-Caveat Lector-

Clinton Reassigns 1/3 of FBI's Drug Investigators
I was led down a dark hallway to a back room with only a single light bulb
dangling over a worn table. A man entered the room. The shadow cast by the
large brimmed hat that he wore concealed the features of his face. He asked,
"What can I do ya for?" My heart was pounding as I tried to find the words.
"I'm looking for Big John," I sputtered.
He cracked a knowing smile. "Oh, Big John. That will cost you."
I opened the brown paper bag that I was carrying and pushed a small stack of
money across the table. He quickly counted it and then scribbled an address
on a piece of paper and told me, "Bring a small pickup truck. When you get
there, ask for Louie. Tell him that Rocko sent you. He'll know what to do."
Two hours later I was the proud owner of a 5 gallon capacity toilet, an item
that is just as illegal to possess as a dime bag of Marijuana.
The Clinton Administration's crack down on large capacity toilets has led to
a black market boom in contraband potties. It is currently illegal to sell
any toilet in the U.S. with a water capacity greater than 1.3 gallons.
American consumers, however, hate the toilets and are complaining that 1.3
gallons is not enough for a decent flush. With rumors that low capacity
toilets can clog plumbing and cause bathrooms to have a constant odor,
consumers are turning to the black market. The FBI estimates that the
illegal potty market brings in nearly $500 million dollars a year. This
figure has the Clinton Administration worried.
In order to protect union jobs at U.S. toilet manufacturing companies, which
are subject to the 1.3 gallon restriction, the President has reassigned 1/3
of the FBI's illegal narcotics investigators to 'Toilet Duty'. Vice
President Al Gore defended the President's decision in a recent campaign
swing through California. Said Gore, "Large capacity toilets pose a greater
threat to America than drugs. The President's decision was necessary in
order to prevent Americans from flushing the entire planet down the drain."
Under Current Federal Law people convicted of illegal potty trafficking face
25 years to life in a Federal Prison. Unless the potty traffickers are
members of the FALN they have no hope of clemency or early parole.
© 1999 BNN (Bogus News Network - The Nation's Second Leading Source for
<http://www.bogusnews.com/> - You may Freely Distribute this story for
non-commercial use IF You Include All Copyright Info, the Website Address
and the Disclaimer.
Disclaimer: This story is totally false not one shred of it is true! It was
created for entertainment purposes ONLY. Any resemblance to the truth is
purely coincidental.

Robert F. Tatman
Computer Help Desk
Desktop & LAN Services
Systems Department
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
The contents of this message represent the opinion only of the writer, and
may not be construed to indicate the endorsement of Knight-Ridder, Inc.;
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.; The Philadelphia Inquirer; or the
Philadelphia Daily News.
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