-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Saturday, May 19 2:48 AM SGT

Civil Liberties Groups Oppose 'Stealth' Web Blocking
WASHINGTON, D.C., U.S.A., 2001 MAY 18 (NB) -- By David McGuire, Newsbytes.
A clutch of civil liberties groups on Thursday publicly denounced the
practice by some Internet service providers (ISPs) of surreptitiously
blocking Internet users from viewing certain Web sites.

Led by Peacefire.org - an online group that opposes mandatory Internet
filtering - the public interest groups issued a joint statement calling for
two large ISPs to end their alleged "stealth" blocking activities. Among the
groups that signed the statement were the American Civil Liberties Union, the
Electronic Privacy Information Center and the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

"If people want to block themselves voluntarily, that's up to them, but
hardly anybody who is downstream from these blocking ISPs realize that's
what's going on," Peacefire.org Webmaster Bennett Haselton said today.

The joint statement accuses AboveNet and Teleglobe - two large Internet
backbone providers - of walling off certain Web sites from their downstream

Since the two companies' downstream customers include a slew of smaller ISPs,
most of the individual Internet users affected by the so-called stealth
blocking tactics are completely unaware that their access is restricted,
Haselton said.

Haselton said he discovered the activities when he learned that Peacefire.org
was one of the sites being blocked by the two companies.

To make matters worse, Haselton contends, users who are denied access to
sites by the upstream ISPs are misled into believing that the sites in
question are having technical difficulties. Haselton said that users of the
filtered ISPs would get "site not responding" messages if they attempted to
access blocked sites.

AboveNet has abandoned most of its blocking activities, but Teleglobe
continues to filter out many sites, according to Peacefire.org.

Haselton said that most voluntary filtering products block Peacefire.org,
because the site allows users to download software designed to disable
Internet filters.

But Haselton said Teleglobe and AboveNet appear not to have been targeting
Peacefire.org directly with their filters. Rather, Haselton said, the ISPs
were apparent subscribers to the MAPS (mail abuse prevention system) list of
known spammers.

Since Peacefire.org's ISP is listed as a provider that hosts spammers,
AboveNet and Teleglobe filtered all content hosted on the ISP, Haselton said.

Neither AboveNet nor Teleglobe responded to requests for interviews on this



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