-Caveat Lector-

China Opposes US Shield for Taiwan

BEIJING (AP) -- China called on the United States Thursday to exclude rival
Taiwan from a planned anti-missile defense shield and not undermine Beijing's
efforts to reunify with the island.

China fears that incorporating Taiwan in a regional missile shield being
researched by the United States and Japan would strengthen resistance in
Taiwan to reunification.

A U.S. Defense Department report submitted to Congress cited China's buildup
of missiles along its southeastern coast facing Taiwan as a reason to
consider including the island in the missile shield, called the theater
missile defense, or TMD.

That report ``is trying to whip up the public opinion to justify the sales of
sophisticated weapons to Taiwan,'' Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu
Bangzao said.

Washington must ``stop sales of sophisticated weapons and explicitly pledge
not to sell TMD system and related technology and equipment to Taiwan and not
conduct activities that will hinder the reunification cause of China,'' Zhu

Selling Taiwan missile defenses or incorporating it into a regional system
would be ``severe interference in China's internal affairs and not conducive
to the stability across the Taiwan Strait,'' Zhu said. ``The Chinese
government expresses its strong dissatisfaction and full opposition to

The United States agreed in 1982 not to sell Taiwan high-technology weapons.

China and Taiwan have only been ruled by the same government for five of the
last 100 years. Taiwan was a Japanese colony before World War II. China and
Taiwan separated politically during the Chinese civil war in 1949. Since
then, Taiwan has in part relied on U.S. support to deter China from invading.

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