-Caveat Lector-


Yahoo! Hong Kong - News
Wednesday, May  9 12:33 PM SGT
Clinton, Jiang hold private talks as Falungong keep up protests
HONG KONG, May 9 (AFP) -
Former US president Bill Clinton is believed to have met with Chinese
President Jiang Zemin for about an hour Wednesday as the Falungong
spiritual group held a second day of peaceful protests at a global forum
Journalists at the scene said Clinton's black BMW was among a six-
strong motorcade which arrived at Jiang's Harbour Plaza hotel at 10:30
amamid a heavy police presence.
Clinton departed at 11:45 am (0345 GMT), waving to the waiting press.
But the meeting, which had been predicted by the Hong Kong press,
could not immediately be officially confirmed.
Washington has said Clinton is travelling as a private citizen, and would
not be bearing any message from his Republican successor in the
White House, George W. Bush.
Earlier Jiang met with Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who left
just before Clinton arrived. Hong Kong Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa
was also seen driving off from the hotel.
The Chinese-language Singtao daily said Tuesday that Jiang would urge
Clinton -- whom he has met several times -- to work to improve bilateral
ties which have plummeted since Bush's inauguration in January.
Singtao said Jiang was expected to tell Clinton that China felt no
animosity towards the US, despite deteriorating relations soured by a
row over a collision between a Chinese fighter and a US spy plane, and
Washington's decision to sell a huge arms package to Beijing's rival,
Jiang was due to leave later Wednesday after a whirlwind 24-hour visit.
Clinton will close the conference on Thursday.
Police maintained a heavy presence across Hong Kong Wednesday to
deter any dissent, particularly from the Falungong spiritual group whose
members were again out in their hundreds performing peaceful
meditation exercises.
Protests against China's ban of the Buddhist-inspired group, composed
mainly of middle-aged women, continued at five spots across Hong
However, there were no early morning demonstrations at police-
designated protest areas near the Convention and Exhibition Centre in
waterfront Wanchai on the second day of the Fortune Global Forum.
Police spokesman Charles Wong defended the tight police security,
saying of 23 protests Tuesday, all but one were peaceful.
"From the figures from yesterday (Tuesday) I think it is very obvious that
we are very successful in our negotiations with the groups to try to
balance their needs," he told Hong Kong radio.
He praised officers for showing restraint, adding some had been injured
in the line of duty.
"Several officers were injured," he said. "Our officers are being hit and
punched, yes. In one incident an officer's teeth were knocked out by a
punch to the face.
"But they have been very unobstrusive and restrained."
More than 100 Falungong practioners have been barred entry to the
territory ahead of the forum -- a three-day invitation only event where
world business leaders are focusing on the theme "Next Generation
But Hong Kong's chief secretary for administration Donald Tsang
insisted the territory had the right to bar "undesirable elements".
"Some balance has to be struck so that the interests of the people in
Hong Kong is not undermined by undesirable elements," he said.
"We talk to the US and UK consulate-generals regularly and I am sure
we will explain our position satisfactorily."
Meanwhile, Wanchai police station Tuesday was beseiged after a pro-
democracy activist apparently tried to commit suicide. Police later
confirmed one man stabbed himself with a ballpoint pen while in
At the forum, overshadowed by events outside the arena, corporate
heavyweights such as Yahoo head Jerry Yang and AOL Time Warner
chief executive officer Gerry Levin locked horns on ways to shape the
strategies that will move world business in the future.

Best wishes

   Woolybooger for the day:
We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary
Americans ... -Bill Clinton (USA TODAY, 11 March 1993, page 2A)

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