-Caveat Lector-

But the historic significance of the day was undercut by the fact that General Clark's testimony was delivered in secret, an unusual step in a tribunal that has prided itself on its openness.

The tribunal's "rules" allow the State Department to "edit" the testimony before it is made public and prohibit Clark from discussing what he said until the trial is over (that is, until after the Democratic nomination is decided), - JR

The New York Times In America

December 16, 2003

Clark Testifies Against Milosevic at Hague Tribunal


THE HAGUE, Dec. 15 — In a grenade-proof courtroom far from the battlefields of the Balkans, Slobodan Milosevic, the former Yugoslav president, came face to face on Monday with Gen. Wesley K. Clark, the former NATO supreme commander who waged war against him.

For nearly five hours, General Clark, who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, testified in closed session in a trial against the Balkan strongman, whose intransigence brought on NATO's 11-week bombing campaign in Kosovo in 1999 and added to the long list of criminal charges he is facing.

It was the first encounter between the two men since January 1999, when General Clark warned Mr. Milosevic in a tense session in Belgrade to either end his terror campaign against the ethnic Albanian population of Kosovo or be bombed. Mr. Milosevic replied by calling the general a "war criminal." The bombing started two months later.

Now it is Mr. Milosevic who is on trial as a war criminal. In the most important war crimes trial since those of the Nazis at Nuremberg, he faces 66 charges stemming from his role in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo during the breakup of the former Yugoslavia in the 1990's.

"Today Milosevic is delivered by his own people to the hands of justice in The Hague," said General Clark in an interview. "It's a powerful testament to the rule of law and the force of ideas."

The 281st witness to be called before the special court, formally known as the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, General Clark is also one of the most important. He is the most senior official from the Clinton administration to testify against Mr. Milosevic in a trial heard before three judges in black silk-trimmed robes: an Englishman, a South Korean and a Jamaican.

He served as a military representative in Ambassador Richard C. Holbrooke's delegation at Balkan peace talks in Dayton, Ohio, that led to an agreement to end the Bosnia war and has spent more than 100 hours with Mr. Milosevic. The Serbian leader figures prominently in General Clark's 2001 memoir, "Waging Modern War," an account of the planning and conduct of the war in Kosovo and the diplomacy that preceded it.

Prosecutors were expected to follow the same line of questioning they have used with many other witnesses to prove that Mr. Milosevic was aware of Serbian wartime atrocities and failed to prevent them or punish those responsible.

But the historic significance of the day was undercut by the fact that General Clark's testimony was delivered in secret, an unusual step in a tribunal that has prided itself on its openness.

The Bush administration has invoked a rule under the tribunal to allow State Department lawyers to review and edit the testimony to ensure that it does not violate American national security or intelligence sources and methods. Under universal rules of the tribunal, all witnesses are precluded from talking about their testimony until it is over.

Adding to the drama and disarray, Mr. Milosevic, who studied law but never practiced it, is serving as his own lawyer.

The former Serbian leader has tried to use his trial, which is televised in Serbia, to his political advantage at home. Throughout the trial, he has been chided by the chief judge for grandstanding and pontificating and was expected to challenge General Clark's credibility under cross-examination, which began Monday.

From his detention cell near The Hague, Mr. Milosevic, who was removed from power in 2000 and later extradited to the tribunal, is also running his own political campaign as head of his Socialist Party of Serbia's electoral list for parliamentary elections planned for Dec. 28.

In Belgrade on Monday, the European Union foreign policy envoy, Javier Solana, condemned the inclusion of Mr. Milosevic and three other suspected war criminals on the lists of candidates in Serbia's parliamentary elections.

"It is not a good idea to have on the list people who are indicted" by the tribunal, Mr. Solana told reporters before heading to The Hague on Monday evening.

A videotape of General Clark's testimony will be shown perhaps in an edited form on Friday, both at The Hague tribunal and on its Web site.

General Clark said he did not object to the delay in his testimony and was not concerned that he could be censored.

General Clark's two-day appearance in The Hague tribunal, which was paid for by the tribunal, was called a break from his campaign activities and he did not travel with his campaign staff. He was assisted by James P. Rubin, who was a senior aide to Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright and is serving as an unpaid foreign policy adviser to his campaign.

But the trial has thrust General Clark, a retired four-star general, back into the foreign policy and national security world that defined him, far away from the messiness of the political campaign

In addition, the timing of his testimony — a day after the Bush administration announced the capture of Saddam Hussein — allowed General Clark to draw attention to his own tough treatment of a dictator who was forced to back down by the first military campaign in NATO's history, and without a single American combat casualty.

"This is an important day for me but it is far more important for the people of the region," he said in the interview. "For men and women and children who were tortured, imprisoned and run out of their homes, who lived in fear because of the thugs and the paramilitaries and the heartless coercion of the Serb armed forces, the world listened. And led by the United States, we took action."

Mr. Hussein's capture also required General Clark, who has been highly critical of President Bush for conducting what he has called the wrong war at the wrong time and diverting resources from the pursuit of Al Qaeda, to adjust his message.

In the interview on Monday, General Clark called the capture "an amazing sort of coincidence in time" that Mr. Hussein was captured while Mr. Milosevic was on trial for war crimes. "This is the precedent, the first case in which we've tried a head of state for war crimes," General Clark said.

On Sunday and again on Monday he said Mr. Hussein must be brought to trial, but noted that The Hague tribunal does not allow for the death penalty and that "all options have to be on the table."

General Clark, with Mr. Rubin's help, rewrote a major foreign policy speech delivered to the Netherlands Institute for International Relations on Monday evening to include his reaction to Mr. Hussein's capture.

Calling the capture "good news" but not sufficient, he charged that Iraq "is still in danger of becoming a failed state."

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