.R.2
Action: On Agreeing to the Amendment
Result: failed
Yea = 28  Nay = 311  Not Voted = 111
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 521
Description: Armey of Texas Amendment
Date: 10/21/99  Bill: H.R.2
Action: On Agreeing to the Amendment
Result: failed
Yea = 166  Nay = 257  Not Voted = 10
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 522
Description: Payne of New Jersey Amendment
Date: 10/21/99  Bill: H.R.2
Action: On Agreeing to the Amendment
Result: failed
Yea = 208  Nay = 215  Not Voted = 10
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 523
Description: Roemer of Indiana Amendment
Date: 10/21/99  Bill: H.R.2
Action: On Agreeing to the Amendment
Result: failed
Yea = 243  Nay = 181  Not Voted = 9
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 525
Description: Ehlers of Michigan Amendment
Date: 10/21/99  Bill: H.R.2
Action: On Agreeing to the Amendment
Result: failed
Yea = 360  Nay = 62  Not Voted = 11
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 526
Description: Student Results Act
Date: 10/21/99  Bill: H.R.2
Action: On Passage
Result: PASSED
Yea = 358  Nay = 67  Not Voted = 8
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 527
Description: Waiving points of order against the conference report to
accompany H.R. 2466    Department of the Interior and Related Agencies
Appropriations Act
Date: 10/21/99  Bill: H.RES.337
Action: On Agreeing to the Resolution
Result: PASSED
Yea = 228  Nay = 196  Not Voted = 9
Richard E. Neal voted No.

U.S. Senate

E-mail your Senator:

Senate Vote Number: 335
Description: Motion to Table Durbin Amendment No. 2319
Date: 10/20/99  Bill: S.1692
Result: PASSED
Yea = 61  Nay = 38  Not Voted = 1
Edward M. Kennedy voted No.
John F. Kerry voted No. Senate Vote Number: 334Description: Motion to Table
Santorum Amendment No. 2322Date: 10/20/99  Bill: S.1692Action: Result:
failedYea = 36  Nay = 63  Not Voted = 1Edward M. Kennedy voted Yes.
John F. Kerry voted Yes. Senate Vote Number: 333Description: Motion to Table
the Motion to Reconsider Roll Call No. 332Date: 10/20/99  Bill: S.1692Action:
Result: PASSEDYea = 53  Nay = 47  Not Voted = 0Edward M. Kennedy voted No.
John F. Kerry voted No. Senate Vote Number: 332Description: Motion to Proceed
to Consideration of S.1692Date: 10/20/99  Bill: S.1692Action: Result:
PASSEDYea = 52  Nay = 48  Not Voted = 0Edward M. Kennedy voted No.
John F. Kerry voted No. Senate Vote Number: 331Description: Motion to Invoke
Cloture on Reid Amdt. No. 2299Date: 10/19/99  Bill: S.1593Action: Result:
failedYea = 53  Nay = 47  Not Voted = 0Edward M. Kennedy voted Yes.
John F. Kerry voted Yes. Senate Vote Number: 330Description: Motion to Invoke
Cloture on Daschle Amdt. No. 2298Date: 10/19/99  Bill: S.1593Action: Result:
failedYea = 52  Nay = 48  Not Voted = 0Edward M. Kennedy voted Yes.
John F. Kerry voted Yes. Buchanan bolts GOP for Reform PartyFALLS CHURCH, Va.
(AP) - Rallying followers to ``a new patriotism,'' lifelong Republican Pat
Buchanan abandoned the GOP today to run for the Reform Party presidential
nomination. ``Our vaunted two-party system has become a snare and a delusion,
a fraud upon the nation,'' he said.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/10_26story10.htmlDonald Trump quits GOP for
Reform PartyNEW YORK (AP) - Billionaire real estate developer Donald Trump
quit the Republican Party on Monday and joined New York's wing of the Reform
Party, setting the stage for a possible presidential nomination battle with
Pat Buchanan. http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/10_26story1.htmlClinton
presses on Social SecurityWASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton challenged
Republicans on Saturday to improve upon their pledges that they would avoid
using Social Security surpluses to pay for other budget needs.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/10_26story11.htmlSen. John Chafee
diesPROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - John Chafee, Rhode Island's longtime Republican
senator and former governor who earned praise even from Democrats for his
moderate stance on issues, has died. He was 77.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/10_26story2.htmlChafee's son could move to
SenatePROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - John Chafee's death could elevate his son
Lincoln, 46-year-old mayor of Rhode Island's second-largest city, into his
father's U.S. Senate seat - at least temporarily.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/10_26story12.htmlFirst Lady has birthday
fund-raiserNEW YORK (AP) - For the first lady who has everything - except the
title ``Senator'' - it was the perfect birthday gift: Her own Broadway show
and a million bucks in the bank.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/10_26story3.htmlFemale politicians, media
studiedWASHINGTON (AP) - The way newspapers cover female candidates,
detailing their age, marital status, appearance - even hair color - is a
barrier for women seeking election to public office, said a study released
today. http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/10_26story4.htmlMissouri Gov.
apologizes for blackfaceJEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) - Gov. Mel Carnahan
apologized Monday for appearing in blackface at a minstrel show 39 years ago,
and lashed out at Republicans for unearthing a 1960 photo of the performance.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/10_26story5.htmlCandidates spend more than
$1 million to win no delegatesWASHINGTON (AP) - Free from the $1.1 million
spending limit that binds other GOP presidential candidates in Iowa, George
W. Bush and Steve Forbes each poured $800,000 into the state's Republican
straw poll, which selected no delegates.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/10_26story6.htmlTop officeholders encourage
Ohio candidateCOLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Voters should keep a Republican in the
mayor's office rather than take a chance on putting Democrats in charge of
City Hall, GOP candidate Dorothy Teater said Monday.
http://www.capitolwatch.com/story/10_26story7.htmlAP content Copyright (c)
1999 The Associated Press*************************Copyright 1999 Netivation,
Inc.  All rights reserved.  CapitolWatch News services are for personal use
only.  Commercialuse or distribution in any form, printed or
electronic,requires prior written consent of Netivation,
Inc.*************************Contact CapitolWatch Customer
Servicehttp://www.capitolwatch.com/contactus.htmlor E-mail CapitolWatch
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**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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