Gotcha! Chip Implant Offer Taken Very

It was a deal that sounded too bad to be true.  But to some folks it
sounded good enough to sign up.  The company would pay you
$250, and all you had to do was have one of their computer chips
installed in your hand so it could track how you used your computer

Within a few days, not only did 100 people sign up for chip implant,
but the site was scoured by unknown officials from America's leading
corporations and military components.

Shocked at the response, "proprietor Bill Cross" decided September
21 to pull the plug on his web site,, and announce it
was all a hoax.  He described it as the Internet's version of "The War
of The Worlds," the realistic Orson Wells radio show that convinced
some listeners that the Martians were invading, even prompting a few
to jump out windows.

It appeared nobody jumped out of windows after visiting,
but some Christian fundamentalists certainly hit the roof.  "Are you
people completely stupid, mindless, or just simply evil?" asked one
angry e-mail. "Taking a chip, as an implant, is called "taking the Mark
Of The Beast". Period. It is taking Satan's mark, of ownership. Which
obviously you have already done. Enjoy your time in Hell, eternity."

But some people were ready to jump in.  Cross estimated that among
the 125 people who volunteered to have the chip implanted, between
40 and 75 were serious.  He said this caught him off guard, and
persuaded him to remove the fields from the application form in which
people volunteered sensitive data, like their credit card numbers.
(Cross said that he destroyed all personal data provided by these

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the "experiment" was the
attention paid to it by the "military industrial complex."  The most
active visitors to the Web site included unknown persons from
Microsoft, IBM, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Air Force,
Navy, NASA, Intellimark and American International Group (AIG).
Intellimark is a high-tech "applications" company that works with the
military and also is involved in the electronic patient record.  AIG is a
"world leader in insurance and financial services."

Cross listed these organizations as the most active visitors because
they spent the most time at the Web site, and visited every page.  For
instance, 83 visitors came from the IBM Internet connection, resulting
in 737 "page views," lasting almost 5 and1/2 hours.  There were 18
visitors from, resulting in 283 "page views," lasting nearly 1
and 1/2 hours; 12 visitors from, 319 "page views,"
lasting nearly 2 hours.  The Air Force: 17 visits, 247 "page views," 2
hours.  The Navy: 15 visits, 193 page views, one hour.  NASA: 24
visits, 193 page views, 1 and 1/2 hours.  Boeing: 14 visits, 192 page
views, under 1 hour.

The site received some 6,800 visitors in 48 hours.  Cross said he
couldn't always distinguish between serious and humorous visitors.
He said hoax was merely part of a project to create a comedy Web

"If this project had been done not as a spoof but rather as a genuine
hoax by someone less benign than myself, I am thoroughly convinced
that it would have led to a cataclysmic event," he wrote.
Revelation 13:15-18
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the
image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as
would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and
bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the
name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of
the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred
threescore and six.
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