-Caveat Lector-

     --who also said "I did not have 'sex' with 'that woman.'"  "TRUST me ..."

China Said Uninterested in Panama

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Clinton administration sees nothing to indicate that
the Chinese have any desire to control the Panama Canal, a Pentagon spokesman
said Tuesday in response to congressional concern about a Hong Kong-based
company's management of canal ports.

``It's an issue within the Panamanian government's control and one that we
look at and do not consider to be a security issue or a security threat to
the United States at all,'' Adm. Craig Quigley said at a Pentagon news

Panamanian officials also have dismissed fears that the 20-year arrangement
with Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. will give China control over the waterway after
the United States gives up the canal at the end of the year.

The company will manage access to ports at both the Pacific and Atlantic
entrances to the canal.

Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., has sent a letter to President
Clinton raising concern about the matter and to the Senate Armed Services
Committee calling for hearings, now planned next month.

``We have nothing to indicate that the Chinese have the slightest desire to
somehow control the Panama Canal,'' Quigley said. ``And we don't consider
this a security issue at all. Is it a business issue.''

Quigley said it is an issue within the Panamanian government and involves a
deal with ``a well-established businessman.''

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